Friday, December 16, 2011

Gen 49: 8-12

Judah was the first son to be addressed as far as the blessing goes. The older ones were not given as nice a treatment by Jacob but now Judah will - with good reason. Jesus is from the lineage of Judah and that's why he is referred to as the Lion of Judah who will take the throne. He will be an overcomer of his enemies and will gain the praise and respect that is due him. The tribe of Judah was the one who led Israel into war and was the one who would gain the victory. From Judah, David and Solomon would follow as their greatest kings. While their descendants would rule afterwards, most of them were not loyal and thus fostered the split between the tribes. Ultimately, Jesus would be the one who will be seated on the throne and will unite the world. Jacob described the land that Judah will have as one that is extremely properous and uses crazy analogies to prove the wealth that will be generated from the land. The person from that land will be healthy because the land is healthy as well.

Got home relatively early after the party last night even getting stuck in some construction traffic. Still a decent time and good grub. Today, I got the delivery that I was waiting for early, did my laundry and now ready to face the great outdoors.

Praise for today: Judah, your name means “praise”. And your brothers will praise you.
You will overcome your enemies.  You will be like a man who puts his hand on the neck of his enemy.
Your father’s sons will bow to give you honour. Gen. 49:8

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