Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ex 37

The next item that was to be made was the Ark which was only done by Bezalel - since God filled him with His Spirit. The details were just as were mentioned in 25. Collectively, the table, lampstand (and lamps) and the altar of incense were also made to the specifications that were mentioned in 25, 27 & 30. The end of the chapter also mentions that they made the sacred anointing oil and the pure fragrant incense - the work of a perfumer.

Interesting that we (at church) use simple cooking olive oil to anoint as mentioned in James 5. It is the power of the Lord that will make us whole. Still, it is something that we do soberly and with great faith. Sorry it took so long between posts but this part of Exodus is not exactly covering new ground since most of this was covered in earlier chapters. Still, no fault but my own. Interesting Sunday service at the church we attended, where the pastor used Mark 12: 1-12 in bring a renter v owner mentality to our lives.
They do communion every Sunday as well. I enjoy this much more than what we used to go to when we come down here. The church was morphed into a satelite church and uses video sermons which is not my speed.

Still the weather has been spectacular 70-low 80s with almost no humidity and no rain. Been to the Braves-Mets on Friday, Saturday was Epcot where we saw the Guess Who (or remnants of the original group) give a small concerts with their hits. Sunday, we went to Animal Kingdom after church, and yesterday we were at the Studios (where we said hello to an old friend who works at AI there). We also picked up GG who will be with us for the rest of the time here and a few days in NJ.

Praise for today: Do good, O Lord, to those who are good, to those who are upright in heart. Ps 125:4


  1. Yay for your son getting to be there with you for awhile! Sounds like you guys are having a great time!
