Monday, April 30, 2012

1 Chr 8: 1-28

This section delves deeper into the lineage of Benjamin's tribe than was listed in c. 7. It does make sense since Saul is from his tribe.  Some of the notables of this section - Ehud, a judge that was named in the book of Judges and v.27 Elijah although this link is not 100% connected with accuracy.

Good weekend, albeit with little to show for it other than - family obligations fulfilled. Good to see GG albeit briefly and have a family meal last night. Some stuff to do for Friday's FW and still getting through this season of sinuses.... Going to take the gym stuff easy to start, not really feeling motivated today. Can't believe we are almost in May. Enjoyed SK's video concert last night but have some TV shows to catch up on. Good ride down last night and eked out a spot. Sorry for the rambling.

Praise for today: Be exalted, O Lord, in your strength; we will sing and praise your might. Ps 21: 13

Friday, April 27, 2012

1 Chr 7:20-40

The lists now move on the Ephraim and his sons Ezer and Elead. They decided to take what was did belong to them, namely cattle and sheep. They were put to death by the locals who caught them. Ephraim had another son and named him Beriah, which because of the events surrounding him was call that because the family was "in evil". Beriah's daughter was ambitious because she "built" cities during the time of Joshua. The next section deals with the sons that were born to Asher.The sons and grandsons of Asher were born before the Israelites went to Egypt. This list of the family of Asher ends with Ulla’s sons. The list only shows the clans that came from Beriah (verse 31). In the time of David, this tribe had 26 000 soldiers ready to serve in the army.The writer ends the family lists of the tribes with Asher. He does not tell us about the families of Dan and Zebulun.

It was a decent day yesterday but a long one since I didn't leave until closer to 6. Still got back and made some lambchops with veggies (no starches) and finished it off with a fruit smoothie. Prayers for Clay's mom who is undergoing triple by-pass surgery today. Had a great video chat with Sandi Patty last night as well. It was good to catch up with her after all of these years. Also a good day on the sports front, as the Blueshirts, Knicks and the Metskis rolled. Looking forward to seeing GG this weekend and the rest of the family. The Left Coast trip is shaping up nicely, thanks Irene!

Praise for today: The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; he is their stronghold in times of trouble. Ps. 37:39

Thursday, April 26, 2012

1 Chr 7: 1-19

It seems that as I go to the descendants of Issachar and Benjamin the amount of soldiers that were counted had much meaning - perhaps as they were the "brawn" of the Israelite army. The count was probably during King David's time (2 Sam 24). The tribe of Naphtali gets honorable mention in only one verse. Manasseh's tribe was limited since they had only daughters after a period of time and could not pass the land down and thus would be asborbed into the rest. However, they pleaded with Moses to ask the Lord who allowed the change to place (Numbers 27).

Did you ever have a craving? I guess I fell victim of it yesterday and had to go and scratch the itch. Went to my local supermarket and got some fried chicken. I have learned restraint since this will last me another meal. Also got some mussels and steamed them up as well and tossed them into some pasta. Great meal! Nice to see the Mets and Knicks win (even though I got some coaxing from CC to urge the Knicks to win to help his Grizzlies).  Glad GG got in yesterday albeit on the late side and look forward to seeing him on this weekend.

Praise for today: Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. Ps. 145: 3

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

1 Chr 6: 49-81

The role and duties of the priests were very specific and very regulated as well as scheduled. The annual sacrifice that was mentioned here is told again in Leviticus 16. The list continues up until David's day. Since the Levites were not allotted land of their own as the other 11 tribes, they were granted cities in each of the 11 tribe's lands so that they can perform duties for the nation. Along with that, was the concept of the "cities of refuge".  According to the commentary:

There were 6 cities of safety. These were Hebron, Shechem, Bezer, Ramoth, Golan and Kedesh. When a person killed someone, the nearest relative of the dead person had a duty to kill him. But if the person did not intend to kill (Joshua chapter 20), he could go to the city of safety. He would live there until a judge declared him guilty or innocent.

Overall, a decent day which ended up with a phone call with GG to catch up with him. Mets win - always good as well as the rebroadcast of the Doves last night. Looking forward to 5/8 with WW's StageIt concert.

Praise today: Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Ps. 46: 10.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

1 Chr 6:31-48

The next section deals with the temple musicians which came out the lineage of priests. These are the men that David put in charge of music in the house of the Lord after the ark came to rest there. Some are referenced in the book of Psalms. They had prescribed duties and ministered with music before the tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting, until Solomon built the temple. Heman, Asaph and Ethan were the chief musicians. The rest of the Levites also served in and round the Lord’s house. Some of them guarded the gates. Some of them took care of the equipment of the tent. Other Levites helped the priests. They killed the animals and prepared them for the priests.

Interesting section since music does play a big part of worship even today. David, himself, was a musician and a songwriter as well as  dancer (?) and knew and acknowledged music as part of giving God the glory.

Good day yesterday - busy yet productive. I guess my overall stress level has been reduced given some very good BP readings. 2 losses for the offensively challenged Mets but my Rangers didn't disappoint.

Praise for today: The Lord is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one. Ps. 28:8.

Monday, April 23, 2012

I Chr 6:1-30

The book now turns its attention the lineage of the chief priest and the line of Levi. It seems that the lines of the priesthood via Aaron came through Amram.The role of the chief priest was carried down from son to son until the exile. In the case of Aaron, two of his sons were killed by the Lord given the gravity of their sin and their hearts and the third son, Eleazar carried the lineage of the priesthood. Zadok, was the chief priest during the time of King David (1000 BC). The second Elkanah was the father of Samuel the prophet who wrote the books in the OT. It was evilness that was in the hearts of Samuel's two sons that prompted the people to want a king rather than be guided by them.

While this is helpful to see where the names lay out, even the Bible has gaps with the lineage of some of the tribes given either their non-relevance or lack of information. The lineage of Levi is no exception. I am much more interested in the narrative that will follow (just like Numbers) to see the historical outlay of what happened and why.

Decent weekend, got some stuff on Sat and thanks to David for laying out the fertilizer on the grass. Saw JCS on Sat night and it was ok. Glad we paid reduced prices for it and got home before the rains came. Needless to say, wet Sunday but still a very manageable drive down here with a "primetime" parking spot. Good to see the SF connection at GFC as well.

Praise for today: Away from me, all you who do evil, for the Lord has heard my weeping. The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer. All my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed; they will turn back in sudden disgrace. Ps 6: 8-10.

Friday, April 20, 2012

1 Chr 5: 11-22; 23-26

This section deals with the descendants of Gad and the lands that they occupied in the Promised Land. Apparently, they settled in a decent place that was fertile and had a decent army to defend and expand if necessary.They along with other tribes were agressive and took over the Hagrites. They were protected and were blessed by God since this was His war. The second section deals with the 1/2 tribe of Manasseh. While they were given lands and were blessed by God, they turned their back on Him and hence the Lord sent the armies of Pui against them and they were taken into captivity.

It seems that whenever things are good for a long time, man becomes convinced that the Lord is not behind it and as a result, he turns either to himself or something/one else as the reason for the success. My prayers daily are that I am faithfully grounded in the Author and Finisher of my faith.

Looking forward to getting home this weekend. Family Worship tonight, some yard work and car stuff tomorrow morning before heading into the city that night to see JCS. Praying that the rain will wash more than my car - the pollen is crazy!

Praise for today: Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. Ps. 145:3

Thursday, April 19, 2012

1 Chr 5:1-10

Reuben was one who could have had it all but because he had sex with one of his father's wives, he was denied his listing in the genealogical records as the firstborn as his right. So the rights went to Joseph and Judah was the strongest. From Judah came the lineage of Christ. It seems that conflict and struggles were always prevalent during those times as protection and expansion of borders and assets were constant. The descendants of Reuben were no different as they waged war against the Hagrites (from Hagar) and defeat them and occupied their lands.

Good day yesterday, highlighted by the virtual concert by a good friend, Scott Krippayne. Not a bad way to spend a few bucks and in the privacy of your own home. Nice to see the family following suit.

Praise for today: Your ways, O God, are holy, What god is so great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. Ps 77: 13-14

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

1 Chr 4: 24-43

This section covers the tribe of Simeon. Apparently according to the commentary, the names of some of the descendants differ from earlier accounts of the tribe as they could have had more than one name. The head counts of some of these tribes differ from what is recorded in Numbers as timing seemed to be an issue. While Simeon's tribe decreased, the tribe of Judah increased and took control of the cities once held by Simeon's tribe. Apparently, the tribe of Simeon didn't support the tribe of Judah and was forced to leave the area and travel east during the time of Hezekiah. A small group (500) went to Mount Seir.

Decent day yesterday and the weather was still awesome. Less warm today with less sunshine and a chance of showers later which is welcomed by me since I need a free car wash.

Praise for today: Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all of the earth. Ps 108:5

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

1 Chr 4: 11-23

The name of Othniel was iminent in this section and the significance was due to his role as a judge during the book of Judges. He saved his people and ruled for a meaningful period of time. What was also significant and worth for the Bible to note was stated in v. 14. Per the commentary: There was a custom for people who had the same occupation to live in the same street or area. So, people with the same skills came together in the valley called Ge Harashim. They were probably workers in wood, iron and stone. The valley called Ge Harashim was near Jerusalem. v.15 was the Caleb,  who Joshua, was prominent in the finding of the land during the exodus with Moses. Also what was interesting was that the wife of Mered was an Egyptian princess but she was accepted and thrived because she left her gods and nation to serve the One True God and her name means "daughter of Yahweh.

Interesting cast of characters, each with their own tale and saga, drama and joys as well as dealing with their surroundings and circumstances.

Actually was a good day yesterday. Good time at the game and good company. Got home in time to see the Mets finish off the Braves and the Rangers win as well. Weather was awesome and it was good to walk around in shorts.

Praise for today: The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Ps 126:3

Monday, April 16, 2012

1 Chr 3 - 4:10

The next person addressed is David, the King of Israel who was prolific in more as a breeder as well as a ruler. 20 sons in all that were recorded but of course no mention of the daughters (other than Tamar) that he may have spawned. There may have been more with his "secondary" wives. After that are the kings of Judah - Solomon and his sons, and the royal family after the exile and the Babylonian captivity. The lineage of Judah was interesting because from there we see the familiar names of the lineage of Christ - Perez and Jabez from whom his prayer became the basis of a best selling book.

All in all, a decent weekend with much accomplished outside. Finally (with David) laid down some mulch and pruned some trees and growth around the house and deck and did some insect spraying. Cranked up the grill for the first time this year and David and I got the power washer to work and hopefully will use it over the next few weeks. Today, I am pumped to see my first minor league game this season with the temps going to the mid to high 80s and it's dollar dog night!

Praise for today: Clap your hands, all you nations, shout to God with cries of joy. Ps 47:1

Thursday, April 12, 2012

1 Chr 2

This chapter lists the genealogy of the 12 tribes of Israel. From Judah to Caleb, the family of Ram, Caleb's family, the family of Jerahmeel, back to the family of Caleb. While the lineage was incomplete in certain circumstances, the essence of the family root was still listed. The nation and the people of Israel were a mix of people in certain tribes and even some of them were not even considered part of the nation even though they were part of the clan. The listings did take the reader up to 1100 BC which was pretty impressive. What is interesting is that some of the people, such as Caleb, were not the same as we would imagine, The one that was with Moses was a different one with a different father (Numbers 13:6). Still interesting though.

Heading back to NJ tonight and hopefully with tax form in hand to finish off my returns! Princeton tomorrow and then enjoying the weekend.

Praise for today:Praise our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard. Ps. 66:8

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

1 Chr 1

This is a book that I really haven't studied much since I mostly relied upon the books of 1 &2 Samuel to give me the historical perspective. The commentary states that this book differs since it concentrates on the worship and in particular at the temple. The first chapter merely states the genealogy from Adam to Abraham. So I guess if you were to draw a family tree, this is as accurate as it gets. How difficult is it even with modern age to do it for our own family. I know that Irene has done a decent job given the scant and inaccurate records as well as fading memories but it pales in comparison to what the Bible as preserved and maintained for such a nomadic tribe as the Israelites.The interesting thing about the Edomites were that they were a tribe of kings before any Israelite king reigned. While they are merely names in a row, each person had lived and died. They had history and conflicts as well as personal victories, hopes and aspirations. They laughed and cried and perhaps wondered about their existence and what was important and what was trivial.

Last week was really special, since we celebrated together as a family. GG flew in on Sat and we had a nice family meal which we were joined by the Quans, m-i-l and our friend Donna. Good times and food. Sunday was special since we had seen some of the kids we watch grow up be baptized as well. The evening and Monday we were in AC to celebrate Dave's 30th. I am so grateful and thankful for our boys that are now men and how they have come to love the Lord. Tough getting up and driving to work yesterday morning from out there. The weather was spectacular while we were there. Short week with me coming home on Thursday and hopefully my last forms are available for me to finish off my taxes.

Praise for today: In you, O Lord, I have taken refuge;let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness. Ps. 31:1

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ex 40

After Moses gave the blessing, then the Lord said to him for the Tabernacle, the Tent of Meeting to be set up on the first day of the first month. The Ark, tables and all of the items that were created for use was to be laid out as planned. Each item would be anointed with oil and then the altar of burnt offerings was to anointed along with the utensils. Then Aaron and his sons were to be washed with water (baptism?) and were then dressed in the appropriate garments to be anointed and consecrated for use. Moses then proceed to carry out the Lord's command and systematically and methodically did all that the Lord asked him to do. Then after the work was completed, the cloud covered the Tent and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. Moses couldn't enter the Tent of Meeting because the the cloud had settled upon it, and the glory of the Lords filled the tabernacle. The cloud would be used to tell the people of the Lord when to travel and when not to. So they still proceeded with a cloud during the day and fire in the cloud by night.

What a book and what lessons that were learned! I am so glad to have completed this and now move on. Looking forward to the weekend and what that brings. Spending time with the family for the extended weekend and will return to work on Wednesday. The following Friday will be at Princeton due to a doctor's appointment.  Weather seems to go good and will start to swing the clubs soon.

Praise for today: If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. Ps. 37: 23 & 24.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ex 39

Now the attention is turned toward the priestly garments since the "heavy lifting" is now done. The ephod was the first item made and it was made of blue, scarlet and purple yarn  and of fine twisted linen. It was fused with fine sheets of gold. Evidently it was to worn over the shoulders of the priest and was adorned with onyx stones as well. The breastpiece was made by skilled craftsmen and was made like the ephod abd was about 9 inches square. They had 12 precious stones to represent the 12 tribes of Israel. It was secured to the ephod so it wouldn't dangle as the Lord commanded Moses. The rest of the garments included a robe, pomegranates and bells as well as tunics and turbans for Aaron and his sons. There was also a plate, the sacred diadem out of pure gold and engraved upon it was the inscription: "HOLY TO THE LORD"  which was fastened with a blue cord and attached to the turban as the Lord commanded Moses. After it was all said and done, Moses inspects the Tabernacle and all of the items made and gives it his blessings, since it was all dobe as the Lord had commanded.

It probably took a while to gather the stuff together, train the people and prepare the materials and create the items mentioned. Still there was no sign of complaint or fatigue on the workers' part. This meant that they were of one accord. This is a testament to the people and their love for the Lord.

Good day yesterday and still looking forward to the weekend already, ha! Short work week and a few days off with the family next week will do that to a person.

Praise for today: I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, O Sovereign Lord; I will proclaim your righteousness, yours alone. Ps. 71: 16.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Ex 38

The next items that would created would be the Altar of Burnt Offerings - made of acacia wood and the utensils would be made of bronze as well as the bronze basin and its bronze stand from the mirrors of the women who served at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. The courtyard would also be made which would define the area - consisted of finely twisted linen and bronze bases. All of the material used for the tabernacle, the tabernacle of Testimony would be recorded (under Moses' command) by the Levites. The amounts used by the Israelites in making everything was recorded and listed. 603,550 men contributed at least a half a shekel by men who were 20 and older.

Granted this is not the most exciting part of the book but still necessary from a historical and practical standpoint. God gave each one of the people the skill set and the abilities to contribute much as He has us today. It is our duty and calling to honor God with what He has given us and what He will do for us as a people.

Grateful for the past week and weekend. Saw the Hunger Games on Sat and thoroughly enjoyed it. Good weekend to ramp up for the short work week ahead.

Praise for today: Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me! Ps 66:20.