This section covers the tribe of Simeon. Apparently according to the commentary, the names of some of the descendants differ from earlier accounts of the tribe as they could have had more than one name. The head counts of some of these tribes differ from what is recorded in Numbers as timing seemed to be an issue. While Simeon's tribe decreased, the tribe of Judah increased and took control of the cities once held by Simeon's tribe. Apparently, the tribe of Simeon didn't support the tribe of Judah and was forced to leave the area and travel east during the time of Hezekiah. A small group (500) went to Mount Seir.
Decent day yesterday and the weather was still awesome. Less warm today with less sunshine and a chance of showers later which is welcomed by me since I need a free car wash.
Praise for today: Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all of the earth. Ps 108:5
Often, the rain is the only car wash my poor car sees ;)