Tuesday, September 18, 2012

2 Chr 26:16-23

This was an interesting situation since this was a king who's pride got in his way and chose to disobey God in a different way. He chose to usurp the responsibilities of the priests by burning the incense in the holy place of the temple. He clearly was not allowed to do so and was told so on many occasions but still chose to disobey in this respect. His anger against the priests was such that he even held the pan that burned the incense and because of that the Lord struck him with a skin disease that consumed Uzziah even until the day he died. His disease was such that he couldn't stay in the palace as was relegated to live away and Jotham was given the kingship. The prophet, Isaiah was the one that recorded his rise and demise. This was the famous chapter 6 of the prophet's book that Isaiah was sanctified towards greatness in the eyes of the Lord.

According to the commentary:
For the rest of Uzziah’s life, his son Jotham ruled on his behalf. Jotham had control of the royal palace. This was from about 751 BC until Uzziah’s death in about 738 BC.

The prophet Isaiah made a record of Uzziah’s rule. Isaiah saw a vision of God in the year that Uzziah died (Isaiah 6:1). Also, he did have visions about Judah during the rule of Uzziah (Isaiah 1:1). Maybe he wrote the record before he became a prophet. Perhaps he collected the information and he wrote the record later. When Uzziah died, they buried him near the graves of his ancestors. Because of his skin disease, they could not bury him with his ancestors. But the people gave honour to him as a good king.
Overall a decent day today given the return from the weekend. Got my ironing done and now just bracing for the heavy rains that are coming. Still prayers for those who are missing their loved ones and good to see Nicole off of her brace on Sunday. Finalized my Saturday plans with David as we are going to the Mets game. Looking forward to spending the day with him.
Praise for today: Surely God is my help; for the Lord is the one who sustains me. Psalm 54: 4

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