Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Judges 3: 7-11

The pattern of each judge's life is laid out in these verses. First, it starts with the people doing evil things and neglecting the Lord, then their enemies are allowed to inflict pain and hardship upon them, the Lord answers the people's cry for help, the Lord sends a judge who was the Spirit of God and then finally there is peace and tranquility until the judge dies. The first judge was Othniel, Caleb's younger nephew who was sent by God to defeat the king of Aram. This peace lasted 40 years.

Glad to see that we are such a repetitive and predictable lot. If we can only include God from the beginning instead of when the pain comes we would be soooooo much better off. Actually, it was a pretty good day at work yesterday and I got rid of all of my required "courses" to remain at work which were due at year-end. Should be a relatively easy rest of the work week and then a few days off (Monday and Tuesday) as well. So glad to hear from my cousin that his procedure went well. Prayers now for those who are traveling back, especially the HI group and for Megin going to GA.

Praise for today: Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised. Psaln 113: 2-3

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