The last chapter of Judges comes with the "judgement" of the tribe of Benjamin. The other tribes had dissected and dismantled the tribe to the point where it could not remain and or survive. They also knew that some of their actions had too far reaching results that would prove disastrous. They declared that the women of Benjamin could not marry and thus doomed them. They built an altar at Mizpah and mourned because of their brash promises. However, one tribe who didn't attend their meeting and agreed to the promise was not bound by it. This was the group from Jabesh-Gilead who didn't. As a result, they were not bound by it. They would be the ones to continue the tribe.
Yesterday was a good day, taxes gone, work was good and did some laundry as well. Overall it was still a rough day as the events of Boston took center stage. My immediate thoughts were terrorism but were somewhat challenged by my co-workers. Somehow I got that uncanny sense that it was not a random and unplanned tragedy but an intent to kill and to make a statement. Still with no one or group taking "credit", only time will tell. Nevertheless, this senseless and violent attack was heinous and brought our nation together. Prayers go out to them...
Also learned of a friend of Irene's that passed away in Texas. Sad but troubled life that seemed to end too early (younger than me).
Praise for today: Righteous are you, O Lord, and your laws are right. The statutes you have laid down are righteous; they are fully trustworthy. Psalm 119: 137-138
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