Monday, November 14, 2011

Gen 35: 16-29

The 12 tribes of Jacob would now be complete but it would cost the life of Rachel who would die during childbirth. Benjamin was Rachel's son borne "out of sorrow" but would be Jacob's son "born out of his right hand". Since the term "right hand" was used, he would receive the blessing. It  seems like Reuben was to be the one that would want it so he slept with one of Jacob's wives and because of that Joseph was given the birthright over the others. The chapter ends with the death and burial of Isaac as the two brothers who were reconciled buried their 180 year old father together.

Tiring weekend with a lot of stuff done around the house. Nice to see all that came this past Saturday. Back to the gym this morning.

Praise for today: Restore us, O God; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved. Ps. 80:5

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