This begins the journey of Joseph towards fulfilling his dream but it was frought with danger, subtefuge and ultimately suffering towards the character building aspect of his life. Joseph started out as Jacob's eyes and ears and went out to meet his brothers in Dothan. When they saw him, they plotted to kill him but was thwarted by Reuben who either felt responsible to him or who wanted Joseph to pass on his birthright back to him. Ultimately his intent was to show his worthiness to Jacob by saving and securing Joseph. Judah was the one who concocted the scheme to sell him to the Ishmaelites who were passing through without Reuben's knowledge. Without Joseph, Reuben had to come up with a plan to reveal Joseph's demise and thus brought the famous coat with a dead goat's blood on it to put the legacy of Joseph behind him and them and hopefully secure his father's birthright and blessing. Jacob was so distraught that he could not be comforted by his family and mourned for his favorite son. Meanwhile, Joseph is sold to Potiphar by the Midianites.
One has to think why the detail and why him? This becomes the greatest and the most detailed story of perserverance and integrity that is recorded in the Bible. It is also a story of redemption and fulfilled promises.
Yesterday's events were sombering and sobering as 3 collegues were let go. Prayers go out to them and their families as they reconstruct their lives out of this dismal economy. Hard to say if this is it... Let's hope so.
Praise for today: Let the righteous rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in him; let the upright in heart praise him! Ps 64:10
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