Monday, October 22, 2012

2 Chr 35: 1-9

Josiah was a student of the Scriptures and thus after reading the account of Exodus and the Passover feast was inspired to continue the remembrance of the event. This took place in the 18th year of his rule in 622 BC, and much work had to be done to commemorate Passover. The Levites had to be given their duties as was in the case of David and retraining had to be done.  Also, the restoration of the ark had to occur as well since it was probably removed by some loyalists who didn't want to see it desecrated. Josiah gave of his own wealth to provide the sacrifices as well as his officials - this was an act of sacrifice from their part and meant that they were totally behind it and led by example. The sacrifices were enough for 30,000 poorer families to be represented and that was a good thing.

Clearly Josiah and his officials gave sacrificially and they tried to put the nation on the right track towards honoring and revering God. They were doing the right thing as they they led by example and be inclusionary rather than exclusionary.

Good but exhausting weekend. Good session on Friday's FW and also Saturday was a long day in Queens for the Missions weekend. Sunday was more of the same but thankfully an easy ride down here to Delly and a relaxing evening.

Praise for today: He who sacrifices thank offerings honor me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God. Psalm 50:23

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