Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2 Chr 35: 10-20

So the feast was recorded and obviously the fact that it occurred was noteworthy and recorded. What should have been an annual event was started after a long hiatus. The Levites picked up the slack where there were not enough priests to do the tasks at hand - slaying and preparing the animals and draining the blood for the doorposts, etc. The Levites also were the singers and the guards at the temple. And so the feast was complete and for 7 days they held the Passover feast without yeast. The Bible records this as among the best feasts ever even surpassing those that were held in David and Solomon's day. Perhaps because the people as well as the leaders were active and behind it.

Decent day at work and also here. David and I changed our phone plans so that it could accommodate his growing needs without hardship from month to month. I cooked enough ribs in black bean sauce and broccoli in oyster sauce for the week and then some. Never grow tired of a good thing. Tonight I will put the finishing touches on the message, hopefully... The debate was relatively interesting but still didn't sway me from voting my convictions.

Prayers for the family as we progress towards the holiday season. I also felt a little weird yesterday at the gym with some slight disorientation which forced me to bike rather than do any standing style exercise. We'll see how it goes later.

Praise for today: Like your name, O God, your praise reaches to the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with righteousness. Psalm 48:10

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