Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ruth 2: 1-4

The character of Boaz is introduced before his entrance. He was the relative to Elimelech, Naomi's husband. He was a rich and honorable man who owned land - a sign that it was a gift from God. Since Elimelech's sons were dead, there was no one else left to fend for Naomi and Ruth so they went to Boaz. Given Ruth's age, she was the logical one to work and glean the fields for the leftover barley grain so that they could live. The gleaning process was ordained by God in Leviticus 19: 9-10. While Ruth chose a field, she didn't know whose field she was at. God ordained this so that the story goes on. Good things do come from God and this was the case for Ruth and the field that she chose to glean. Boaz is finally on the scene in v. 4 and greets his workers with a blessing much like a priest would to his congregants. His words to his workers implies his heart towards his people.

Decent day yesterday at work and the Noreaster that was forecasted for down in Delly never really amounted to much. However, north of me was a much different story. Heard nightmarish commutes and power outages again which troubled me. Called my home and my mom to see if all was well. Decided to take my stuff home yesterday and skip the gym this morning due to the potential of the weather. Still did my laundry yesterday and got the rude awakening of the prices going up for the usage of the machines, oh well.... Got all that done as well as my ironing so I am happy.

Prayers for my peeps that they are faring well in this exacerbating weather situation.

Praise for today: He who dwells in the shadow of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1

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