Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ruth 4: 7-12

The transaction has been completed in front of the witnesses and before God. They exchange sandals as a sign of the completed transaction and thus the deal was sealed. It was to show that the man gave up his rights to the property and those attached to it and that all parties were fine with the arrangement. With the proclamation of the transfer of property, Boaz announced his intent to assume Naomi and Ruth as his responsibility. He further announced that he planned to marry Ruth to which the people exhorted him and wished that their marriage would be fruitful and that Ruth would follow in the footsteps of Rachel and Leah, the wives of Jacob. It was through these two women, the nation of Israel (12 sons) would start. There was nothing but love and good wishes toward Ruth and Boaz.

This was truly a story of how God redeems us - one person at a time and through his means and ways. Boaz would be the foreshadow of Christ and would be the lineage link between he and David so that Jesus Christ would come.

Hard praises to our Lord for allowing GG to pursue his dreams and keep his wings. Looking forward to seeing him on Wednesday. Also looking forward to going home later myself as well. Working out of Princeton tomorrow so hopefully the traffic crush won't be as bad. Able to get Irene's Christmas gift yesterday so I am happy. Much to be thankful for.

Praise for today: You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you. Hear my prayer,  O Lord; listen to my cry for mercy. In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me. Psalm 85: 5-7

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