Monday, March 4, 2013

Judges 15: 9-17

Samson after doing his deeds went to Etan to hide out. There was obvious fear on the part of the Philistines when it came with dealing with Samson. Their intent was not to kill him initially but to suffer pain. Their relationship with the Israelites were such that they didn't want to kill them either but they want them to subdue him. Countless men were sent and suffered a bad fate. They sent 3,000 men from the tribe of Judah to reason with him. He agreed reluctantly to be bound and sent to the Philistines for what he did since the Israelites agreed not to kill him. They bound him with ropes which as the Lord's spirit came upon him were easily broken. The legendary jawbone from an ass was used to slay the Philistines as they approached what they felt was an easy prey. He slayed 1,000 men that day. That I guess is what legends are made of ...

Decent weekend since we had FW and also on Saturday got the majority of the taxes done for the family. Also made dinner as well. Sunday was decent but had to do a lot of the elder function stuff which in turn made me miss Adult Ed for the most part. Long day from that perspective. Got down here in decent time and with a decent parking spot. Watch the Bible on the History channel and so far I would give it a 2.5 on a scale of 4. Spent a decent time in prayer for a friends' daughter who has been sick as well. Looking forward to heading down to FL next week for baseball and Disney.

Praise for today: Exalt the Lord our God and worship him at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy.  Psalm 99:9

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