This section is a departure from the tales of foreign rule that was a result of God's wrath upon the Israelites. The story centers around a man named Micah who was from the hilly country where the tribe of Ephraim lived. There was no time frame attached so this could have occurred earlier than the stories that were recorded. Still the story tells of the sad state of how the people were spiritually and their warped concept of worship. Evidently, he was a judge but he was the culprit of the crime when he stole 1,100 pieces of silver from his mother. His mother put a curse on the criminal and unbeknown to her - it was her own son. He confessed his crime because of the "curse" and thus the mother nullified the curse given the situation. Despite her claims, she only used 200 pieces of silver to "worship" God by having an idol built to be worshipped rather than God himself. Micah was the recipient of this object and as a result he built an ephod as a article of worship where his sons acted as priests. v. 6 summarizes the sad state of affairs of the nation spiritually.
Got back yesterday without fanfare and got down here to Delly relatively easily even though it was via toll roads to avoid the nonsense. Overall, it was a good week away and got to see my dear friends at a private event and pray with them. Seems weird going back to work and the gym this morning but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Hearing of some layoffs at work that will be happening but hopefully this will be minimal.
Praying for Irene and GG as they trek homeward this week.
Praise for today: Restore us, O God; make your face shine upon us , that we may be saved. Psalm 80: 3
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