Friday, June 17, 2011

Ez 37:1-14

What a vision! Perhaps the most well known passage from Ezekiel is the valley of dry bones. The challenge to Ezekiel was to look past the obvious and to see what can be done when the power of God is in us. We who are dead to God spiritually will be dead to Him in our use, our lives and as a person or people. God is the one that will restore those dry and dead bones and give them substance and purpose. The bones were dead a long time, both physically and spiritually. As God breathed life into Adam, He breathes life into these bones and now they have a purpose and a meaning. Similarly, the dry bones, which were symbolic of Israel are similar to us today. We are walking dead unless God breathes life in the form of the HS. Then and only then can we have a life with the Father. God intended for all of his people - then and now to be part of this revival and movement.

Looking forward to this weekend, time alone today while the family goes to my nephew's middle school graduation. The only sad part is that I will miss that and the awesome dinner at City Island (seafood) as well as seeing him and the family. Will get a chance to catch up and pray with GG this weekend. Saturday will be a day with my uncle and my cousin's family and Sunday will be a wedding out on LI. Glad to be working in NYC on Monday and Tuesday out of Princeton so I can attend my b-i-l's charity fundraiser and see my Mets. Wednesday, I'm off - so hopefully I can play a round of golf before heading down to Delly. Hope my trip to NYC will much less adventuresome than my last.

As a result, the blog may go silent until Thursday but we'll see...

Prayers for all my peeps, especially those who are sick and ill. I pray for recovery for a friend's soon to be f-i-l from a horrible plane accident which claimed his friend's life. May his spirit and willingness to soar with the eagles be restored as well as his body. Prayers for David and Irene as they will be involved for this wedding in a big way and that I can be there for them as well. Proud of my family!

I know it is Father's day this Sunday and I really won't get a chance to celebrate it but still it is good to be with family and friends this weekend. Still need to spend time with my sermon as well...

Praise to Him who is my Daddy and that He gave me and Irene one who has enjoyed their rooms in Heaven for over two decades already! Jealous....


  1. Happy Father's Day early to you. I love the passage of the dry bones.

  2. thanks Heather, didn't really have a chance to enjoy it for Father's day given the wedding.
