Friday, June 1, 2012

1 Chr 22

The time has come and the mantle must be passed. God had dealt with David at the place where he bought the field and sacrificed and built the altar. While David basically said that this would be the place where the temple would be built, it was more in his heart and his actions than where the actual temple would be erected. He knew that his time was near and that although his son, Solomon was not of age yet to assume the role of king, he needed to know what was required of him. David accumulated an abundance of cedar wood, iron for nails, gold and silver and prepared dressed stones. The Bible calls his preparations "extensive". The gold was measured at 3,750 tons and by today's standards of $1,575 per oz could wipe out the debt of the US and Solomon was told that he could add to that amount. The temple was to be Solomon's legacy and thus David gave him a heart-to-heart talk. The talk was that of explaining the reasons why he (David) couldn't build the temple as a man of bloodshed but that the Lord will give the land a time of peace and prosperity under Solomon. The task of building the temple was also a charge to Solomon to build a temple in his heart, where God would be his father. The essence of the temple would be to house the ark of the covenant and other sacred items belonging to the Lord.

Glad to hear that GG got back to Denver but his schedule was changed and that he could have stayed in NJ longer. Looking forward to his next trip back. I guess I will be home tomorrow rather than down at GA to see Third Day or the Mets but that is good since we were invited out to dinner for a "thank you" for services rendered. I am looking forward to staying in NJ on Sunday and heading down to Delly on Monday evening.

Prayers continue for my peeps and for a girl at work who is going for her exam to stay employed. Nice to pray for those who ask for it.

Praise for today: Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all of the earth. Psalms 57:11

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