Thursday, July 19, 2012

2 Chr 12: 1-16

The first few years of Rehoboam's rule was marked with dependency upon God and thus obedience to Him. As the years progressed, he turned from God as his kingdom began to have stability and prosperity. This angered the Lord who allowed the king of Egypt to form an attack against Rehoboam and his kingdom. Rehoboam was petrified and sought the reasons why this attack would be allowed to happen and fearing losing this battle (and the aftermath). Basically he was told that the Lord would abandon him since he abandoned the Lord. Rehoboam and the people repented and truly were sorry for their actions and the Lord spared them but still allowed the attack to happen. Shishak, the king of Egypt took the decadence (gold shields) that marked the Solomon age but didn't destroy Jerusalem. Left with nothing to show, Rehoboam had bronze shields to replace the gold ones that marked his father's prosperity. After Shishak left, the restoration began and normalcy return to Judah.

God wants us to be his daily and not just when we need him or think we need him. The lessons that are taught from thousands of years ago are still applicable today. I know that this is the case at least for me.  Praying for safety and enjoyment for David and his fellow cruisers today. Also prayers for GG as he undergoes his upgrade exam soon. Looking forward to the temp break later and the weekend.

Praise for today: Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Psalm 95:1

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