This is a refreshing time in the land of Judah. Asa, the son of Abijah is now the king and there is a decade of peace and spiritual tranquility under his regime. v2 said that he did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord. What that means to me was the he wasn't about the "show" but about the "go" especially since the eyes of the Lord sees everything and especially the heart. He restored the worship of the Lord and He only by tearing down the idol worship which pleased God. He also used this time to fortify the cities given the weakness and vulnerability of the land. It does go to prove that there were some that despite their surroundings can rise above the noise and do the right thing not just some of the time but all of the time. It doesn't mean that they or I can't sin (since we all do) but do we have a heart for and of God. Do we love Him enough to turn from what displeases him and what breaks his heart. I hope I do...
Decent day yesterday despite the lack of bodies in our group yesterday. Another long day on tap and it proves to be another hot and steamy one. Maybe a BR game on tap later if the weather holds up. So glad that our friend Hei, was able to join her husband and the rest of the vacationers on their cruise. So looking forward for my vacation as well this weekend. It's been since March that I took any meaningful time off and I am ready.
Praise for today: The land is still ours, because we have sought the Lord our God; we sought him and he has given us rest on every side. 2 Chr 14:6
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