Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2 Chr 9:1-12

Perhaps this was a defining moment in the reign of Solomon - the visit by the Queen of Sheba. We don't even know her name but we do know where this land is : The country called Sheba was on both sides of the Red Sea where it joins the Gulf (bay) of Arabia. It was in the modern countries called Yemen, Djibouti and east Ethiopia. The kingdom of Sheba was famous because of its trade in gold and spices. Perhaps her visit was two fold because she came to meet Solomon because of his great wisdom and asked the hard questions. She came bearing gifts as well but what astounded her was the wisdom he had, the wealth that he amassed, the food on the table and the dress of his workers and she felt overwhelmed.  She also acknowledged who gave and blessed Solomon - the Lord. She gave gifts and shared her wealth which was unique to her land. In return, Solomon gave her all that she desired and asked for as well as more than what she came with. The commentary also eluded to a very favorable trade agreement between the two nations.

Good day all in all yesterday and very relaxing. I started to read the Steve Jobs biography and so far have not been disappointed. This is a long book (500+ pages) and from what I gather from others, it should be a good read. Very, very thankful for David for working on getting my Slingbox in working order.

Praise for today: Praise be to the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on his throne as king to rule for the Lord your God. Because of the love of your God for Israel and his desire to uphold then forever, he has made you king over them, to maintain justice and righteousness. 2 Chr 9: 8

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