Monday, August 13, 2012

2 Chr 16: 7-14

Pride goeth before the fall. Asa was confronted with the truth as far as his folly. He was admonished for relying not on the Lord but rather through alliances that were totally unnecessary. The armies that he faced with the Lord were greater than his recent battles and not even totally won. As a result of his actions, he and the nation would be subject to wars according to the prophet Hanani. His displeasure with the prophet had him throw the prophet in jail and his attitude towards the people changed for the worse. In the 39th year of his rule, he developed an illness that cause his death two years later since he sought doctors rather than the Lord. According to the commentary:
Two years before his death, Asa had a bad disease in his feet. He went to the doctors with his problem but he did not pray to the LORD. He ought to have asked God to make him well.It is not wrong to go to the doctors. The LORD does use the medical profession to make people well. But really it is the LORD who makes people well (Psalm 103:3). Those who believe in the LORD should pray to him first. In those days, there was very little medical knowledge. Doctors now understand much better and they know a lot more. We believe that God usually cures people by medical means. But sometimes he does make people well without medical help. Asa died and the people gave to him a great public funeral. They laid him on a bed with spices so that people could say goodbye to him. Then they buried him in the grave that he had made for himself. At times, he did not trust the LORD. But he had been a good king.

Sorry to see my 2-weeker end since now I go back to the grind. Have to decide whether or not to go to Denver and FL in the coming weeks or both. The vacation depleted a decent amount of funds and since I floated David/Daniel's rooms that could hurt  as well. Might give up some other plans to make it work. Need to do these trips for various reasons. Still fighting jet lag and not looking forward to going back to work.

Prayers for Arnie and his family since they are saying goodbye for now to his dad who passed this past week. Praise for the upcoming weddings and the recent baptism of Kimmie.

Praise for today: On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 63:6-7

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