Tuesday, August 28, 2012

2 Chr 21:1-7

With the death of Jehosaphat came a new regime and a new era. Jehoram, one of his sons became king and he strengthen his throne by whacking off his brothers (6)and some of the leaders of Judah thus stopping any immediate claims. Jehoram was the eldest and took little chances that his "right" would be challenged. He was heavily influenced by his wife, Athaliah whose father was Ahab. Ahab was the king of Israel and a sworn enemy of the Lord. He didn't follow the ways of the Lord (obvious) and thus was only spared by God because of the Lord's promise that a descendant of David would always be on the throne of Judah. His rule was only 8 years.

I guess "all good things must come to an end" and I now am entering the phase where the kings will follow their foolish ways rather than the Lord's. All of these still point to the fact that the only perfect king would be Jesus.

Pretty decent day which culminated in a trip down the road to see the Wilmington BRs win. Long game and after 2+ hours we left at the end of the 6th inning with them up 5-1. Still enjoy that place and "dollar dog" night. Cheap entertainment for less than parking at a major league baseball game. Tonight, heading off to see the Metskis v the Sillies.

Praise for today: Those who know your name will trust you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9 :10

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