Wednesday, August 22, 2012

2 Chr 19 4-11

Jehoshaphat is now setting up the land for rule by judges. Some of them were Levites but they were also priests and leaders of families. They were instructed not to be a judge for the people but rather a judge for the Lord. It was incumbent upon these judges to have a grasp of the Lord's word and his law as well as living totally for Him. They had to totally live for Him and not for someone else. They were to interpret the Lord's word and also to assure that the precepts that were in Law were followed. They were not to accept gifts from the people so that their judgement would not be compromised.  There was a chief court. This chief court had two divisions. The first division was for the Law of Moses. The second division was for all other matters.

Per the commentary: Then Jehoshaphat gave instruction to the judges. First, he told them that they must be loyal to the LORD. And they must serve him with all their hearts and with all their minds. This is good advice for all who trust in the LORD. Then he talked about the kinds of problems that they must deal with. People from the cities would bring to them the legal problems that were too difficult for the local judges. Also, there would be all kinds of other problems for them to solve. But in all these matters, they must warn the people not to sin against the LORD. Verse 11 There were two presidents over the courts in Jerusalem. Amaziah was the chief priest. He was the president over the first division of the court. He was responsible for all that was in the Law of Moses. Zebadiah was responsible for all matters that the second division of the court had to make decisions about. There were Levites who served as officials on behalf of the judges. In all their responsibilities, they should act with courage.

What foresight and how the way a country should be ruled and governed. I wished this country could be run this way. If man followed the precepts of the Lord, there would be so little crime and violence. Still poverty and man's greed causes most of the crimes that you hear on the media as well as self-interest and promotion. What the chapter described would truly be a wonderful world.

Glad to leave work an hour earlier yesterday to get my watch battery replaced. Such a prime day and took advantage doing some outdoor reading on the patio. Have a late day today but still should be a decent day.

Praise for today: Now let the fear of the Lord be upon you. Judge carefully, for with the Lord our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery. 2 Chr 19:7

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