God saw that if the people and Gideon were to believe and trust in Him, there must be a "miracle" even in combat. Gideon had as many as 32,000 men ready for combat but that was deemed to many. As a result, he allowed 22,000 to go home and 10,000 remained. Still the Lord was not ready to perform His "miracle". He was told to go to water with his men and saw how they were to drink. The ones who were on the hands and knees and lapped up the water were told to go home and they numbered 9,700 which left 300 men. These were the ones that took the water and stood while drinking it with cupped hands. Now God was ready and Gideon had his army.
All in all decent day. However, started to run out of steam around 4ish. Glad I do my workout in the AM rather than later in the day. Got my new modem hooked up but still for the life of me, can't see the difference. Now I have to send the old one back on Saturday. Spoke to GG last night while he was waiting for David to land and he sounded much better and hopefully he's able to enjoy his days with the group. Praiseful that the rest of the group got down ok as well. Hate to hear that the truck needs something else done but still cheaper than buying a new one.
Praise for today: Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Psalm 111: 2
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