Monday, January 14, 2013

Judges 7:23 to 8:2

Warriors from Naphtali, Asher and Manasseh's tribes came and answered the call and chased the Midianites as they answered the call of Gideon. They probably came from the original 32,000 that were initially slated for battle. After a few key Midianite leaders had bit the sword, he then called upon the Ephraimites for help who responded by asking why now and not at the outset. They actually felt slighted about this and thus Gideon had to rationalize it by telling them that they are the actual warriors while he was just herding them toward them. He soothed their egos by telling them about their accomplishments. After hearing this, they were not angry anymore.

It seems that Gideon was truly a leader that was anointed and blessed. He knew what and how to say things to get the most for God's purposes. He gave a gentle answer rather than one that would bring resentment - a lesson to be learned...

With Op DD almost over, my prayers are for those who were there and are heading home. Glad to see they all had a great time. Good day at church yesterday and the weekend was relaxing as well. Saw Jack Reacher, which was entertaining and also good lunch at RR and dinner at Mr. Pi's afterwards. Got my new glasses and they still take getting use to. Prayers for Judy Ong who lost her sister last week and is now under the weather now. Awaiting the arrangements for the funeral... which may change our schedule for Friday night.

Praise for today: Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised. Psalm 113: 2-3

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