Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Judges 8:13-21

Gideon captured the two kings and in turn he punished the people who refused to help him. He also captured a young man from Succoth who actually wrote down the names of the 77 leaders that ruled the city. This was important since this the first instance of a written media and the use of a common alphabet. The list was used to exact punishment on those who refused to help Gideon and his men. To the two kings, he asked them their rationale for their violence and they had no remorse to what they did. When Gideon told his son to execute them, he refused since he was young and fearful. The two kings goaded Gideon to do the deed himself to which he quickly obliged and they were dead.What was once a matter of national importance became personal and Gideon dealt with it.

Here was the fulfillment of the angel's charge to Gideon when he told him that he was a "brave warrior". The development of the person of Gideon as a leader and judge was evident as he carried forth the Lord's plan.

Finding out today what my comp will be so that is important. Still I have committed that and everything to the Lord in prayer. Prayers for the family and for the travels today. Tomorrow, I will be heading back to NJ and working out of Princeton on Friday. Have the funeral that evening so the three of us will be going.

Praise for today:With my mouth I will greatly extol the Lord; in the great throng I will praise him. For he stands at the right hand of the needy one, to save his life from those who condemn him. Psalm 109: 30-31.

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