Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dt: 34 The Death of Moses

Not only does this chapter end the book of DT but end of the life of Moses and what the Jewish faith considers the Law. Luckily for us and me, that doesn't stop God's love for all people. Moses was shown the PL and was a 120 years old when the Lord "took" him. The Word said that he was still vibrant and healthy yet he died there, maybe still at the prime of his life. He went out on top when he passed the mantle to Joshua.

How similar is that for me in my work situation. I've been doing this gig for over 37 years and while I still think of myself at (or near the top) of my game, I realize that this will not last forever and there will come a day when I will leave a profession and career and pass the mantle to the next one. I've been saying "5 more years" for the last 5 years mostly due to the downturn in the economy. There is still some unfinished business to do around the NJ home and if the 401k and my stocks didn't take it on the chin I perhaps would be a lot closer. Still, I and my family have been blessed well beyond from a gloious and generous God. I don't know if I have it in me to do it more after 2015 but we'll see. I don't have my life as neatly planned as God has told Moses but I do trust Him completely (a la Twila Paris' song). I hope that my sons will be well on their way to be self-sufficient and career-wise to realize their dreams.

Who knows what will be the next book I will go through....

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dt 32: 48 to 33: 5

What it must have been for Moses to deliver God's indictment upon the people and yet because of his one lapse in judgement be denied to partake of the final act. From a human standpoint, it is tough to swallow. Here was a man that did all that was asked and even in 33:1 was called the "man of God", yet he was denied to see the goal realized. I can only go back to Isaiah where God says that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. I perhaps will never fully comprehend Moses's denial due to one act but again that is the mystery of God. How important for us never to lose sight of the end game and to go full tilt for God.

As I started to read Ch 33, I couldn't help but wondering how bittersweet Moses' words were. His heart ached for the people and yet even after being told what to say to chastise them, he still loved them enough to bless them. I wonder when it is my turn to pass will I find the right words to say to the ones that mean the most to me. Sometimes just  a look or a touch is enough when words cannot express my thoughts. Alas, will I be prepared?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dt. 32:19-47 The Song (pt.2)

The recitation of this song is one that hits all parts of the Israelites' history. Key verses for me: v. 20, 28-9, 35 (a la Romans), 36, 39 and 47. A man at the crossroads of his life has nothing to gain by being anything but truthful. Sometimes we need to be "brutally honest" with each other and especially with ourselves. 1 Cor 13 talks about putting childish things aside and looking at ourselves to gain a true reflection. Wayne Watson in his song, Would I Know You, pleads with us and himself not to fool ourselves to think that God is not in EVERY situation and circumstance. We need to acknowledge and recognize Him so He can direct our paths. Some games are just not worth playing...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dt. 32: 1-18 The Song of Moses Pt. 1

Wow! Moses spoke to the "whole" assembly of Israel. At his age and without a sound system! I wonder how that would happen today?

 His words are initially of praise for his God and then the mood swings hard the other way as he addresses Israel. As Andre Crouch used to say, "how can I say thanks for all the things He has done for me"? Sometimes I feel like Moses was talking to me as I pursued, and sometimes still do, the things that please me rather than God.

We all indulge in sensual things - maybe some more than others. Things sometimes pleasant at first but we pay the price afterwards. We distance ourselves from God because we think He's not there or too busy to care. We have the "that's Manny being Manny" mentality (sorry for the baseball analogy) in our own lives and for that sometimes we need to be challenged and confronted and ultimately reconciled to the Rock.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Dt. 31: 14-29

Quick thoughts: Moses - "well done my good and faithful servant", Joshua - "be strong and courageous" and Israel - a tiger can't change his stripes. For Israel, the indictments against their resolve to "love the Lord with all their hearts, mind and strength" will continue. God will force them to remember through their disobediance. Purity is something you are by remaining unsoilled. If you play in the mud, expect to get soiled. Moses put it well, in v.27. 
Everytime I read this passage, I can't help but think of Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Prayers today - schedule resolution and of course, be salt.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Great Sabbath

I found today a true blessing. It is a rare and special occasion when we are able to worship at church as a total family. My youngest son has a job that doesn't allow him to come to church on Sundays. The leisure industry is "on" when we are "off". Having worked a killer schedule on Saturday (14 hour day), he wasn't scheduled to go in to work until 1PM. A normal person would have rested and slept in after a such a grueling day. He is not a normal person. His love for God and to worship with the ones he truly loves at GFC  overcame his desire to sleep in. Our recent sharing/prayer time allowed us to catch up and pray for each others' needs. He is sharing his faith with his boss and my prayer is that his boss will return to that relationship with our Savior. I am very, very proud of my son.

The other blessing has been to see/hear my cousin-in-law and his wife share their hearts at our service today. I've known him since birth and am grateful for his mom who was instrumental in bringing him to Christ. He is now working for Campus Crusade for Christ in the NY-Metro area alongside his wife. God has blessed him with a great wife and helpmate. My prayers are for my other cousin-in-law who is struggling through the loss of her daughter (109 days of life and prayerfully eternity with my Father). I pray that she may accept God's sovereignty through this both for her daughter and for her as well.

The ministry update of our After-School and Community Center was necessary and essential. Well done!

Friday, October 22, 2010

DT 31: 9-13 The Reading of the Law

When I read this, I am amazed how God tried to ensure that His Word would never be far or long from the people's heart. Every 7 years, they would have to read it to the children who were born and didn't have the opportunity to hear it. How blessed we are in this day and age not only to have His Word in print but in audio and electronically. We have so many ways to get it and yet we don't. It's easier to memorize a song than a word of Scripture. When we are face with the Enemy, I'd rather have a passage of Scripture than a song. Why bring a knife to a gun fight?

Reading God's Word has become habitual, and that's not a bad thing either. For me, it's like a daily routine. For sin will keep you from this Book or this Book will keep you from sin.

My prayer is that others may be loaded with ammo when the Enemy strikes!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dt. 31: 1:8 Joshua to succeed Moses

How I can relate to this passage. I am getting on in my life - maybe not to the tune of 120 years old, but still coming to the home strech of my working career. I've been doing the same thing since 1979 and working at the same place since 1973. I have been blessed since neither the boys or I have any debt from their schools and I still have my retreat place called Celebration.
There are so many things that I want to do and be yet on the same token I want to be there for my sons - emotionally, physically and financially. They and Irene are my world. I would die for each of them - no questions asked. However, this passage talks about turning over the baton to those who will succeed me. I love each of them - David and Daniel passionately. I wish I were a better communicator of that and that they would know. How to go about that is the tricky part.
Being 3 states away for 5of 7 days is a bummer. I wish I could greet them when I got home, talk and catch up with them every day and encourage and most of all LISTEN to them and their hearts. This distance has taken a toll on my family and me more than I would have expected. We are all needy people. v. 8 is the motivation and the reason, I do what I do.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dt.30: 11-19 The offer of life or death

When I read this, I think of the simplicity of God's commands and the logic in which it is presented. He doesn't ask us to do the impossible but what it is that will give us life. The words of God should be on our lips in praise and adoration. Easier said than done, though. v. 16 and v.19b and 20a - are the major truths that I take away from it today. Choose life! Who doesn't want that, knowing we have something and someone to live for?

Just started last night the Adult Ed class that I will be leading this Sunday on Hosea. Man! haven't done something like this in a while.... Too much typing! rather do the HS class anyday! No gym today since I went for the last 2 days in the AM. Nice to get some some sleep (6 AM v 5:15 AM). Ready to do my thing now. Sorta wished the NYY won last night but even happier that the Sillies lost.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

DT 30:1-10

Trust and Obey for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey. That seems to be resounding as I ponder this passage. Seems so logical to want to be in the center of God's will but I can be so illogical, can't I? As I am in this place, away from my family and home - it seems like I need to finish the task here strong so that I can obtain the blessings in v. 5. But when will that ever end?
My prayer is for each member of my family to strive to gain what can happen in v. 6 - so that we all can live and live life abundantly. I can honestly say that I hate this arrangement being away from home and not being a part of their lives. It makes the end of the tunnel that much more worth striving for.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Deut 29:16-29

So... I usually try to start my day reading through a portion of Scripture and asking God for the major truth behind that which I can draw from. Some days are repetitive, meaning that I can draw the same conclusion as prior days but some days are different. Since I've been reading the Bible a good part if not more than 2/3s of my life, my prayer is that God will give me a new truth each time I read his word.
Reading Dt, has been exceptionally good since I've been able to see God dealing with his original people and ultimately it is about "doing the right thing" between you and others. Being fair and equal (esp the Jubilee part) yet keeping in mind that God is holy and wants all of us.
v18 - wow! we must be sure not to create a situation that will make people (or us) bitter towards God. 19. Do we know what we want better than our Creator? No! nothing but heartache!. 20 Extreme! Sounds like turning your back on the HS. v29 So that WE ALL...
My prayer today is and always will be for my fam- my wife and two sons - safety and that God will bless them. Enjoyed the prayer time yesterday and for the sharing! Sorry so many people missed out.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I've never kept a blog before or even formulated my thoughts in a systematic manner. I hope that the thoughts and meditations that I have may be pleasing in His sight.
It is my hopes and dreams that my family will read this and in turn gain greater insight into what makes me tick. I will at times journalize the thoughts of my devotionals and other things...