Friday, April 19, 2013

Judges 21: 16-25

The balance of the chapter was to find a way to have the 200 men without wives get one. The fathers of these potential wives were still under a promise not to have them marry any Benjamite which was perplexing for those who wanted to see the tribe survive despite their foolish vows. Ultimately they would use the Feast of Tabernacles as a way to get these girls not in a manner so that they would be conflicting with their vows. Seems like if they had consulted the Lord in the first place, none of this would have transpired. Still it was a reflection of a land that was unruled and undisciplined. End of Judges....

Yesterday was a long one which was dominated by the pre-op stuff before Tuesday. Trying to get all my ducks in a row was tedious and eye-opening since now I have to take Monday off as well. All in all, I am still at peace with this despite the potential complications. God will see me through this...
Very grateful for Irene and her support yesterday.

Praise for today: So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41: 10-11

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Judges 21: 9-15

Apparently not everyone or group had felt that the crimes that the rest of the tribes felt were heinous was enough to get involved. They took a poll of the attendees and the supporters and found that among them one didn't show up to the dance. Per the commentary: The Israelites thought again about their actions. They had fought a holy war. But they had made some promises that were too strong. They had promised that their daughters would not marry the men from Benjamin’s tribe. So they had not allowed them to marry them. They were sorry about that. Because it meant that the tribe would not continue. They built an altar. This was probably at Mizpah, because there was already one at Bethel. They could not change their promise. Then they remembered something. If a tribe sent nobody to the meeting, people would declare a curse on that tribe. As a result, the tribe would suffer destruction. Nobody had come from Jabesh-Gilead. (The people in Jabesh-Gilead were relatives of Manasseh, Rachel’s grandson. And so, they were also relatives of Benjamin. Later there was a close connection between Jabesh-Gilead and Benjamin’s tribe.)

This was the backdrop of the events that would follow. They felt that non- attendance was as serious a matter that could and would lead to the destruction of the tribe. They found 400 virgin girls and there were 600 Benjamite men to "restart" their name. Despite their actions, the nation didn't want to see one of the 12 be eliminated. They met at Shiloh which meant that this was early in the nation's history since the writer had to explain where it was.

A day closer to finishing up before I head north. Today will feel surreal and I will be off tomorrow and then in Princeton on Friday and Monday. Hopefully, all the pre-stuff will be over soon... Going to take up with me some books and DVDs to keep me occupied. Just finish RA Dickey's book which was a great and quick read. I rarely finish a 300+ page book in a week or so but this one was such a blessed and good read that I found myself even appreciating the man and our God even more - a must read!

Praise for today: Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice, Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Psalm 105: 3-4

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Judges 21: 1-8

The last chapter of Judges comes with the "judgement" of the tribe of Benjamin. The other tribes had dissected and dismantled the tribe to the point where it could not remain and or survive. They also knew that some of their actions had too far reaching results that would prove disastrous. They declared that the women of Benjamin could not marry and thus doomed them. They built an altar at Mizpah and mourned because of their brash promises. However, one tribe who didn't attend their meeting and agreed to the promise was not bound by it. This was the group from Jabesh-Gilead who didn't. As a result, they were not bound by it. They would be the ones to continue the tribe.

Yesterday was a good day, taxes gone, work was good and did some laundry as well. Overall it was still a rough day as the events of Boston took center stage. My immediate thoughts were terrorism but were somewhat challenged by my co-workers. Somehow I got that uncanny sense that it was not a random and unplanned tragedy but an intent to kill and to make a statement. Still with no one or group taking "credit", only time will tell. Nevertheless, this senseless and violent attack was heinous and brought our nation together. Prayers go out to them...

Also learned of a friend of Irene's that passed away in Texas. Sad but troubled life that seemed to end too early (younger than me).

Praise for today: Righteous are you, O Lord, and your laws are right. The statutes you have laid down are righteous; they are fully trustworthy.  Psalm 119: 137-138

Monday, April 15, 2013

Judges 20: 36b-48

The Benjamites had a false sense of victory as they started to slay 30 of the Israelites but were quick to realize the smoke that was emanating from their towns and that they were now on the verge of defeat so they went to the desert. The town and the people of Gibeah were easily destroyed and defeated. The smoke took away any sense of victory that the Benjamites had. They ran into deserts and 18,000 were slain in the process. More were slain with the total of the Benjamite army being 25,000. They did not cease until the towns and the villages of the Benjamites were destroyed - people and livestock.

A brutal end to a tribe which saw fire as the finality of their towns and which made it very difficult for them to survive. Needless to say, they suffered a big price for the deeds of a few.

Decent weekend despite waiting for the finality of my 2012 taxes. Finally finished them late Saturday and will mail them out today. Finally told my mom and Irene's mom of what will come on 4/23 as well as a few more people (other family members included). Irene also let a few others know as well. Had a great meal at Harold NY with the family worship group - long time coming but also wished others could have made it but were struck with a stomach bug. A few more days here and then Friday and Monday at Princeton.

Praise for today: Sing to the Lord! Give praise to the Lord! He rescues the life of the needy from the hands of the wicked. Jer. 20: 13

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Judges 20: 26-36

The balance of the chapter is how the Israelites defeated the Benjamites. They drew the warriors away from the the city and the Israelites then started a small fire to deceive the warriors thinking their homes were being destroyed. Per the commentary:

The writer now concentrates on the people that destroyed Gibeah. They got into the town easily. The Israelites’ main army had pretended to run away. The men from Benjamin’s tribe rushed out from the city. They left it so that it had no protection. The smaller army that had been hiding went into the city. Then they started a fire there. This was a signal for the main army. When the main army saw the smoke, it would turn round. And it would fight against Benjamin’s men. The people that had been protecting the town chased after the Israelites’ main army. Some Israelites from the smaller army were hiding near Geba. These men attacked Gibeah. Benjamin’s men that ran away went east towards the desert. The Israelites started a fire in the town. They tried to stop Benjamin’s men so that these would not run away. They killed 18 000 men from Benjamin’s tribe. Those that were still alive ran to the rock called Rimmon. This was north-east from Geba. The Israelites killed 7000 more men on the way. 600 men escaped to Rimmon. Then the armies killed many other men from Benjamin’s tribe. They destroyed their towns and villages too. In Deuteronomy 13:12-18, God had given a command to the Israelites. In towns whose people had praised other gods, they should burn all the people, animals and possessions. Perhaps the Israelites now thought that the men from Benjamin’s tribe had done an even worse crime than that.
All in all a decent day yet still waiting for the rest of my tax stuff to come so I can finish it off. I am so glad that this the last year that I have to wait for this nonsense. Had a good convo with Daniel and glad for him. Prayers continue for him as he treks for the next 6 weeks to St. Louis. Looking forward to going home later and then the weekend.
Praise for today: The Lord helps them and delivers them, he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him. Psalm 37: 40

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Judges 20: 26-36

The defeats that the other tribes had felt against the Benjamites was devastating and left them reeling and wondering. They truly started to doubt their intentions and went to the only place they could go - before the Lord via the Ark. They started to get serious with God and gave Him the respect that He should have had from the outset. They sacrificed and fasted and then God affirmed their victory. The plan was to get the Benjamites out their comfort zone and then lured them to places were they tasted defeat  at the hands of the Israelites. The Benjamites then realized that the Lord was the cause of their defeat.

Not a bad day but it was hectic. A typical 5 pounds in a one pound bag type of day. Still got a lot done and there is more to come before my time off. So far everyone has been supportive and that has been a blessing. I still am at peace. Very much enjoying the current but temporary weather pattern still a foretaste of warmer weather and NO SNOW!!!.  Praying for GG as he moves to round 2 - St. Louis.

Praise for today: Praise the Lord; all you nations; extol Him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord. Psalm 117

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Judges 20: 12-24

The tribes of Israel gathered as one to demand justice and to "remove the evil" from among the land and tribe of Benjamin. What was surprising was that they refused to give up the offenders and were willing to defend them with their whole force. This was perhaps the first civil war that was fought and recorded in history. They were from the hill country and incorporated lefties that were skilled in the art of rock throwing which kept the opponents off guard. The Benjamites had 26,000 men and the 700 lefties. They opposed an army of the 400,000. The first tribe chosen to go fight from the 11 were Judah's and sustained heavy losses. They had their doubts about continuing but they were encouraged by the Lord who told them to fight and still they sustained even further losses.These losses exceeded the size of the Benjamite army.

All in all a decent day at work. Much to do and got done and prepared for the future. Still waiting on the K-1 to finish off my taxes but this is the last year that I have to wait - yahoo! Excellent weather yesterday and today with the Metskis still impressing the naysayers. Glad that David had a great dinner yesterday for his birthday. Now I am in the market for a point and click camera since my old one has died.

Praise for today: The Lord will keep you from all harm - he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121: 7-8

Monday, April 8, 2013

Judges 20: 1-11

The message has been sent to the whole country and many respond. They came to meet at Mizpah, where the Lord was. All 12 tribes were represented and came bearing swords. They wanted an account and the Levite addressed them and recounted the events and what had led up to this gathering. They wanted this resolved and taken care of so they designated 10% of the force (400,000) to be sent to Gibeah to take them down for their allowance of the crime. This must have been done early in the nation's history where the tribes were still united.

Decent weekend with the Mets game and dinner at the Wongs on Saturday. The traffic was horrendous around lower Manhattan both coming and going but overall great day and the weather was great as well. Good day at church as well. Caught up on my shows and enjoying this stretch of weather. Wishing Dave a wonderful birthday and prayers for GG as he embarks on St. Louis for more training.

Praise for today: Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him. Psalm 127: 3

Friday, April 5, 2013

Judges 19: 22-30

The rest of the chapter shows the depravity of the times and the people. The people were enjoying themselves in the company of the old man. Meanwhile, some men gathered around the home and wanted the old man for homosexual activities. The host refused and offered his daughter who was  a virgin instead. They refused and continued to demand for him despite the offering of the daughter and the concubine. The Levite cared only for himself and threw the concubine out the door to be the sacrifice for the savages. What ensued was the raving of the poor girl and was so violent that she ultimately died from the attack. There was an apparent disregard for her health and her welfare since the Bible doesn't record any remorse or concern for the girl. She died while en route to their next stop - home. The Levite sent a message to the 12 tribes by cutting her up into 12 pieces and sending the pieces with a note explaining what had happened. This was the most severe message and action taken since they had left Egypt. It was a way to test the morals of this disjointed nation.

Overall, a good few days away with Irene and David as we spurred the economy to a small degree. Got back at noon yesterday and saw GI Joe and made dinner in the slo-cooker (ribs and chicken). That should last  few meals. Keeping GG in my prayers both for his physical wellbeing and his training as well. Looking forward to coming home for the weekend and seeing the Mets tomorrow with KO and David.

Praise for today: Within your temple, O God, we meditate on your unfailing love. Like your name, O God, your praise reaches to the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with righteousness. Psalm 48: 9-10.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Judges 19: 16-22

Finally an old man invited the man and his concubine into his home after he found them in the town square. The old man came from the same town that the Levite came from so they had a connection. The Levite was forthright with his intentions to the man which included going into the "house of the Lord" and give thanks. Perhaps he wanted to express his gratitude to the Lord for the renewed relationship between himself and his concubine. Each wanted to show his generosity toward the other as a sign of fellowship but each refused the other's offering. All seemed tranquil and serene.

Pretty decent day at work with various stuff getting done. Made dinner reservations at the Borgata for the fam and got my ironing done as well. Looking forward to getting away and with free rooms, it makes it better. Prayers for GG as he continues his training - a little older, wiser and under the Lord's wing. Baseball started yesterday for me and it was  great start with the Metskis getting the W.

Praise for today: For you make me glad by your deeds O Lord; I sing for joy at the works of your hands. How great are your works, O Lord, how profound your thoughts! Psalm 92: 4-5

Monday, April 1, 2013

Judges 19: 11-16

The story progresses with the man, woman and the servant continuing their journey as they leave the safety and the hospitality of the woman's father. They were adamant that they wanted to go and they did. After a while they were looking for a place to spend the night. The man's servant wanted to go to the town of Jebus where the Jebusites lived. The man refused since they were foreigners and he felt that their own people is where they should stay the night. So they pushed on to Gibeah or Ramah. They arrived at Gibeah where the Benjamites settled. What they found was a town that wouldn't have anyone to greet them which was a ominous sign. He came to this area because his feeling was that he could trust his own kind but this was soon to have disastrous results.

Overall a decent weekend as we celebrated GF and Easter (albeit without GG who had to fly out yesterday morning). Sandwiched in between, we had a family dinner with my niece who celebrated a new job and passing her actuarial exams. Served at a Father's Heart soup kitchen and had an elders' meeting also. Looking forward to getting the rest of the tax returns done and heading to the Mets game this Saturday. Leaving tomorrow night for a few nights at the Borgata with Irene and David. Thankful that Ping fared well during his surgery and will progress towards rectifying his issues. Heading to gym after last week's tumble and hopefully getting back into it.

Praise for today: Show us your unfailing love and grant us your salvation. Psalm 85: 7