Thursday, May 31, 2012

1 Chr 21

Pride goes before the fall. That's is what David did as he wanted to see how many men he had in his army available to him. He neglected to acknowledge who was the provider of his armies (which all told, totalled 1.5 million) - which was God. He was advised against this sin and even was defied by Joab who refused to take part in this sin totally. God was angry with this and took his vengeance against the Israelites. David saw the sin of his ways and pleaded with God to let him bear the brunt of his anger rather than the people. There were 3 choices - 3 years of famine, 3 months of running from Israel's enemies or 3 days of plague. The latter was chosen by David since he didn't want his fate decided by men rather than God. So the angel of death came killing 70,000 people. God was sorry for this action and told the angel to stop. David went to sacrifice as an atonement and had to push the issue to pay for the sacrifice since it was the right thing to do. He went to the field of Araunah the Jebusite where he bought the field and the bull for an altar and sacrifice. God answered David with fire from heaven. So fearful of the angel of death was David that he did not inquire of the Lord there.

What a great story! I wish other public officials would read this and glean the truths of prideful politics and the lessons to be learned from it. While this story was an account that took place out of sequence with other things going on, it still was powerful enough to see that David was a man after God's heart and unlike Saul was repented and sought the Lord's providence. This is the first time that God spoke to David via Gad as well.

Praise for today: Exalt the Lord our God and worship him at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy. Psalm 99: 9

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

1 Chr 20

The commentary was very helpful in understanding the meaning of v.1 - Spring was the end of the rainy season and thus the chariots were obviously more successful on drier ground than wet so that was when most if not all wars and conflicts were waged. Joab was the aggressor for Israel and he laid waste to the Ammonites and gave David the crown of their king. From 4-8, the Phillistines were attacked in various battles. A relative of Goliath was encountered and defeated by Jonathan son of Shimea, David's brother killed him. This guy had 6 fingers and toes on each hand and foot and was a huge man by his own right. David was still a man of war and bloodshed as evidenced by this brief chapter.

Extremely enjoyable but very tiring weekend. From seeing MIB3 on Friday with David,  the GFC retreat at Harvey Cedars on Sat, Sunday morning church in SI, to the wedding of Matt and Christina in New Rochelle, to Delly on Monday - a lot of miles were logged into that car. God was good to us the whole time. Good to see people that I haven't seen in years. Still it all caught up to me yesterday and I overslept and couldn't blog. Much going on at work and reports have to be done... A little overwhelming but still seeking His guidance.  Always good to have the family together and that GG was excused from his civic duty and able to head back to Denver today.

Also have to get my head together for this Sunday when I do the membership classes for 4 people that are seeking to be formally into the GFC family.

Prayers of course for Renna as she recovers, for Roy and Caroline Smith, for the family and circle of friends who are coping with life.

Praise for today: How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you. which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you. Psalms 31:19

Thursday, May 24, 2012

1 Chr 19

No good deed goes unpunished and that is what happened to David when he tried to console the son of the king who was his friend. His servants were humiliated and defiled and thus sent David on a course to preserve what is right. Harun, the offending king, knew he couldn't defeat David on his own but rather ask and bargained with neighboring kingdoms to assist him in defeating Israel. While David himself didn't go into battle, he did send his sons and they led the armies to victory. David did go into battle at the end of the chapter to defeat Aram and they came under David's rule. The nation of Ammon after this episode had few if any allies.

It seems that poor advice drove Harun to do stupid and regrettable things. How often are we clouded by our judgment and inability to see things for what they are rather than have other put their slant on it. Losing face and defending it sometimes isn't worth it. Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.

Looking forward to coming home later - much needed oil change, anniversary dinner with Irene and seeing the boys after they come home will make it all worth it.

Praise for today: Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Ps. 46: 10

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

1 Chr 18

David's kingdom increased as he took over the surrounding areas around Jerusalem. He defeated the Philistines, Moabites and King Hadadezer of Zobah. With the victor goes the spoils and so David continued to accumulate chariots and riders as well as soldiers.  Even surrounding kings who had issues with Hadadezer of Zobah gave homage to David and rewarded David. God truly blessed his path and in turn, David gave all the glory and the rewards of the victories to God. It seemed that all was well as David's kingdom was growing and thriving. Abishai, David's commander also receives honorable mention for his attacks and victories.  According to the commentary, this chapter seems to have taken place before 17 and c. 19 takes place even before c.18 - go figure. Still David reigned over all of Israel and he did what was right and just for all his people. The commanders were listed among which were David's sons as chief officials.

Tried to treat myself last night to a lobster but the supermarket ran out so I had to settle for some steamed mussels. I enjoyed them as well but still not the same. I got notice that the apt will get new windows and a new sliding glass door - I'd rather keep what I have if it means the rent won't increase. I guess they call this progress. Heading home tomorrow after work for the long weekend - church retreat, C & M re-wedding and seeing GG and the fam. Need to get an oil change for the car also tomorrow night.

Praise for today: Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily hears our burdens. Psalms 68: 19

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

1 Chr 17:16-27

After David received the revelation from Nathan, he went before the Lord to examine his life and his perceived lack of heritage. He wondered why he was chosen to be blessed beyond compare since from him the Savior would be born. He "hit the lottery" and was a man that was chosen by God to lead and to prosper but in his own mind he was nothing special. He simply had to let God be God and have his way with him. Prayer takes courage and faith because to the non-believer, we are simply putting trust and hope in the unseen and unheard. To act on one's prayers takes even greater courage and faith since one has to trust on his actions and that it will be congruent to God's will. Like David, my prayer is that my family beyond my sons, will love and follow the Lord.

Praise for today: There is no one like you, O Lord, and there is no God but you; 1 Chr 17: 20a

Monday, May 21, 2012

1 Chr 17:1-15

Every good leader has an advisor or an accountability person. In the case of David, it came in the form of Nathan. Nathan was a prophet who gave him advice and admonition when required. In turn, David came to him to spill the desires of his heart as well as his love for God. This was a time of peace which allowed David to turn his attentions to God without having to worry to defend his kingdom. He wanted to build  God a house when He was living in a tent. While the intent was noble and right, God had different plans which He revealed to Nathan in a dream. While the concept for building a permanent structure for the Lord was not there due to the transient nature of the nation of Israel, God was content to live in a transient structure. He also made plans that it wouldn't be David to build it but his son. David's job as a warrior prevented him from being the builder of the temple and his role as a warrior would continue into next chapter. Despite Solomon's shortcoming and downfall, the kingdom and the legacy of David would manifest itself in Jesus Christ, whose reign is eternal.

Good weekend perhaps because I had things to do but chose to relax and enjoy the weekend. The Avengers movie was pretty good (especially in 3D) and dinner was good with Irene's side of the family. Church was good and it was great to connect with Brian and Cheryl Hawkins and her dad and brother. Drive down was slowed due to an earlier accident on the road but I got down here and was able to slow cook some ribs for the week. Sad to hear that more "voices" are being silenced - Robin Gibb past away yesterday, good songs and memories.

Praise for today: Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy in his dwelling place. 1 Chr 16: 27

Friday, May 18, 2012

1 Chr 16: 7-43

David now turns to Asaph and his associates and gives them a song (psalm) that they are to sing and lead the people in worship. It is unclear but the commentary thinks (and with good reason) that David himself wrote this. This song has three main sections. The first section is in verses 8-22. In this part, God has done what he promised to do. The second section is in verses 23-33. In this section, God is king over all the earth. And the last section is in verses 34-36. This is a short prayer for help. God is a promise keeper while we are promise breakers. It is in our nature to break promises, disappoint and fall short since we are not God and we have a fallen nature. The song takes us through a brief chronological pace of how God has kept his promises and to whom. God is also a God of all the nations and world, not just Israel. He is greater than the gods of the other nation -He is the one True God. God is good and he loves his people and therefore worthy of our praise, commitment and we in turn should give Him our all. After the celebration, David then delineated the duties of the priests by name.

All in all, a good day at work. Somewhat disappointed that the stuff that I was looking for at my local Shoprite was lacking and that the WaterPik that I was supposed to get at a local place didn't come in. Still a gorgeous day and glad to get out and enjoy it (somewhat). Looking forward to the weekend - lots of stuff to do, some fun and some not (those I may push back, ha!). Prayers for GG as he continues to study for his upgrade and for David as he now is challenged to take the next steps in his spiritual development. Prayers also for Irene as she prepares for all that we have for next weekend and that she takes time for herself to draw closer to Him.

Praise for today: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. 1 Chr 16:34

Thursday, May 17, 2012

1 Chr 16:1-6

David set a tent for worship since the ark was now in Jerusalem. There were now two tents for the same purpose. The original one was in Gibeon and the new one was to be in Jerusalem. Evidently the Lord was not offended by the new tent and the joining of the tents would not happen until Solomon built the temple. There would a sacrifice of peace by the priests and David would give each Israelite a loaf of bread and dried fruit - dates and raisins. Clearly at this time, David would not repeat the offenses of Saul when it came to the Lord. He would offer sacrifices and consult with the Lord so that the people would know who was the real King of Israel. Asaph was given the lead role of the priests and Zechariah was to be second. They would be the chief musicians that would lead the praise and worship of the people.

Decent day yesterday and hopefully more of the same today. I am surprised that the Christian radio station in NY/NJ had let their morning anchor people go - I guess it's a sign of the economy. I wish them well and they carried the name of Christ with honor.

Praise for today: Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord who minister by night in the house of the Lord. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord. May the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion. Ps 134

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

1 Chr 15

The ark of God was now able to come back into the midst of the people after spending 3 months at the home of Obed-Edom. The original tent was replaced by a new one and the heart and mind of David was consumed about doing this the right way to avoid what happened in c. 13. The Lord was pleased with the way David went about his business and how he went "old school" in gathering the proper people to carry and tend to the ark and the ultimate respect it deserved. Musicians were also chosen to usher the ark as well as those who were to guard it. Proper sacrifices were made and David was elated with the event that he was seen dancing with joy but Saul's daughter, Michal had nothing but contempt for him.

God needs to be respected and feared and that's what David finally realized. Could you imagine housing the ark of God for 3 months? While you were afraid to approach and even brush against it for fear of death, the family and the land that cared for it was blessed beyond imagination. Do we need something of God to remind and constantly watch us or do have God in our hearts so that we will always do the "right" thing - the God thing? What we need is to draw upon the Holy Spirit to give us that sense of having the mind of Christ so that we will do and be His. That is what I long for and I pray for my family and friends to have that same desire.

Praise for today: Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord. Ps. 119: 1.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

1 Chr 14

The kingdom under David was becoming more established as Hiram, King of Tyre sent the workers and materials necessary to build him a palace. Ultimately, David would be the king that Saul could and would not - one for the "benefit of the people" Israel. I guess success meant more wives to which to populate to which he did (3-5). With success comes enemies and war, David's kingdom would be no different as the Phillistines would gather full force to raid him. David, true to God, inquires of God of what to do and God answered him by telling him to "go, I will hand them over to you". God gave David the victory at Baal Perazim and there he defeated them and destroyed their idols. Once again they wanted to challenge David and there God gave him a different plan of attack (by circling behind them) and the victory. David's fame and his kingdom began to take hold.

All in all, a decent day at work. Started to take Claritin to ease my sinus hassles. No golf yesterday due to the weather and will be rescheduled for a later date. Glad to see my teams winning. Hopefully, today is a calm one. Prayers for the family and friends for God's protection and grace.

Praise for today: In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord,whose word I praise - In God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Ps 56: 10-11

Monday, May 14, 2012

1 Chr 13

This is one of the most memorable chapters and incidents in the OT. David has now rallied the nation around himself by addressing the leaders of armies both big and small. He then addressed the entire nation to bring the Lord in the center of the nation by bringing back the ark of the God. He was careful to point out the nation that the rule under Saul did not focus on God. The Ark was then brought back by a cart and for an uncharacteristic bump in the flat terrain, the ark was shifting and thus Uzzah placed his hands on the ark to steady it. The Lord stuck him dead for his act which left David angry with God and renamed the place Perez Uzzah (outbreak agains Uzzah). The fear that gripped David after this incident kept him from bringing the ark inside the city but rather in a place nearby for 3 months where the Lord blessed the family who kept it for that time.

The commentary was pretty clear about the Uzzah incident: The action of Uzzah may seem reasonable. He just wanted to make the ark safe on the cart. But there are reasons for the death of Uzzah. The ark should not have been on a cart. The Levites ought to have carried it. Nobody should have touched the ark. Those who touch holy things will die (Numbers 4:15). The ark had poles by it. Because of these poles, the Levites would not touch the ark when they moved it. And that is how God ordered them to move the ark. There was a lesson for the people. They must give proper honour to God’s holy things. They must obey the rules that God had given about them. The ark was a sign that God was with his people. 

Good but long day on Friday with my niece's grad from Rider U and working in Princeton. The evening was capped off with a minor league bball game with the Trenton Thunder sponsored by my financial advisor. Hope to meet with him over the coming weeks to tweak by portfolio. Long day on Sat which started early at the DMV and some stuff around the house before heading out to NYC for Irene's MD dinner at Hill Country and the show Ghost. Both the dinner and show was good and enjoyable but still led to a long day afterall. Glad to see the Rangers won and advance in the Stanley Cup playoffs but the Mets should have swept the Lins - closing situation stinks. Sunday started out early with the picking up at the bakery at 7AM and getting down here at 6:30 PM. Praiseful for all of the Mothers that were honored yesterday. Saw the final episode of DH and glad they cleared up the loose ends and the finality of the show was complete. OUAT was decent as that season closed as well.  Today was looking forward to getting out to play a round of golf but that seems to be a washout today. Oh well....

Praise for today: O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all of the earth! Ps 8:9

Thursday, May 10, 2012

1 Chr 12:23-40

Everyone wants to go with a winner. The balance of this chapter shows the support and depth of that support for David as all of Israel unites under one king. David was already king of Judah and thus the other components of Israel would now rally behind their new king. Even Saul's family came to rally behind David. By joining forces, the 12 tribes of Israel became a nation for a common goal and a common good. The men were sent by their families and were given food and supplies as a sign of support. I read on a FB post that we here in America treat our illegals better than those who have fought and served this country - how true and how sad. This country needs help desperately from a morals and morale standpoint. When a President supports same-sex marriages, he is undermining the very nature of Scripture and the very basis by which this country is founded. One can gather support by doing what is "popular" but it doesn't make it right. When one is attacking the essence of hard working people by penalizing them (taxation) and redistributing the wealth to those who choose to beat the system and are inclined not to work is just wrong. We truly need to return the "basics of life" but we've become a people seeking entitlements and undue rewards. Even at work, I hear of people trying to use their position to "put one over" on everyone while making them suffer in return. Somethings never, ever change.

Heading home today and will work out of Princeton so I can attend my niece's graduation and a minor league baseball game that night. Should be nice weather to enjoy it. Saturday we'll be seeing Ghost in NYC and that should be fun as well. Just wish these allergies would go away!

Praise for today: Because you are my help, I sing in the shadows of your wings, My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. Ps. 63:7-8

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

1 Chr 12: 1-22

This chapter deals with the four groups that came alongside David while he was being pursued by Saul. They were versed in bows and arrows or could use the sling and stones with either hand. The first group were almost entirely from the tribe of Benjamin (verses 1-7). These men came to David in Ziklag. The next group came to him in his camp near the desert. These men were from the tribe of Gad (verses 8-15). The third group came to him when the  Philistines sent him away from the battle. These men were from the  tribe of Manasseh (verses 19-22). The 4th group were from other tribes. They came to David at Hebron to help make David king of all Israel (verses 23-40). What was interesting was some of the warriors came from the Korahites - from the Levites. The Gadites was perhaps the most elite as v 14 states. The encounter that was recorded in v 16-18 was interesting since the Spirit of the Lord made His presence known and recorded. David's renown and his army grew to the point where it was "like the army of God" or a great and mighty army(22).

Clearly the narrative has started and the emphasis is on David and his establishment of his kingship and the nation of Israel. Unlike today, it seems that his was one of momentum and spiritual blessing rather than the populist view and what society has seen as the path of least resistance. We are such a society of entitlement and taking rather than giving. Our economy can never move forward as a result of redistribution of wealth because the least will never be incented to work and vice versa as the most will resent and slack knowing that they will lose in the end despite their work and life ethics.

Looking forward to Friday since I will be going to my niece's graduation in the morning, working in Princeton in the afternoon and going to a minor league baseball game in the evening. So I will be heading home tomorrow and that's always a good thing!

Praise for today: I have become a portent to many, but you are my strong refuge. My mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long. Ps 71: 7-8

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

1Chr 11: 11-47

The next section speaks of some of the notables in David's army. Jashobeam, was chief of the officers and was reported to have killed 300 men with a spear in one encounter. Eleazar, was one of the three most powerful men in his army who with David fought to maintain a field of barley. David was so with his men that he even refused to drink water after the Three brought him some since he felt that he was betraying the men that were fighting with out it. Abishai, was the chief of the Three. He too killed 300 with one spear and was their commander. Benaiah performed the greatest exploits. He slew lions, and man-giants. The Bible then listed the "mighty"men of Israel.

Good day at work and was able to enjoy the Mets and Rangers victory after cooking up some stuff on my wok for the week. Tonight will be a StageIt concert with an old friend, WW.  Hopefully, the weather holds up and I am able to play a round of golf tomorrow afternoon.

Praise for today: Blessed is the man you discipline, O Lord, the man you teach from your law; you grant him relief from days of trouble; till a pit is dug for the wicked. Ps. 94: 12-13.

Monday, May 7, 2012

1 Chr 11:1-10

After Saul's death, the nation then rallied around David as their next king. By accepting David, they have accepted God. This was not the case with Saul. So ultimately when all of the elders of Israel came to David at Hebron, there was a pact between the elders and David before the Lord. According the promise that the Lord made to Samuel, David was anointed king over Israel. The first order of business was to conquer Jerusalem and reclaim that city. Unfortunately for the past 400 years, it was occupied by the Jebusites and they renamed it Jebus. David then gave an order for the first person to lead the charge will be commander-in-chief and that person was Joab. Still not a easy order since others (for 400 years) have tried and failed. Things would be different since the anointed one was now the king. They fortified Jerusalem after the conquest of Jebus and solidified David's rule.

Good weekend overall. Long day on Sat but got a round of golf in (played much better in the back then the front), did laundry, and saw West Side Story at NJPAC. Found out with the new regime at NJPAC, they will be discontinuing the Bway show series - which will probably end our participation there as well. Sunday was good for ministry free Sunday, lunch for my mom's birthday and a good talk with David about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I haven't spent a lot alone time with him and talking with him about things and I pray that as I shared my heart, he was receptive. Also good to pray with GG as well before I headed down to Delly.

The week will shape up as the weather flies... supposed to play golf on Wed afternoon but for now it seems like a washout.  We'll see....

Praise for today: So the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. They would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands. Ps 78: 6-7

Friday, May 4, 2012

1 Chr 10: 1-14

The demise of Saul is captured in these few verses but his life took a turn much earlier that sealed his faith. With the death of his three sons, in the battle against the Philistines, the arrows that pierced his body took its toll. However, Saul's armor bearer would not put him out of his misery and the potential humility that the Philistines would put him through so he fell on his sword and died. He was beheaded and his head hung as an effigy for all to see. Scripture said of his demise :
v13 Saul died because he was not loyal to the LORD. He did not obey the LORD. He even asked advice from a woman who inquired of the spirits of dead people. v14 He went to her and he did not ask the LORD for advice. So, the LORD caused his death. And the LORD gave the kingdom to David, who was Jesse’s son.   So it was Saul's disloyalty to the Lord, his disobedience and his distance from the Lord that was his downfall. He was truly the people's king and not the Lord's king who would be David.

With the help of my friend Ed, I managed to (hopefully) get this project out the door. Still not a way to spend the rest of my week and thus am looking forward to the weekend. Hopefully will get a round of golf in and see West Side Story with Irene @ NJPAC tomorrow night. It is ironic that we are starting a study of patience - something that I sorely lack and I am leading the first session. Also good to have the family back this weekend as GG will be coming home later.

Praise for today: I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High. Ps 7:17

Thursday, May 3, 2012

1 Chr 9:35-44

From the commentary: The rest of the chapter is about the family of Saul, who was Israel’s first king. He was the son of Kish. Jonathan’s son was Merib-Baal. Merib-Baal was another name for Mephibosheth. This list shows the family of Saul until about the time of the exile in Babylon. The purpose of this list is to mention the story of Saul briefly, in order to introduce David. David’s rule as king is the main subject for the rest of 1 Chronicles.

Yesterday started out ok, but rapidly went downhill. "Special" projects and a vindictive indivual made my life miserable the rest of the day torturous. Still what made it true to me was the ride home, the song that happened to be playing was "What ever doesn't kill you will make you stronger" . How true... Still we'll see how this plays out. Can't say but I do trust in the Lord. On a different note, caught up with OUAT and saw the Rangers play nearly two games last night as (after I was asleep) won in 3OTs. Also a rare time when I root for the Braves as they came from behind to beat the Sillies. Meanwhile, the Mets got swept in Houston, go figure. Glad to hear about Clay's mom and her recovery.

Praise for today: The Lord will keep you from all harm - he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Ps 121: 7-8

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

1 Chr 9: 1-34

It amazes me how accurate and how many of the records of the genealogies were kept and existed for so long. All of Israel was listed in the book of Kings. The people of Judah were taken into Babylonian captivity because of their unfaithfulness. The people who were returning from captivity would look at these lists and to remind them and to help them worship once again. v 10-13 speaks of the priests and their families and 14-34 speaks to the families of the Levites, the gatekeepers and their duties, the musicians as they lived in Jerusalem. Of note, Phineas, son of Eleazar was in charge of the gatekeepers and the Lord was with him. The delineation of tasks of the gatekeepers was interesting but there was clearly a delineation of duties that was spelt out.

Good day overall but still the BP has been an issue. Praying for that. I want to volunteer at the Sunday Breakfast Mission during the week but with my new schedule of rotating late nights, that may be difficult - we'll see. Worked on the FW lesson for Friday - patience, should be an interesting one since in my older state of life I still try to attain it. Must be my NYC mentality.

Praise for today: I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. Ps. 140:12

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1Chr 8: 29-40

I am now at the lineage of Saul, via Benjamin and Jeiel who spawned Kish,the father of Saul. From this line, we get Abner, Saul's uncle who was the leader of the army. From Saul, we get Jonathan and from Jonathan - Merib-Baal, who became Mephibosheth. He was the one that was sought by David and was restored to his place as a fulfilled promise by King David. Mephibosheth was 5 years old when Saul and Jonathan died. That was in 1011BC. King David was kind to Mephibosheth because he had made a promise to Jonathan (1 Samuel 20:15-17). This list of Mephibosheth’s family continues until about the time of the exile in 586 BC.

The age of the kings started with Saul and lasted centuries until the years of captivity and silence. God's hand was evident as the nation was struggling to be His people.

Decent day, albeit a tiring one. I have been struggling with maintaining a decent BP and have been for years. Still, God is in control and it seems to be so for now. Readings do fluctuate and it is very dependent upon the stresses and strains of the day. I also tend to be a worrier which doesn't help matters either. Prayers for GG as he returns back the CO and also for Clay and his family as his mom recovers from the triple bypass last Friday.

Praise for today: Wait for the Lord and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off, you will see it. Ps. 37:34.