Friday, April 29, 2011

Ex 20: 30-44

This is a historic day by the world's standard - a royal wedding with all of the hoopla and pomp and circumstances that goes along with it. A wedding that similar to one around 30 years ago offered promise and hope to a nation and a world that believed and trusted in a promise and a vow. We all know how that panned out and what transpired - broken vows, infidelity and the untimely death of Diana. Not that this is wished upon today's couple or any couple but we are imperfect people and the trend is still alarming. My prayers are for Kate and William to be one but more importantly that third strand is Christ - the only true groom.

Still what does have to do with this passage - everything! God was willing to allow her bride to sow her oats and in turn still willing to let her return, under the condition that she truly repented and relented from her wicked and vile ways. Still it was to be done God's way, He was to judge them as He would judge the pagan nations if they would still want to follow the shallowness of their desires. Only after the fire would pure gold be refined and thus the same would have to happen to the Israelites. vv. 40 -44 - represents the wedding and the reception in its purest form - with holiness as the tie that binds. That is truly what is meant by the marriage of "even yoke". God cannot and will not change - He doesn't have to. He is the standard of holiness that we need to ascribe to, not the other way around.

Thanks for all who asked and prayed for me during the feet operation. It all went well even after the pain killers wore off. The most difficult thing for me is to walk on my heels and keep the pressure off the surgically repaired parts of my feet. Never had learned to walk with crutches. Still good to be home for a few days to recover. Appreciated the call from the Meister asking how his dear ol' dad was doing. As I watch the coverage of the wedding conclude, that momentary sense of hope and tranquilty has for now passed reality has now set in - the tragic loss of lives and property with all of the tornadoes and storms that have ravaged this country. My prayers go out to them and their families. It will be good for me to just chill but those who know me acknowledge that that is easier said than done. Still worth a try  - catch up on some old movies.

Praise for Him who died for me and will be my Healer!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ez 20:13-29 Standing solo on the dance floor

Have you ever want something so much that while you knew it wasn't good for you or just in extreme moderation - you went after it anyway and went after it hard? The eyes are often bigger than the body and that was what happened with the Israelites. They were so blessed that they saw something else that was not beneficial but rather detrimental and in turn binged to the point of no return. They saw something that they thought was better than what they had (greener grass theory) and in turn left the one that brought them to the dance for someone else./ Have you ever been the one that was left on the dance floor alone? Not a good feeling. In fact, it's depressing and brings one to shame and anger. Not only have you spent the time and the dime on this person but now you are left holding the bag and you feel vulnerable, hurt and open. You feel powerless and while you want to strike out at that person or at least blot them from the mind and memory - you can't. There is something about that person that you still hope that you will find a redeeming quality about so that the relationship or some semblance of it can be restored. I love the phone commercial about the two guys on the ski slopes waiting on the lift. One person asks if it is alright to go out with the other person's ex. He says it's ok and finds out that she wanted to go out with his friend while they were still dating. She sends the new guy a video and shows the jilted one. What does he do? He chucks the phone and with it her! Awesome, I laugh at this one every time I see it. It's all about feelings and relationships and doing the right thing. Vows are vows no matter what the circumstances.

God had every right to destroy and dispel the nation of Israel but they bore His name and they were His people. Despite the lack of reverence not only to who He was and what He had done for them, He was and is GOD! He is above all things and is their Creator! He put them into the world and He could take them them out (thanks Bill Cosby). Why bite the hand that feeds you?

Overall, good day yesterday - afterwork social, Mets won (6 in a row), all of my pre-admission stuff was good and Irene and David got to go to a NYY courtesy of Ted Leung and got to meet a photo op with Curtis Granderson. I'm not a NYY fan but this guy is the real deal and I am a fan of his. Most of all got to chat and pray with GG - always a blessing! Today is the day and I am doing laundry while waiting for Irene to come down. After it is all said and done, heading back to NJ and keep off my feet for a few days. Hoepfully, I won't be totally incapacitated and off my feet.

Prayers for Tami's friend and their family and for my peeps.

Praise for today: that He is the Great Physician and Healer!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ez 20: 1-12

According to one commentary, this chapter is referenced in 591 BC. Some of the elders of Israel came before Ezekiel to inquire of the Lord. God spoke to Ezekiel at that time and gave him the words that he should deliver to them and needless to say it was less than inviting. God would not let these rebellious and unrepentant hearts come and "inquire" of Him due to His holiness. He proceeds to say them that nothing that He held sacred (Sabbath) meant nothing to them so why should He even give them the time of day. How true is this for us? We ask without regard to our status and our relationship to the One that desires a relationship and respect. We ask when we run out of options and choices. Can we grieve the Spirit in this manner also?
I pray not since then we have lost all touch with our Father.

Long day yesterday, did the run up to NJ just to have a last minute physical done so I can get this stupid operation behind me. I pray that He will give me His healing hand during this season.

Praise Him for safe and a relatively easy commute last night and for a personal friend/physician and wife that has stuck in the middle of all of this nonsense.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ez 19

This is a chapter about lineage, power and potential. God told Ezekiel to lament for the princes of Israel and usually when we lament someone and/or something we think of what was, what happened and what could be. I know that is usually the case in sports or politics and even in life. We have so much potential because God gives it to us. Sometimes we take it, sometimes we don't. We also are guilty of believing the hype and "reading our own press clippings" and then we fall and fall hard. We fail to "praise God from whom ALL blessings fllow" and as a result we truly believe that we are the source and the sustainer of our successes and destiny. The princes of Israel were spoken of as lions. The collection of them are called a pride which is ironic since "pride does fall before the man". When we look at ourselves through a mirror, we need to step forward closer because the closer we get, we see the greater the flaws.

Good to speak albeit briefly to GG yesterday. I do think that he is acclimating himself well to his environment and am glad that once he gets his wheels and by having Sundays off, he can worship at a church.

Boy, I hate incompetence! The foot doctors office and the hospital that I am going to on Thursday are ridiculous in their last minute gyrations that they are putting me and my favorite family doctor and loving staff through due to their poor planning. Just hope that it can be solved and that this is not a reflection of things to come on Thursday.

Praise for today: that He is in control whether we acknowledge it or not.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Ez 18

This passage is very appropriately designated as "the soul who sins will die". The Lord deals with the sayings or proverbs of the land, we have them as well for our every day life but these particular ones irks the Lord. He addrss the one in v. 2 by giving very scenarios that will address sin and repentance for a father and a son. The father is righteous but the son is not - the father lives, the son does not. The son has a son who is righteous - the righteous one lives and the sinful father does not. If a wicked man turns from his wicked ways and repents and follows the Lord's commandments - he will live since none of his offenses will be remembered just the righteous ones. If a righteous man turns away from the Lord and commits the same detestable things that a wicked man does, he will NOT live! None of the righteous things he has done will be remembered and he will be guilty and die for the sins that he has committed. The cry against the Lord is that He is unjust but all He wants is our obedience and to make us holy. "Be ye holy, because I am holy" is the NT cry. Janna Long posted a tweet that we are so hung up on His grace and mercy that we overlook His holiness. How true in a world that looks for quick and superficial fixes.

Loved the weekend and the rest despite the lousy weather for most of it. Good weekend for my Metskies but a downer for the Knicks. Still got a chance to chat with GG and spend time with the fam - it's all good!

Praise for today: He has risen and sits on the right hand of God the Father to reign forever and ever, Amen!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ezekiel 17

Wow, God spoke to Ezekiel and told him to speak to Israel in a parable. I thought that they were only relegated to the NT and from the lips of Jesus. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since Ezekiel was called the "son of man". The parable was about two eagles and a vine. The first one came to Lebanon which took of the top of a cedar tree and planted it in a city of traders in fertile soil. He planted it and became a low spreading vine (like ivy). The other eagle plant one ( it seems from the first one) and was planted in fertile soil but near abundant water where it would produce branches, bear fruit and become a "splendid vine". He was to say to the Israelites from the Lord, "will it survive? will it not be uprooted and stripped of its fruit and wither and die"? The parable was to show the similarities between the king of Babylon and how he was able to lure the kingdom of Jerusalem so it would remain low and never reach its destiny. Only with the Lord who can provide Living Water will any kingdom or individual truly flourish and prosper (like the man in Ps. 1). He alone can make the tall tree low and the low tree grow tall. The similarities are there between Jerusalem and Judah.

What a remarkable passage. This analogy of trees and vines have been sprinkled around the Bible to remind us that He alone is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the one that dictates and is in control. As we approach the Easter season, the Vine is alive and the branches should rejoice!

Praying for GG as he heads back to CO, still savoring the times we talk, pray and listen to each other. I know that our schedules are not congruent and that there will be times of silence, but at least we both know that we love each other and love Him as well. Finally got my stuff done so I can go to get this foot taken care of and looking forward to the weekend, albeit with lousy weather pending.

Praise for today: that He took that long walk and was mocked, crucified and rose for me!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ezekiel 16: 53-63

In this section, the Lord will allow the Jerusalem (Israel) and her "friends" to be restored so that all will be shown for their failings and how they are really despised rather than loved and cared for. Then will then bear the consequences of their "lewdness and despicable practices". God will deal with them as they deserve because of the broken covenant. However, the Lord will "remember" His part of the covenant that He made with them in their youth and still despite it all, go forth and establish an "everlasting" covenant with them. Then they will know that He is the Lord. After the atonement for their sin, they will repent and and be reminded of this episode in their lives and remain humble and walk with their Lord.

God did intend an everlasting covenant - the Lord Jesus Christ and gave them this opportunity to return to Him in a more meaningful and permanent way. His death and resurrection was the once and for all, everlasting sacrifice and covenant - the New Testament in His body and blood shed for the remission of all sin! Halleluia, what a Savior! Halleluia, Amen!

Things are progressing towards getting GG more permanently set up there in Denver. I am glad to see him progressing in his maturity and in his responsiblilties. Learning to let go and let God! Still thankful and praiseful for God taking over where I cannot. Prayers also for David and Irene. Still thinking of all those that I meet and have a story and how I can be Jesus to them. Praiseful that several of the young adults in our church are reaching out to those less fortunate than they are and being real to them.

Praise for today: that He is mighty to save!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ezekiel 16: 43-52

v. 43 is a throwback to the book of Ecclesiastes 12:1 which tells us to remeber our Creator in the days of our youth - if we did then we would now. We wouldn't stray far from the precepts and teachings that we should and must embrace to live. It only takes a spark to get the fire going... I think of parallel tracks and what would happen to a train if there was just the slight deviation in the distance between tracks. The passage then talks about the proverb... "like mother, like daughter"! I always thought and was told, "like father, like son" - WOMEN! take that! Still the truth is that "the apple does not fall far from the tree". If we as parents fail, the likelihood is that our children fail as well. I have noticed (very unscientifically, I might add) that if there is a history of divorce in the family, I have noticed that there is a pattern of it later on in the offsprings and from generation to generation. Maybe I am wrong, but I do notice the chain of events. We as the passage says are an arrogant people who justify our wants as our needs and that our actions have no consequence to present and future generations. We need to own up to our mistakes and our sins and repent and turn in order to stop that pattern of destruction.

Sin has no varying levels or degrees in God's eyes. We need to address it at any level and work out our salvation daily.

As we approach His death and resurrection, I am mindful of His great love and outpouring at the cross. I am thankful that GG is home for a few days and while I won't be able to see him we will pray on Wed.

Prayers for Heather and her family, co-workers who are ill and my usual peeps for their trials and God's grace on their lives. Prayers for Irene and David as well.

Praise for today: that His grace is sufficient for me.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ezekiel 16: 23-42

We can get so self-centered at times that we believe our own press clippings. Such was the case in this passage. They made shrines for themselves and gave themselves over to the Egyptians, the Phillistines and the Assyrians and even with the Babylonians. It seems that they were more engaged with being and assimilating themselves with others than with the one that brought them to the dance. They were so brazen that they "gave payment" to be like others when the prostitute usually gets paid for her services. This carried on for generations, which kept on this vicious cycle all in the name of profit while denying the Lord and turning their backs on Him. He will strip them down and expose them for what they are - useless and powerless without Him.

Aren't we the same way? Do we give God the credit or just go to Him when we are in need? Maybe we, as a society of over-achievers think we control our destiny yet we can be led down the same road as the Israelites. I shudder to think what the results would be. I pray that I too can be a part of the remnant that survives.

Praise for today: that God is my Rock and my Salvation!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ez 16: 1-22

The Lord takes us through a different form of a history lesson regarding His chosen people. From not even a cradle but from the ancestry and birth of an offspring of an Amorite and a Hittite, whose umblical cord wasn't even cut properly (no belly button - innie or outie). The baby was never properly cared for and as a result was left to his own devices and abandoned and despised. The Lord chose and gave legitimacy to that child and was "breathed life into" and soon flourished. Like a kinsmen/redeemder in Ruth (v.8) the Lord came into a covenant and that baby (nation) became His.

What sets us apart from the rest of the world? Is it the way we carry ourselves or how we dress? Do we "trust in our beauty" as it states in v. 15 or have we replaced God with possessions or our appearances? Have we made such a difference in our lives living for God that our children want what we have or have we allowed them to be created in our image rather than the image of God. Do we remember from whence we came or where the world wants us to be?  Ezekiel is told in v. 16 - that such things should not happen, nor should they ever occur.

Sorry this took two days to write - long days but I am glad to have finished this off.

Praises that I was able to speak and pray with GG today. I am proud of him and his outlook on life and God. I am always proud of David - that he is becoming the man that God wants and seeks.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ezekiel 15

As we are into Spring (almost a month - hard to believe given our weather pattern), we see the trees and the vines as well as the grass jump back into life after a period of dormancy. Psalms 1 says that a blessed man is "like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." I am also reminded of Jonah and how he yearned for the vine for shade after the Lord took it away from him - he did nothing to preserve or nourish the vine but expected much from it and took it for granted that it was his. I also think about the fig tree that Jesus condemned after its inability to yield fruit. To me that last one represents what God thought about Jerusalem in Ezekiel's day. Rather than allow the fig tree to remain, God will consume the tree with fire and make the land desolate since they have been so unfaithful and disobedient.

Who doesn't want a beautiful lawn and thriving plants and trees? They do come with a price, both from a labor and financial standpoint. If I am going to be that blessed man in Psalm 1, then I must plant myself on the word of God and drink from Christ who is the living water. Lord, may that be my goal....

Prayers for today as I am still waiting for that deliquent tax form and will head back to NJ tonight from DE. Thankfully, I will work out of NJ tomorrow to avoid the trek back and forth for one day. Our annual cemetary run (3 cemetaries spread over Upstate NY and Brooklyn followed by a late lunch/early dinner) on Sat in the rain and then church on Sunday and back to DE. Seems like there will be no time to really relax and have some downtime to catch up on my Metskis.

Praise for today: that He gives me a Way, Truth and Life to enjoy this passage today!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ez 14: 12-23

This was an extremely interesting half of the chapter. It really emphasized the severity of the conditions that had driven the Lord to make and pass His judgement. It also said how the Lord would deal with those that were not faithful to Him and His precepts. Famine, wild beasts, sword or plague would be the options that the Lord had spelt out as a means to accomplish His wrath. Those that would perish would be so evil that He said that neither Noah, Daniel or Job would be able to save anyone other than themselves. To me it was a precursor to the Hebrews 11 chapter of faith and righteousness. Twice were these names mentioned and were attributed due to their righteousness as being sole survivors. To me, this gave validity to the personage of Job since it has always been questioned where he fits in the whole scheme of things given the lack of historical reference and perspective. Still in all, God is confident that there will be a small remnant that will remain and come the Ezekiel and display their faith and righteousness so that the new nation of Israel can continue and justify God's actions.

So much stuff in this book! I wish others could read this book and draw from it what I have so far and will to come.

Prayers and thanksgiving for GG as he is back in Denver and on the line again. Praying for guidance as far as shipping/driving his car out there as well over the next few days. Prayers for me asking for patience and stamina to finish off this whole tax ordeal and the drive to and from NJ when I get the form I need. Prayers for PAL and his family as they grieve the loss of his step-father ( a retired pastor).  Prayers for the elderly at my church and U. Ralph and my s-i-l's family while they are going through medical issues. Prayers for David and Irene as they go through their day.

Praise for today: That He is in contol and will be forever and ever!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ez 14: 1-11

It seems that there were some elders who struggled with the idol worship that was present among the elders and leaders of the community and approached Ezekiel about this situation. They knew of their practices and were fearful that they were being approached by the Israelites that were seeking guidance. God took the decision making process out of their hands and said that He would directly deal with them and the elders and prophets that has set up idols in their hearts. If you eliminate the source, the people will see that and turn from their wicked ways. Each of the parties will take responsibility for their actions and God will deal with them according to their ways.

What is interesting about this study is the way it is coinciding with the studies that we are doing in our Adult Ed classes. We are studying about stumbling blocks that keep us from enjoying and worshipping God as we could and should. Modern day idols are much more subtle now and have allured us from spending more time with God.

Nothing new on the back (although it is still recovering - 80% there) and the tax front. Hopefully, I get those form soon so I can finish off this ordeal.

Prayers for GG and his travels, if and when they call him back to work, and Irene and David as they spend time with him. Prayers for Irene as she plans her trip to drive his car out there to CO. Also for my peeps and especially the elderly who are feeling the pangs of their age and fragility.

Praise for today: That despite all that is going on, He is still faithful to me and others. His ways and thoughts are truly higher than any of mine.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ez 13

I guess the "joys" of being a homeowner makes this passage even more salient to me. There were foundational cracks in the "walls" of Jerusalem and its people. God's leaders rather than ensure that the people and their beliefs would mirror those of God, chose to ignore and overlook the issues. False prophets and leadings as well as overlooking the sin that was in their lives made it all the more reason that the people was going down the road to destruction. The term "whitewashing" was used here to illustrate that we gloss over and cover the problems so that they look fine on the surface but in reality, there is decay and ruin underneath. God has accused the prophets and leaders of this injustice and will rain down on their parade - exposing the reality of the situation. The charge brought against them by God is even more damaging since they were responsible for the people and leading them astray. They chose not to seek the Lord but rather for a few handfuls of barley and scraps of bread were willing to lie and convict the people they were responsible for to death.

How is this passage pertinent for me today? I see and sometime engage in sinful activity - we all do. That is what makes us fall short of His glory. What I need to do and be is raise my bar so that I will not fall into the traps of the priests and leaders mentioned here. I know that given my position, I am always on display - good or bad. It is easier for those to imitate my bad behavior since it may be congruent to what they are doing as well. An affirmation of bad behavior by a leader doesn't make it right - both parties are wrong. I pray that while there are things that I know can influence others that I fall short of God's glory - God will give me the victory over them.

Good times this weekend. I got to see GG who flew in late Saturday night and at church. The day at church was extremely long (ended at 3 PM) which got me down to Delaware by 7. Unfortunately, I missed the dinner at my niece's place but if I did, I would have arrived here at midnight and that would have been painful. Still good time at Centrico's (Aaron Sanchez's restaurant) - food was good but the service was so-so, unbecoming of a Food Network restauranteur.

Prayers for today: that my back improves (up to 75% right now) and that I get my tax information soon so I can finish this thing off. Still have to make the trek up mid-week for this - painful! Traveling mercies for GG and good week for David and Irene!

Praise for today: that the warm of today and sunshine slated for later will bring joy to people and especially me! The calm before the days of rain ahead....

Friday, April 8, 2011


A watchman has to be a leader and in the case of Ezekiel, he was God's example to this stiff-necked people - a harbinger of things to come. Unlike Job who came in naked and will leave naked, God uses Ezekiel as an example of what their plight will be and the prince of Jerusalem will be the mark. God shows through Ezekiel that their public humiliation will end in their death and that they will ultimately via their captivity be scattered to the four corners of the world. The pleas of Ezekiel did not go unnoticed since v.16 states that God intends to spare the few to bring them back to Him.

A lot of people in his time were banking that they would be spared as they clung to the proverb in v.22 but God will shatter that false hope and give them their just rewards and doom. The chapter ends with God declaring that the time to act is now and "let the games begin".

God will not be mocked, you will reap what you sow... some crops come up earlier than others.

Prayers for my aching back and my trip home. Just found out that I will have to make the trip home during the week to finish off my taxes due to a delayed form and then come down here. That stinks! Also, for the victims of yesterday's earthquake in Japan.

Praise for today: for His provisions and His healing power which I count and bank on!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ez. 11: 16 - 25

The "therefore" of this passage is that a) even though God has scattered them among the countries, He has been a sanctuary for them in their countries while they are gone and b) He will gather them back and give them the land. The key is what happens when they return to that land. They will remove the vile images and idols and God will give them an "undivided" heart and a new spirit. He will remove the heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh and then they can follow Him and carefully keep His law. There is a warning for those who still cling to their hearts of stone, that God will bring down on their head, what they have done.

With that, the vision ends as spectacularly as it started with the Spirit lifting Ezekiel back to exiles. There the vision "went up from him" and he told the exiles everything that the Lord had shown him.

Man! I am really digging this book! What a man Ezekiel must have been to have seen the glory of God and be reinforced in his mission. Alas, to much is given - much is expected. I am sure that the best is yet to come.

Prayers for another day with this stiff lower back and my scheduling this foot thing to get it taken care of. I would love to walk a golf course painfree!

Praise for today - that He leads with mercy and grace and I hope that I can do the same.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ez. 11: 1-15

I guess when you look at a rise or a fall of a family, community, state or a nation - you look at the head of the house and/or its leaders. Jerusalem's fall was not done by one man but a collective of 25, leaders that were supposed to bring them forward and lift them up. They were given mandates and precepts to follow and failed miserably. Bad leaders look at opportunities to profit themselves at the expense of others. Here the indictment was the leaders followed and conformed to the standard of the other nations while "giving up their first love" - God. The prophesy that Ezekiel brought was not to strangers but people that he knew and whose very utterance drove one person to his death. Ezekiel still pleads for the Lord not to destroy the remnant of Israel but has little to show for it other than himself.

I guess that makes me look soberly at myself and keeps my head in the game not to conform myself to the world but rather as Rom 12 states to transform into the image of Christ.

Prayers answered as GG finished his first day on the job with little issues. I pray that he keeps his head and heart steered towards Christ. Elected to go under the laser knife to rid myself of the foot problems rather than to see them recurring - slated for the end of April. No gym, ugly shoes for a month. Still the goal is to walk a golf course pain free when it is all said and done.

Praise for today - even when I think I need to go to the gym, the Lord wants me to rest and so I will (with my stiff back) and that He is my refuge and my rock.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ez. 10

What a descriptive chapter! Cheribum and a man in linen dominate the chapter as the Lord prepares for His glory to leave the temple. God make a point that His holiness is everything and that the fire and burning coals will cleanse and prepare a path for El Shaddai's presence. The creatures were the same that were present in C. 1. Truly a sight but obviously not a good sign for things to come.

God has truly chosen a man that could witness and record this without leaving out the details necessary to make this a dynamic passage.

I praise God that my boy has become a man, and that he is making his own decisions and taking the initiative in his next chapter of his life. He found a place to live at a reasonable rate and I pray that he will be light in that house that he will share with a fellow co-worker and two other guys. I pray that he is happy and will settle in well. I am looking forward to visiting him and others that are in that area.  I am looking forward to seeing him this weekend if his schedule works out.

Prayers for him as he starts his first day on the job.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Ez 9

In this chapter, the 6 angels of death carry out the wrath of the Lord alongside each was a man clothed in linen with a writing kit at his side. God's glory moved from above the cherubim to the front of the temple and like the blood of the lamb on their door post of the Israelites in Egypt were marked before the angel of death passed by them, they were to mark the foreheads of the saved. God then instructed his angels of death to spare no one who didn't have the mark and filled the temple with the dead, thus defiling the temple. Jeremiah was grieved at the execution of the demand and pleaded with God to spare the remnant of Israel.
God's response was merely an answer to those who claim  that God has forsaken the land and doesn't see. But He does and He has answered. The man in linen return with the word that the Lord's command was fulfilled.

I guess my takeaway from this was if you don't want the answer, don't ask the question. My guess is that the number of saved were few but they were the faithful. God was and is not to be mocked, you do reap what you sow. I think that this is just another wake-up call for us today to get our act together and return to the "basics of life".

I am so thankful for this weekend, to see GG and to pray with him. The family went to see Spamalot @ NJPAC on Sat- some parts were funny but overall, good family time. Sunday was a rare family dinner out at Wild Wings with my niece -still all good.

Praise for today, that He is truly worthy to be praised and He alone is worthy! I am very praiseful that He is the giver of all good things!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Ezekiel 8

Twenty four years have passed since the beginning of the book, yet now Ezekiel will see what has ired the Lord. He is taken up via the Spirit and led by an angel to view what the nation has become and what has driven Him out of His sanctuary. Each issue, which in and of itself, violates the holiness of God and is an affront to the 1st and 2nd Commandments is not only being embraced by the populace but also the priests and elders who are the spiritual leaders of the church. Their lack of respect for the holiness of God has allowed violence both locally and abroad and the vermin infestation has brought down the sanctity and appearance of the God's temple.

God's holiness - the one thing that makes God, God! If He is not holy and pure, then there is no standard and no "true north". Chaos prevails because all things are relative and in the eyes of the beholder. From the get-go, there has always been the desire of God for His people to be holy. Israel failed mightily and since then, we really haven't gotten it right either. God's wrath comes from His actions out of anger - they are brutal and complete. The flood is an example of that action never to be repeated again. Yet God's means of restoration is also complete and is done out of His love and compassion. Jesus's presence, death and resurrection was and is - once and for all.

Going home after a really long week at work - felt like I worked enough for a 6-day week, so I am really looking forward to seeing the family and relaxing (?) for the most part.

Prayers today - for my traveling and the family getting out and about during this day. For my family worship group and what our study brings tonight. Of course, my peeps!

Praise for today: To truly comprehend and bask in His holiness - the standard, yesterday - today and forever.