Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gen 9:1-17

Another chapter of promise and hope. Man is given another shot to have dominion of the world and to start again. Litterally the slate had been wiped clean. How many times do I wish I have had to opportunities to have started over, not said the hurtful or spiteful things. I think of all the things that I shouldn't have done and sins that I shouldn't have committed. Still God is a God of second, third .. chances. The promise of that type of worldwide destruction is no longer an option in God's eyes. The chapter also emphasizes the holiness and sanctity of life - especially when it comes to our dietary needs. This section ends with the rainbow and the promise and sign of the covenant between man and God.

Starting to get back into the gym routine. Long day today with a business dinner at a local restaurant. Hopefully I will survive - good company should see me through this as well as a forecasted nice day today. Prayers for Irene and her dental issues.

Praise for today: That my God is a God of second, third and many chances.


  1. Is your foot back to normal? Will pray for Irene's dental issues.

  2. Yup, the feet are fine! Thanks for your prayers! Glad to see that life is starting to normalize(?) as the school year unfurls.
