Thursday, February 17, 2011

2 Cor 2: 1-11

For some reason, Paul did not make his 2nd trip to Corinth. He obviously had good reasons,but his use of the word "painful" is something not to take lightly. Obviously he had spent a lot of love and energy in this church plant. There may have been certain individuals, by the tone of his charge that had caused him angst. The ruling body there must have addressed this in their own way and perhaps to an extreme because Paul is seeking to forgive, comfort and restore that person. How it is easier said than done! However, if anyone can truly know what that means to a person is Paul, himself.

Church dissention by a few always harms the body as a whole. While it is important to voice a view, there is and should be a trust that God will never give a person or a church second-best. There is never a time that Satan should have the victory in God's house.

Glad to see the weather change if not for a brief time. I am tired of the snow and cold and am looking forward to see some baseball in a few weeks.

Praise for today: that the Cambodian team is safely home and I praise Him for His faithfulness and his mercies.

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