Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ex 10:1-20

"That you may know that I am the Lord" - the motivating factor that is behind all of this. The Lord, who is all powerful, all knowing created a situation by which history (or His story) can be told to all generations. The fact that this was so spectacular and so impressive that even today, a person like me could read and experience the times and glean who God is. How protective God is of his people and His holiness. God does bring down the proud and mighty because if you are, then you can never love Him with your whole heart, strength and mind. The locusts were next and even by this time Pharoah's officials even threw in the towel and pleaded with him to relent in order to save what was left of his ravaged country. Pharoah's response to Moses's request (10&11) brought God's wrath and the locust with the wave of Moses's staff. The locusts were devastating (13) and brought Pharoah to summon Moses and "repented" so that the plague would cease. Still even after the locusts were gone, the Lord hardened Pharoah's heart and the Israelites' status was quo.

Overall it was a decent day at work. The reduction in comp was well advertised but whether or not it was well received was another story. Even after the ding, I still give praise to Him who provides all things and we will get by. This will be a year of fiscal constraint which won't be too well received on the homefront but still that is beyond my control. The object for today is to get the laundry done so that I won't have to lug it home to do. With the CNY approaching, there is enough to do without having that as well. Looking forward to see my s-i-l and her family on Saturday as well. Hopefully, I will finally see Warhorse as well.

Praise for today: Jesus looked at them and said. "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." Mark 10:27


  1. Praying that you guys have your needs met over and above. How has the weather been there? It is FREEZING here at night.

    1. We have and we will have our needs met and exceeded by our God. Just is a bad feeling to work harder and longer and get paid less. We raised the bar while our pay is lower. A sign of the times and hopefully 2011 is behind us. Our weather with the exception of a few days has been more moderate (ave 40s) but we have had days in the teens. Still grateful that the white stuff is minimal. Hope you are faring well and am praying for your health as well.
