Monday, January 2, 2012

Ex 2 :11-22

No good deed goes unpunished and while this was a noble deed, it had its consequences. While he was branded a murderer and was banished himself from Egpyt, he still had noble intentions. If he were to allow the Egyptian to live, his fate would have been entirely different and would have not been free to encounter God the way he would in later chapters. The fact that he knew and acknowledged his heritage and his people was amazing especially since he was treated like royalty and probably acclimated himself to the comfy lifestyle. Still he was a defender of the weak and helpless. What pushed the issue was that everyone knew that he was the one that defended his people and what made matters worse, his own people didn't care and were content to remain oppressed. His flee to Midian was one that helped shape and reveal his character and he was given a second chance at life. While he was still known to them as an Egyptian, he was still an Israelite and was given Zipporah as his wife. She bore him a son, Gershom - a stranger in a foreign country.

Good day at church yesterday. Nice also to spend a night at home and will head down to Delly later. Glad to see that we as a church are moving towards the direction of greater spirituality and personal growth for the coming year. Praying for a milder winter and so far, so good. Also nice to spend some time for GG before he heads off. It will be a while before he makes it back here for a visit.

Praise for today: Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law. Gal. 5:1

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