The stage is set for the new calendar and traditions that will be celebrated by Israel from this day forth. While the Bible makes no mention of the number of days in the month, the assumption is at least 4 weeks worth. The tenth day of the first month would mark the man's responsibility to take a lamb (share one with a neighbor who is without) and slay the umblemished animal on the 14th day of the month at twilight. The blood of the animal is to be put on the sides and top of the doorways and the same night they are to roast the lamb with bitter herbs and eat it. The uneatened part is to be burnt. The clothes that they are to eat this with must be traveling clothes and the meal must be eaten quickly because, "it is the Lord's Passover" (13). The night will mark the slaying of the first born in Egypt - both men and animals as judgement will be made over Egypt by the Lord. The blood will be a sign that the Lord will "passover" the houses where they are marked with the lamb's blood. The day will also commemorate the celebration of the festival where unleaven bread will by made and eaten for 7 days. No work, except the preparation of the Feast will be allowed.
This is truly a "game changer" for the Israelites since the Lord will now set the pace for them to be united as a nation and be under Him. "Free at last" was the cry of Dr. King and the Israelites now had the opportunity to be free from the tyranny of Pharoah. We know that their freedom was a cause of celebration but will be a cause of rebellion in subsequent chapters.
Yesterday, we celebrated the CNY in Edison where we had a small gathering at home. Great meal, convo and fellowship before heading down to Delly late last night. Heading to the gym now and have a long week ahead, still praiseful to have a job. Praise that Donna is doing better but prayers for my niece that found out she is sick.
Praise for today: No one is like you, O Lord; you are great and your name is mighty in power. Jer 10: 6
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