Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ex 12: 17-30

The balance of the section was to delineate the Feast of Unleavened Bread, because it was the very day that the Lord brought the divisions out of Israel and into the Promised Land. For 21 days on the first month, no yeast is to be made with the bread and no yeast is to be found in the house for a period of a week. Moses then told the elders to tell everyone to use hyssop, which was a bunch of branches and leaves of a local plant, and paint the doorpost with the blood of the slain lambs and remain inside so that the Destroyer will pass over their houses as he will kill all of the Egyptians' first born. This event, although a one-time event, would be remembered even today as a reminder and Jews all around the world still remember and celebrate the Seder for this. The deed was done at midnight with not one Egyptian having been spared a death in their house.

Nothing faces a parent more grimly than watching a child die. It doesn't matter what the age, it remains a parent's greatest nightmare. God waited for the Passover to prove to Pharoah, the Egyptians and the world that He is the one True God. The devastation and the helplessness of the people watching their children and livestock die would drive the point home like no other. I know that for me this would be my nightmare as well.

It was comical watching the FB posts while the State of the Union was presented. The President was optimistic while presenting absolutely no signs of fiscal restraint while the Republicans were the complete opposites. Should make for an interesting read in the newspapers today and the coming days.

Praise for today: Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary and his understanding no one can fathom. Is 40:28

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