Friday, January 6, 2012

Ex 5

The encounter that Moses and Aaron with Pharoah had hoped for did not go as Moses and Aaron had planned. Pharoah was not about the let his meal ticket go without a fight and the fact that they wanted to take the Israelites away didn't sit well with him. He felt he was a god so why should another God take his people away? The fact that there was hope in the hearts of the Israelites made them have a different attitude about work and thus Pharoah made their lives miserable. Bricks without straw - forced them to work twice as hard and were beaten for the shortcomings. With no concession as far as what they were expected to do and their backs to the wall, the Israelite leaders confronted Moses and Aaron and blamed them for their plight as they feared for their lives. Moses, in turn, went to the Lord and complained to Him how lousy the situation was.

As Ringo Starr used to sing, "ya know it don't come easy" - and neither will this task be. The character and personality of Moses and Aaron will now be tested as never before. No one wants to lose what brought them to the dance and Pharaoh was no exception. Cheap labor became an entitlement to Pharoah and he didn't want to let that go easily, not unlike the entitlements and "country club living" that has gripped and destroyed the economies of Greece and Italy today.

Long but productive day yesterday. Will head home tonight and will take down the outside lights given the warm temps slated for tomorrow in the morning - hope to get a walk in early. Maybe we'll get a chance to see WarHorse as well.

Praise for today: Your ways, O God, are holy What god is so great as our God? Ps 77:13

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