Now the exodus has begun and the Israelites have left Egypt. God has already revealed his plan to Moses. Pharoah and his officials will have realized that their meal ticket has gone and they will come to their senses and pursue them to get them back. He will take his army with him (600 of his best chariots and others) to where they overtook them at their camp near the Red Sea. Faced with the waters in front of them and the army behind them, they looked to Moses and pleaded with him to let them return to Egypt then to go to the desert or die there. Moses was instructed to wave his staff to part the waters while the angel of the Lord (cloud) went behind them and blocked the Egyptians' way. As they passed, the chariots followed into the land divided by water and then the wheels came off and they were stuck. The Egyptians knew and acknowledged that they were fight the Lord of Hosts and that they were not going to win this one. Trying to escape was futile as the waters flowed over the Egyptians and their chariots and horsemen. The entire army of Pharoah was destroyed and the Israelites were saved from the hands of the Egyptians and saw their dead pursuers. v 31 at least for then was the conclusion and the basis for their faith.
What a spectacular event and result! If only the Israelites would mark their faith by this day and not doubt God's power. Still we know the rest and how God would deal with them and us through Christ.
Good day overall but tough night sleeping. Going to be a rough one at the gym with a lousy night's sleep - guess this will be my slack day (doing less) and praying for a good day today.
Praise for today: Moses answered the people, "do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today will never see you again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still". Ex 14: 13-14
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