This is a remarkable encounter between Jethro, Moses's f-i-l and himself. Zipporah, Moses's wife and his two sons are now in the story where they went to Jethro for a visit. The two sons, Gershom and Eliezer were name such given their situation of being in a strange land and the other being helped by God through Moses' ordeal. Jethro, Zipporah and the two sons came to meet Moses in the desert. Apparently, Jethro was truly a believer himself and was praiseful after hearing the events in Moses and the Israelites' life. After they met, they both burnt offerings and broke bread along with Aaron. He then gave Moses the best advice of his life which was to delegate the responsibility of judging all of the disputes that arose during the day between the Israelites. He told him to choose capable and godly men to settle the disputes between the people and it was Moses' responsibility to be the people's representative between them and God. Only the difficult cases would be brought to Moses. This is turn set up the concepts of judges in the hearts and minds of the Israelites - a concept that would transcend after Joshua's death. Moses saw the wisdom in this and proceeded to carry this out. Jethro then returned to his own country.
What a God-send, Jethro was! He saw the situation and because of the respect and the wisdom that he imparted preempted a potentially harmful situation for Moses and the Israelites while preserving the integrity of God's intent. I pray that I may do the same for my sons when the situation ever arises.
So glad that the snow was minimal and should be gone with the warming temps. The next snow blast should come on early Sat morning but should be light albeit with much colder temps. Still looking forward to seeing the SW 3D with Irene and David.
Praise for today: Praise be to the Lord, who rescued you from the hand of the Egyptians and of Pharoah, and who rescued the people from the hand of the Egyptians. Now I know that the Lord is greater than all other gods, for he did this to those who had treated Israel arrogantly. Ex 18: 10-11
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