Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ex 17: 1-7

Again the people who have traveled with Moses become discontent and quarrel with Moses now for water. They again put the Lord to the test and look backward rather than forward to His promises and protection. Unfortunately, Moses get the brunt of their attacks and is near being stoned for all that he has done. When things go well, he gets no credit and when things are bad - he will get all of the blame. In this tenuous situation, God tells him to go ahead and along with the elders, he is to strike the rock with the staff at Horeb. The rock will spew forth water for the people to drink. So often the events in the Bible spawn the names of the places and this was no different. The place was called Massah and Meribah because of the testing and quarreling that took place. In Numbers 20, the event is recalled and there is where the faith of Moses shows impatience and as a result God didn't take him into the Promised Land.

Sometimes I feel that the whole world (or at least the part that is entrusted to me) is on my shoulders. Having done the work gig for over 38 years and being the head of the house has given me a lot of responsibility and burden both financially and spiritually. I am so glad and grateful that the Lord is a part of this and that He is the one that has filled my family with His Spirit. While I will still have concerns and at times angst, I do know that He is in control and He is the One that will see us through.

Praise for today: O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all of the earth! Ps 8: 9

1 comment:

  1. He WILL! Praying for peace and that your load will feel light as He carries it with you.
