Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ex 23:20 -33

How interesting that God sent an angel to be with them during this part of the journey. He will have the power and authority of God himself as he will also defend them against their enemies. He will be a no-nonsense kind of angel (21). Again God had to re-emphasize to them that they are not to worship the gods of the lands that they will cross to get to the Promised land. Instead, they are to destroy the idol worship in the lands that they will cross. Do that and the Lord promised them a sickness free, childbearing (no miscarriages or barrenness) time as well as a "full life span" -which to me means well past 100. The angel, to them, will be a "terror" to their enemies and drive them out but this will not happen immediately but little by little. How similar is that even in life itself. If everything was handed to us, we would not mature or would be tested to be  refined gold for God. Ultimately they will possess the land, but that will come as they have grown in stature in God's eyes. The borders established in v31 seems like their final resting place but God again has to emphasize the purity and the holiness that His people are called to. The prophetic words in v 33 will ultimately be their downfall as they enter the period of the Judges and beyond.

Good day yesterday. Able to do my household chores and some more cooking. Got caught up on some of my shows and looking to do the same later. Home will be empty this weekend, just like the apartment. Still stuff to do, people to see and places to go.

Praise for today: Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you. Ex 23: 25

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