Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ex 17: 8-17

This is the first battle that the Israelites had to fight on their own (albeit with the Lord's help). This is also the first time that Joshua is mentioned by name in the Bible. The plan was simple, when Moses had his arms raised, they were winning, but when the hands dropped they were losing. It got to the point that he needed help (Aaron and Hur) to prop up his arms to ensure the victory. This battle raged from sunup to sundown until the Amalekites were defeated. The significance of the battle was captured when Moses built an altar and called it the Lord is my Banner. Additionally, the Amalekites would be the sworn enemy of the Lord and the Israelites from generation to generation.

The strength to keep the arms up had to be excruciating. I know what it's like to do that for a short, short time since the blood is draining down and the hands grow numb. What it must be to do that for at least 12 hours and then build an altar of significance. The things we do ....

Long day coming up with a business dinner to boot today. Hopefully the nuisance snow showers won't make the trek too bad.

Praise for today: Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our God our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of  his pasture, the flock under his care.  Ps 95: 6-7

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