Friday, May 4, 2012

1 Chr 10: 1-14

The demise of Saul is captured in these few verses but his life took a turn much earlier that sealed his faith. With the death of his three sons, in the battle against the Philistines, the arrows that pierced his body took its toll. However, Saul's armor bearer would not put him out of his misery and the potential humility that the Philistines would put him through so he fell on his sword and died. He was beheaded and his head hung as an effigy for all to see. Scripture said of his demise :
v13 Saul died because he was not loyal to the LORD. He did not obey the LORD. He even asked advice from a woman who inquired of the spirits of dead people. v14 He went to her and he did not ask the LORD for advice. So, the LORD caused his death. And the LORD gave the kingdom to David, who was Jesse’s son.   So it was Saul's disloyalty to the Lord, his disobedience and his distance from the Lord that was his downfall. He was truly the people's king and not the Lord's king who would be David.

With the help of my friend Ed, I managed to (hopefully) get this project out the door. Still not a way to spend the rest of my week and thus am looking forward to the weekend. Hopefully will get a round of golf in and see West Side Story with Irene @ NJPAC tomorrow night. It is ironic that we are starting a study of patience - something that I sorely lack and I am leading the first session. Also good to have the family back this weekend as GG will be coming home later.

Praise for today: I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High. Ps 7:17

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