After Saul's death, the nation then rallied around David as their next king. By accepting David, they have accepted God. This was not the case with Saul. So ultimately when all of the elders of Israel came to David at Hebron, there was a pact between the elders and David before the Lord. According the promise that the Lord made to Samuel, David was anointed king over Israel. The first order of business was to conquer Jerusalem and reclaim that city. Unfortunately for the past 400 years, it was occupied by the Jebusites and they renamed it Jebus. David then gave an order for the first person to lead the charge will be commander-in-chief and that person was Joab. Still not a easy order since others (for 400 years) have tried and failed. Things would be different since the anointed one was now the king. They fortified Jerusalem after the conquest of Jebus and solidified David's rule.
Good weekend overall. Long day on Sat but got a round of golf in (played much better in the back then the front), did laundry, and saw West Side Story at NJPAC. Found out with the new regime at NJPAC, they will be discontinuing the Bway show series - which will probably end our participation there as well. Sunday was good for ministry free Sunday, lunch for my mom's birthday and a good talk with David about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I haven't spent a lot alone time with him and talking with him about things and I pray that as I shared my heart, he was receptive. Also good to pray with GG as well before I headed down to Delly.
The week will shape up as the weather flies... supposed to play golf on Wed afternoon but for now it seems like a washout. We'll see....
Praise for today: So the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. They would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands. Ps 78: 6-7
I admire the way you & Irene have taught your sons about God and how you spend time praying with them. Hope we can do as well with our kids!