Friday, May 18, 2012

1 Chr 16: 7-43

David now turns to Asaph and his associates and gives them a song (psalm) that they are to sing and lead the people in worship. It is unclear but the commentary thinks (and with good reason) that David himself wrote this. This song has three main sections. The first section is in verses 8-22. In this part, God has done what he promised to do. The second section is in verses 23-33. In this section, God is king over all the earth. And the last section is in verses 34-36. This is a short prayer for help. God is a promise keeper while we are promise breakers. It is in our nature to break promises, disappoint and fall short since we are not God and we have a fallen nature. The song takes us through a brief chronological pace of how God has kept his promises and to whom. God is also a God of all the nations and world, not just Israel. He is greater than the gods of the other nation -He is the one True God. God is good and he loves his people and therefore worthy of our praise, commitment and we in turn should give Him our all. After the celebration, David then delineated the duties of the priests by name.

All in all, a good day at work. Somewhat disappointed that the stuff that I was looking for at my local Shoprite was lacking and that the WaterPik that I was supposed to get at a local place didn't come in. Still a gorgeous day and glad to get out and enjoy it (somewhat). Looking forward to the weekend - lots of stuff to do, some fun and some not (those I may push back, ha!). Prayers for GG as he continues to study for his upgrade and for David as he now is challenged to take the next steps in his spiritual development. Prayers also for Irene as she prepares for all that we have for next weekend and that she takes time for herself to draw closer to Him.

Praise for today: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. 1 Chr 16:34

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