Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1Chr 8: 29-40

I am now at the lineage of Saul, via Benjamin and Jeiel who spawned Kish,the father of Saul. From this line, we get Abner, Saul's uncle who was the leader of the army. From Saul, we get Jonathan and from Jonathan - Merib-Baal, who became Mephibosheth. He was the one that was sought by David and was restored to his place as a fulfilled promise by King David. Mephibosheth was 5 years old when Saul and Jonathan died. That was in 1011BC. King David was kind to Mephibosheth because he had made a promise to Jonathan (1 Samuel 20:15-17). This list of Mephibosheth’s family continues until about the time of the exile in 586 BC.

The age of the kings started with Saul and lasted centuries until the years of captivity and silence. God's hand was evident as the nation was struggling to be His people.

Decent day, albeit a tiring one. I have been struggling with maintaining a decent BP and have been for years. Still, God is in control and it seems to be so for now. Readings do fluctuate and it is very dependent upon the stresses and strains of the day. I also tend to be a worrier which doesn't help matters either. Prayers for GG as he returns back the CO and also for Clay and his family as his mom recovers from the triple bypass last Friday.

Praise for today: Wait for the Lord and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off, you will see it. Ps. 37:34.

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