Wednesday, May 16, 2012

1 Chr 15

The ark of God was now able to come back into the midst of the people after spending 3 months at the home of Obed-Edom. The original tent was replaced by a new one and the heart and mind of David was consumed about doing this the right way to avoid what happened in c. 13. The Lord was pleased with the way David went about his business and how he went "old school" in gathering the proper people to carry and tend to the ark and the ultimate respect it deserved. Musicians were also chosen to usher the ark as well as those who were to guard it. Proper sacrifices were made and David was elated with the event that he was seen dancing with joy but Saul's daughter, Michal had nothing but contempt for him.

God needs to be respected and feared and that's what David finally realized. Could you imagine housing the ark of God for 3 months? While you were afraid to approach and even brush against it for fear of death, the family and the land that cared for it was blessed beyond imagination. Do we need something of God to remind and constantly watch us or do have God in our hearts so that we will always do the "right" thing - the God thing? What we need is to draw upon the Holy Spirit to give us that sense of having the mind of Christ so that we will do and be His. That is what I long for and I pray for my family and friends to have that same desire.

Praise for today: Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord. Ps. 119: 1.

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