Friday, April 19, 2013

Judges 21: 16-25

The balance of the chapter was to find a way to have the 200 men without wives get one. The fathers of these potential wives were still under a promise not to have them marry any Benjamite which was perplexing for those who wanted to see the tribe survive despite their foolish vows. Ultimately they would use the Feast of Tabernacles as a way to get these girls not in a manner so that they would be conflicting with their vows. Seems like if they had consulted the Lord in the first place, none of this would have transpired. Still it was a reflection of a land that was unruled and undisciplined. End of Judges....

Yesterday was a long one which was dominated by the pre-op stuff before Tuesday. Trying to get all my ducks in a row was tedious and eye-opening since now I have to take Monday off as well. All in all, I am still at peace with this despite the potential complications. God will see me through this...
Very grateful for Irene and her support yesterday.

Praise for today: So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41: 10-11

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Judges 21: 9-15

Apparently not everyone or group had felt that the crimes that the rest of the tribes felt were heinous was enough to get involved. They took a poll of the attendees and the supporters and found that among them one didn't show up to the dance. Per the commentary: The Israelites thought again about their actions. They had fought a holy war. But they had made some promises that were too strong. They had promised that their daughters would not marry the men from Benjamin’s tribe. So they had not allowed them to marry them. They were sorry about that. Because it meant that the tribe would not continue. They built an altar. This was probably at Mizpah, because there was already one at Bethel. They could not change their promise. Then they remembered something. If a tribe sent nobody to the meeting, people would declare a curse on that tribe. As a result, the tribe would suffer destruction. Nobody had come from Jabesh-Gilead. (The people in Jabesh-Gilead were relatives of Manasseh, Rachel’s grandson. And so, they were also relatives of Benjamin. Later there was a close connection between Jabesh-Gilead and Benjamin’s tribe.)

This was the backdrop of the events that would follow. They felt that non- attendance was as serious a matter that could and would lead to the destruction of the tribe. They found 400 virgin girls and there were 600 Benjamite men to "restart" their name. Despite their actions, the nation didn't want to see one of the 12 be eliminated. They met at Shiloh which meant that this was early in the nation's history since the writer had to explain where it was.

A day closer to finishing up before I head north. Today will feel surreal and I will be off tomorrow and then in Princeton on Friday and Monday. Hopefully, all the pre-stuff will be over soon... Going to take up with me some books and DVDs to keep me occupied. Just finish RA Dickey's book which was a great and quick read. I rarely finish a 300+ page book in a week or so but this one was such a blessed and good read that I found myself even appreciating the man and our God even more - a must read!

Praise for today: Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice, Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Psalm 105: 3-4

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Judges 21: 1-8

The last chapter of Judges comes with the "judgement" of the tribe of Benjamin. The other tribes had dissected and dismantled the tribe to the point where it could not remain and or survive. They also knew that some of their actions had too far reaching results that would prove disastrous. They declared that the women of Benjamin could not marry and thus doomed them. They built an altar at Mizpah and mourned because of their brash promises. However, one tribe who didn't attend their meeting and agreed to the promise was not bound by it. This was the group from Jabesh-Gilead who didn't. As a result, they were not bound by it. They would be the ones to continue the tribe.

Yesterday was a good day, taxes gone, work was good and did some laundry as well. Overall it was still a rough day as the events of Boston took center stage. My immediate thoughts were terrorism but were somewhat challenged by my co-workers. Somehow I got that uncanny sense that it was not a random and unplanned tragedy but an intent to kill and to make a statement. Still with no one or group taking "credit", only time will tell. Nevertheless, this senseless and violent attack was heinous and brought our nation together. Prayers go out to them...

Also learned of a friend of Irene's that passed away in Texas. Sad but troubled life that seemed to end too early (younger than me).

Praise for today: Righteous are you, O Lord, and your laws are right. The statutes you have laid down are righteous; they are fully trustworthy.  Psalm 119: 137-138

Monday, April 15, 2013

Judges 20: 36b-48

The Benjamites had a false sense of victory as they started to slay 30 of the Israelites but were quick to realize the smoke that was emanating from their towns and that they were now on the verge of defeat so they went to the desert. The town and the people of Gibeah were easily destroyed and defeated. The smoke took away any sense of victory that the Benjamites had. They ran into deserts and 18,000 were slain in the process. More were slain with the total of the Benjamite army being 25,000. They did not cease until the towns and the villages of the Benjamites were destroyed - people and livestock.

A brutal end to a tribe which saw fire as the finality of their towns and which made it very difficult for them to survive. Needless to say, they suffered a big price for the deeds of a few.

Decent weekend despite waiting for the finality of my 2012 taxes. Finally finished them late Saturday and will mail them out today. Finally told my mom and Irene's mom of what will come on 4/23 as well as a few more people (other family members included). Irene also let a few others know as well. Had a great meal at Harold NY with the family worship group - long time coming but also wished others could have made it but were struck with a stomach bug. A few more days here and then Friday and Monday at Princeton.

Praise for today: Sing to the Lord! Give praise to the Lord! He rescues the life of the needy from the hands of the wicked. Jer. 20: 13

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Judges 20: 26-36

The balance of the chapter is how the Israelites defeated the Benjamites. They drew the warriors away from the the city and the Israelites then started a small fire to deceive the warriors thinking their homes were being destroyed. Per the commentary:

The writer now concentrates on the people that destroyed Gibeah. They got into the town easily. The Israelites’ main army had pretended to run away. The men from Benjamin’s tribe rushed out from the city. They left it so that it had no protection. The smaller army that had been hiding went into the city. Then they started a fire there. This was a signal for the main army. When the main army saw the smoke, it would turn round. And it would fight against Benjamin’s men. The people that had been protecting the town chased after the Israelites’ main army. Some Israelites from the smaller army were hiding near Geba. These men attacked Gibeah. Benjamin’s men that ran away went east towards the desert. The Israelites started a fire in the town. They tried to stop Benjamin’s men so that these would not run away. They killed 18 000 men from Benjamin’s tribe. Those that were still alive ran to the rock called Rimmon. This was north-east from Geba. The Israelites killed 7000 more men on the way. 600 men escaped to Rimmon. Then the armies killed many other men from Benjamin’s tribe. They destroyed their towns and villages too. In Deuteronomy 13:12-18, God had given a command to the Israelites. In towns whose people had praised other gods, they should burn all the people, animals and possessions. Perhaps the Israelites now thought that the men from Benjamin’s tribe had done an even worse crime than that.
All in all a decent day yet still waiting for the rest of my tax stuff to come so I can finish it off. I am so glad that this the last year that I have to wait for this nonsense. Had a good convo with Daniel and glad for him. Prayers continue for him as he treks for the next 6 weeks to St. Louis. Looking forward to going home later and then the weekend.
Praise for today: The Lord helps them and delivers them, he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him. Psalm 37: 40

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Judges 20: 26-36

The defeats that the other tribes had felt against the Benjamites was devastating and left them reeling and wondering. They truly started to doubt their intentions and went to the only place they could go - before the Lord via the Ark. They started to get serious with God and gave Him the respect that He should have had from the outset. They sacrificed and fasted and then God affirmed their victory. The plan was to get the Benjamites out their comfort zone and then lured them to places were they tasted defeat  at the hands of the Israelites. The Benjamites then realized that the Lord was the cause of their defeat.

Not a bad day but it was hectic. A typical 5 pounds in a one pound bag type of day. Still got a lot done and there is more to come before my time off. So far everyone has been supportive and that has been a blessing. I still am at peace. Very much enjoying the current but temporary weather pattern still a foretaste of warmer weather and NO SNOW!!!.  Praying for GG as he moves to round 2 - St. Louis.

Praise for today: Praise the Lord; all you nations; extol Him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord. Psalm 117

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Judges 20: 12-24

The tribes of Israel gathered as one to demand justice and to "remove the evil" from among the land and tribe of Benjamin. What was surprising was that they refused to give up the offenders and were willing to defend them with their whole force. This was perhaps the first civil war that was fought and recorded in history. They were from the hill country and incorporated lefties that were skilled in the art of rock throwing which kept the opponents off guard. The Benjamites had 26,000 men and the 700 lefties. They opposed an army of the 400,000. The first tribe chosen to go fight from the 11 were Judah's and sustained heavy losses. They had their doubts about continuing but they were encouraged by the Lord who told them to fight and still they sustained even further losses.These losses exceeded the size of the Benjamite army.

All in all a decent day at work. Much to do and got done and prepared for the future. Still waiting on the K-1 to finish off my taxes but this is the last year that I have to wait - yahoo! Excellent weather yesterday and today with the Metskis still impressing the naysayers. Glad that David had a great dinner yesterday for his birthday. Now I am in the market for a point and click camera since my old one has died.

Praise for today: The Lord will keep you from all harm - he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121: 7-8

Monday, April 8, 2013

Judges 20: 1-11

The message has been sent to the whole country and many respond. They came to meet at Mizpah, where the Lord was. All 12 tribes were represented and came bearing swords. They wanted an account and the Levite addressed them and recounted the events and what had led up to this gathering. They wanted this resolved and taken care of so they designated 10% of the force (400,000) to be sent to Gibeah to take them down for their allowance of the crime. This must have been done early in the nation's history where the tribes were still united.

Decent weekend with the Mets game and dinner at the Wongs on Saturday. The traffic was horrendous around lower Manhattan both coming and going but overall great day and the weather was great as well. Good day at church as well. Caught up on my shows and enjoying this stretch of weather. Wishing Dave a wonderful birthday and prayers for GG as he embarks on St. Louis for more training.

Praise for today: Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him. Psalm 127: 3

Friday, April 5, 2013

Judges 19: 22-30

The rest of the chapter shows the depravity of the times and the people. The people were enjoying themselves in the company of the old man. Meanwhile, some men gathered around the home and wanted the old man for homosexual activities. The host refused and offered his daughter who was  a virgin instead. They refused and continued to demand for him despite the offering of the daughter and the concubine. The Levite cared only for himself and threw the concubine out the door to be the sacrifice for the savages. What ensued was the raving of the poor girl and was so violent that she ultimately died from the attack. There was an apparent disregard for her health and her welfare since the Bible doesn't record any remorse or concern for the girl. She died while en route to their next stop - home. The Levite sent a message to the 12 tribes by cutting her up into 12 pieces and sending the pieces with a note explaining what had happened. This was the most severe message and action taken since they had left Egypt. It was a way to test the morals of this disjointed nation.

Overall, a good few days away with Irene and David as we spurred the economy to a small degree. Got back at noon yesterday and saw GI Joe and made dinner in the slo-cooker (ribs and chicken). That should last  few meals. Keeping GG in my prayers both for his physical wellbeing and his training as well. Looking forward to coming home for the weekend and seeing the Mets tomorrow with KO and David.

Praise for today: Within your temple, O God, we meditate on your unfailing love. Like your name, O God, your praise reaches to the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with righteousness. Psalm 48: 9-10.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Judges 19: 16-22

Finally an old man invited the man and his concubine into his home after he found them in the town square. The old man came from the same town that the Levite came from so they had a connection. The Levite was forthright with his intentions to the man which included going into the "house of the Lord" and give thanks. Perhaps he wanted to express his gratitude to the Lord for the renewed relationship between himself and his concubine. Each wanted to show his generosity toward the other as a sign of fellowship but each refused the other's offering. All seemed tranquil and serene.

Pretty decent day at work with various stuff getting done. Made dinner reservations at the Borgata for the fam and got my ironing done as well. Looking forward to getting away and with free rooms, it makes it better. Prayers for GG as he continues his training - a little older, wiser and under the Lord's wing. Baseball started yesterday for me and it was  great start with the Metskis getting the W.

Praise for today: For you make me glad by your deeds O Lord; I sing for joy at the works of your hands. How great are your works, O Lord, how profound your thoughts! Psalm 92: 4-5

Monday, April 1, 2013

Judges 19: 11-16

The story progresses with the man, woman and the servant continuing their journey as they leave the safety and the hospitality of the woman's father. They were adamant that they wanted to go and they did. After a while they were looking for a place to spend the night. The man's servant wanted to go to the town of Jebus where the Jebusites lived. The man refused since they were foreigners and he felt that their own people is where they should stay the night. So they pushed on to Gibeah or Ramah. They arrived at Gibeah where the Benjamites settled. What they found was a town that wouldn't have anyone to greet them which was a ominous sign. He came to this area because his feeling was that he could trust his own kind but this was soon to have disastrous results.

Overall a decent weekend as we celebrated GF and Easter (albeit without GG who had to fly out yesterday morning). Sandwiched in between, we had a family dinner with my niece who celebrated a new job and passing her actuarial exams. Served at a Father's Heart soup kitchen and had an elders' meeting also. Looking forward to getting the rest of the tax returns done and heading to the Mets game this Saturday. Leaving tomorrow night for a few nights at the Borgata with Irene and David. Thankful that Ping fared well during his surgery and will progress towards rectifying his issues. Heading to gym after last week's tumble and hopefully getting back into it.

Praise for today: Show us your unfailing love and grant us your salvation. Psalm 85: 7

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Judges 19: 1-10

According to the commentary, the events in this chapter take place before c. 17 &18. The next chapter later mentions Phineas, Aaron's grandson so that puts the historical context to a degree as well (v.28). The concept of concubines existed in biblical times and this is the premise of this section. A Levite from Ephraim's tribe has gone to get his concubine back after she has left him. She was from Bethlehem (yes that one) and she was not his exclusive one evidently.  Evidently she didn't want to be with him. He ended up at her father's house with some animals in hand to woo her back via her father. The father seeing this as a way to rectify the wrong and to save face pleads with him to stay for several days and on the fifth day the Levite wants to leave with the concubine and animals in tow. He was now on route to Jebus (Jerusalem).

All in all, decent day at work and now looking forward to the trip home. Hopefully it will be a relatively smooth day at work and a decent drive home later and dinner out with Irene.

Praise for today: I lift my eyes up to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121: 1-2

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Judges 18: 27-31

The victims of this episode was the townspeople that lived in Laish. They were isolated and felt that they had nothing to fear since they kept to themselves. They didn't trade with anyone outside to their community and on top of that their leader, Micah was already on his heels when it came to the tribe of Dan. They were wiped out and thus the new city which was also called Dan was born. Dan was Jacob's son. Idol worship was still prevalent and continued into the new city. Meanwhile, the Lord's tent was still in Shiloh.

Over all good day yesterday with the situation resolved. Was grateful and thankful for the outcome. Still the day was not without incident as I fell off the treadmill yesterday and hurt my right foot and got banged up a bit. So...  no gym for the time being.

Praise for today: Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does marvelous deeds. Praise be to his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory, Amen and Amen. Psalm 72: 18-19

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Judges 18: 22- 26

The confrontation between Micah and the 5 men was inevitable. The 5 men had the audacity to ask or even demand to Micah why was he opposing them given the fact that they were the thieves and the perpetrators from the outset. They were the ones who took his hospitality and ripped him off of everything that he held "sacred" - his idols and his priest. After realizing that he was outmanned and outgunned, Micah returned back empty realizing  that his "gods" couldn't help him. The incident was indicative of the times and the nature of man at that time. There was no definitive leader so each man and tribe was under their own devices.

Decent day with some promise for the future. Will get further clarification tonight. Weather was weird with the late taste of winter but still without incident. What I really have started to get into has been Downton Abbey. After watching the first season, the second one has been starting equally good.

Praise for today: I spread out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land. Psalm 143: 6

Monday, March 25, 2013

Judges 18: 14-21

To say that these 5 men were above board and honest would be a miscarriage of justice. While in Laish, they saw Micah and what he had - his own priest, wealth and objects of worship (albeit not of the Lord's solely). As a result, they committed the sin of coveting and stealing. They proceeded to lift the ephod and all of the other paraphernalia that Micah had to worship the Lord and his other gods. The Levite caught them and thus the "appeal" was given to the Levite to join them. It doesn't say but doesn't preclude that his life would be in danger. The appeal to the Levite was that (besides his health and well-being) he would be a priest to a people rather than a family. Obviously the offer appealed to him and he was helping them to the goods. It seems in order to prevent any "trouble" the 5 had 600 men stand watch while they were helping themselves to their host's hospitality.

All in all a good weekend. Still some things popped up that I will have to address before I can proceed. GG home this weekend and the rest of the week. Already looking forward to this coming weekend and hope that these 4 days just breeze by. Sunday was weird since I had a very, very rough night sleeping. I stay home and went to church locally and still was blessed.

Praise for today: Search me, O God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139: 23-24

Friday, March 22, 2013

Judges 18: 7-13

The 5 men who were at Micah's house proceeded to go to Laish, an area at peace, with no active signs of a military presence or guard for protection. They seemed self sufficient since the people appeared to trade and thrive among themselves. The 5 men returned home and were immediately asked about their long trek and their findings. They relayed that the Laish was ripe for the pickings and place was thriving and the people were easy to overcome. They proceeded to gather 600 men (and their families) to go and capture the land to the north.

Overall another decent day at work. Got back to see Belmont get crushed in its opening round (seems like a routine)  and it was apparent that they were star-struck by the big stage and were totally outplayed and were as cold as ice. Still good to see them. Caught up on more TV since I was away. Praiseful that GG got to my cousin's place in Evanston, IL and will make it back tonight. Looking forward to the weekend. Prayers for my cousin whose heart issues are still with him - hopefully this Thursday's procedures will be the one that works.

Praise for today: It is we who extol the Lord, both now and forevermore. Praise the Lord. Psalm 115: 18

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Judges 18: 1-6

The tribe of Dan at this time was looking for a place to settle down since they couldn't or wouldn't take the land that was promised to them by God. They didn't want to overtake the Amorites or the Philistines that controlled the area even though God did promise it to them via Joshua. They sent out 5 warriors to survey where they might settle ultimately. The five eventually came across Micah's house where they were allowed to stay. They heard the accent of the Levite and were able to ascertain what he was and what his relationship to Micah was. He then was asked to "prophesize" about their journey by God to which he answered for them to go in peace. God was going to be with them. The acknowledgement by God on both ends was critical in both their eyes.

Another decent day at work despite hearing some of the layoffs that occurred this past Monday. Feel bad for those who lost their jobs especially those who I have known for the past 6+ years.

Praise for Irene's safe return yesterday and now continued prayers for GG's trek home.

Praise for today: Surely his salvation is near those who fear him, that his glory may dwell in our land. Psalm 85: 9

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Judges 17: 7-13

The story progresses as a man from Bethlehem where Judah's tribe lived and he ventures into Micah's town and house. They exchange pleasantries and ultimately the request is made for him to find a place to live and that he is from the tribe of Levi so he has no real home. Micah takes this as a sign that God has sent him this man and arranges for him to live since he will perform the priestly duties for him and the town. Micah took care of the young man as a son. Each year, Micah would pay him 10 pieces of silver on top of providing him room and board to be his priest. He was totally convinced that God would bless him under this arrangement.

Decent day at work yesterday. Irene made it to VA last night with no incidents and GG flew his last Lakes flight and will start his trek homeward today. Prayers for them as they continue their driving treks home.

Praise for today: The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice. Psalm 97: 1

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Judges 17: 1-6

This section is a departure from the tales of foreign rule that was a result of God's wrath upon the Israelites. The story centers around a man named Micah who was from the hilly country where the tribe of Ephraim lived. There was no time frame attached so this could have occurred earlier than the stories that were recorded. Still the story tells of the sad state of how the people were spiritually and their warped concept of worship.  Evidently, he was a judge but he was the culprit of the crime when he stole 1,100 pieces of silver from his mother. His mother put a curse on the criminal and unbeknown to her - it was her own son. He confessed his crime because of the "curse" and thus the mother nullified the curse given the situation. Despite her claims, she only used 200 pieces of silver to "worship" God by having an idol built to be worshipped rather than God himself. Micah was the recipient of this object and as a result he built an ephod as a article of worship where his sons acted as priests. v. 6 summarizes the sad state of affairs of the nation spiritually.

Got back yesterday without fanfare and got down here to Delly relatively easily even though it was via toll roads to avoid the nonsense. Overall, it was a good week away and got to see my dear friends at a private event and pray with them. Seems weird going back to work and the gym this morning but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Hearing of some layoffs at work that will be happening but hopefully this will be minimal.

Praying for Irene and GG as they trek homeward this week.

Praise for today: Restore us, O God; make your face shine upon us , that we may be saved. Psalm 80: 3

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Judges 16: 23-31

As the story progress, Samson is the continued fodder of the Philistines. He is the still working in the crushing of corn and is now the amusement of the Philistines and their leaders.  The Philistines are having a feast for their god, Dagon who is associated with corn and their primary source of entertainment for the feast is their number one slave - Samson.The Philistines credited Dagon for subduing Samson and for the harvest. The building that housed this gathering had nearly 3,000 men and women who were enjoying the show. Samson asked to put between the two pillars that was the foundation of the building. He asked to Lord to "remember" him so that he can exact his vengeance upon them and ultimately so he can bring glory to the Lord for his misgivings. He was willing to die with the Philistines in the process. The Lord "remembered" him and he thus killed more people in his death than in his life. His remains were returned by his family and was buried by his father. He ruled for 20 years.

When God "remembers" someone, as Chuck Swindoll once said - He acts decisively on one's behalf. This is true in the OT when Hannah wanted God to remember her and she got Samuel. The same is true in the NT when the thief on the cross ask Jesus to remember him when Jesus got to his kingdom. The Lord said that " today you will be with me in paradise". This has stayed with me for decades and is still true today.

Good day yesterday and very low-key. Saw Oz at the Fork and Screen in DD. Came back after going to Sam's club and chilled. Finally got my laptop to be able to access the workplace as well. Good day overall... Looking forward to picking up GG later and heading to Tampa to see the NYY and the Sillies.

Praise for today: May the favor of the Lord rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us - yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90: 17

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Judges 16: 15-22

It seemed that all a woman had to do with Samson to get her way was to pester and nag him for a prolonged period of time and he would give in to the pressure. What he never really got was that he was always being played despite how much he felt he was in control. The cat and mouse game finally came to head even after the Philistines grew impatient and left Samson and Delilah for a period of time. She was determined to learn his secret and truly in the end she was the adulteress portrayed in Proverbs that would bring his downfall. After finally learning his secret, she called for the Philistines who promptly shaved his locks and were able to capture their longtime foe. He felt that he could always escape as in the past but he didn't realize that the Lord had left him. This occured similarly as it did for the Israelites when they denied the Lord and he allowed them to be captured by their adversaries. They removed his eyes and made him work the threshing floor to crush corn as a punishment and a symbol of their conquest. They too were complacent as they allowed his hair go grow back which gave him back his strength.

So far it has been a relaxing and good time down here. My BP has been much lower and that's a good thing. Yesterday we went to the Studios park and stayed until Fantasmic which was really good. Today, we'll see Oz and do some shopping for the place. Just looking forward to the rest of the week and seeing my buds perform on Sunday.

Praise for today: Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth. Psalm 96: 9

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Judges 16: 4-14

Delilah - a name synomous with deception and beauty. Samson - a name that was marked for strength but also brashness and pride. A deadly combination at best. She was beautiful and at the same time looked out for number one. It was easy to see where her allegiance was when approached by the Philistines for her help in overcoming their enemy. On the other hand, Samson didn't learn his lesson from his first "deep" encounter with a woman where she betrayed him as well. Still this was the classic case of cat and mouse where she tried to learn the secret of his strength and he was succumbinng to the source of his weakness. Still the parallels to Proverbs is astonishing.

Was good to speak to GG last night and catch up with him briefly. Also glad that Irene made it down to FL without incident. Looking forward to going home later and the weekend.

Praise for today: The Lord indeed will give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest. Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps. Psalms 85: 12-13.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Judges 16: 1-3

A short passage but with a lot of meaning. Samson as a "virile" man had urges and wanted to satisfy them. He went to seek the local prostitute while in Gaza. The people who heard of his arrival and intent wanted to kill him but they wouldn't do the deed at night but rather at dawn at the gate of the city. The Bible is unclear how he found out but when he did his dirty deed he left at midnight rather than stay the night. He then proceeded to lift and carry the gate where the attack would take place as well to a hill a distance away as a mockery to to townsmen.

I have been reading a chapter of Proverbs a day for the past few months and yesterday's was the chapter on the warnings against adultery. The symbolism of Israel and Samson was pretty startling however his "wife" was killed leaving him with no outlet to satisfy his desires. How easily we are distracted from God's plan and desires for us when we think that something or someone is better when it's our eyes and hearts that distract us. Samson didn't follow the wisdom of his parents that were laid out in Proverbs 5:15-19 when he looked to seek a wife and in many instances, could be called the fool that the book refers to.

Prayers for Irene if she decides to drive down to FL today with the storm. Also continued prayers for SC and her family.

Praise for today: Restore us, O Lord God Almighty; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved. Psalm 80 : 19.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Judges 15: 18-20

Even the mighty Samson realizes his limitations and that he can't fulfill all of his needs and desires. Somethings are beyond what humanly can be possible no matter how big, strong, rich or influencial you are. Such was the case after his latest episode where he found himself thirsty. This was the first time he had asked God for something. Up until now, things came easy but now he was asking for something that humanly could not be produced - water in the desert. According to the commentary:
Here is another story that shows us the origin of a name. This was the first time when Samson had to ask for God’s help. Usually he just thought that he had it. God answered his prayer. This is an example of when Samson was feeling weak. The prophet Elijah behaved in a similar weak way after he had defeated a false god’s prophets at Carmel. (Look at 1 Kings 19:4.) Samson thought that he would die because he did not have any water. Then he thought that the Philistines would cut up his body. A spring came from a hollow place in the ground. So he called the place ‘Caller’s Spring’, or ‘the well of the man who called’.

All in all a decent day. Prayers continue for SC and the McBrayers - I am committed to pray for them until she is healed. Aslo prayers for Irene as is driving tomorrow down to FL and that she will get there safely over the course of a few days and that she takes her time.

Praise for today: Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me! Psalm 66: 20

Monday, March 4, 2013

Judges 15: 9-17

Samson after doing his deeds went to Etan to hide out. There was obvious fear on the part of the Philistines when it came with dealing with Samson. Their intent was not to kill him initially but to suffer pain. Their relationship with the Israelites were such that they didn't want to kill them either but they want them to subdue him. Countless men were sent and suffered a bad fate. They sent 3,000 men from the tribe of Judah to reason with him. He agreed reluctantly to be bound and sent to the Philistines for what he did since the Israelites agreed not to kill him. They bound him with ropes which as the Lord's spirit came upon him were easily broken. The legendary jawbone from an ass was used to slay the Philistines as they approached what they felt was an easy prey. He slayed 1,000 men that day. That I guess is what legends are made of ...

Decent weekend since we had FW and also on Saturday got the majority of the taxes done for the family. Also made dinner as well. Sunday was decent but had to do a lot of the elder function stuff which in turn made me miss Adult Ed for the most part. Long day from that perspective. Got down here in decent time and with a decent parking spot. Watch the Bible on the History channel and so far I would give it a 2.5 on a scale of 4. Spent a decent time in prayer for a friends' daughter who has been sick as well. Looking forward to heading down to FL next week for baseball and Disney.

Praise for today: Exalt the Lord our God and worship him at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy.  Psalm 99:9

Friday, March 1, 2013

Judges 15: 1-10

The story now moves to months in the future (commentary says May) where Samson gets the urge to consummate the marriage. So now he brings a goat as a gift when he goes down to see her and the family. Her father tries to dissuade him from doing the deed and tells him the truth that he gave her to the best man as a bride instead. He then offers another daughter to him to marry instead. Samson was enraged and proceeded to attach 300 "foxes" or what the commentary calls " jackals" which were more prevalent at the time by the tails and sets them on fire which in turn destroys the fields during their harvest season. The Philistines get wind of who was responsible and the reason why. They killed the daughter (wife) and the rest of the family which infuriated Samson further. He in turn killed an unrecordable amount of the Philistines in the process.

Decent day home yesterday albeit the car cost me more than I expected for maintenance - (ouch!). Surgery seems like the best course of action for my issue and thus I will succumb on 4/23. Still very much at peace with it.

Praise for today: Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.  Psalm 63: 3,4

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Judges 14: 18-20

Samson then proceeds to kill the 30 men and give the clothes that were promised to fulfill the bet with those that were his attendants for the wedding. The father-in-law didn't want to have his daughter bear any additional shame so he gave his daughter to be married to the friend that helped out at the wedding. The guy was put in a tough situation and given his lack of faith and guidance chose poorly. These events while recorded at the tail end of the chapter comes back to haunt them in the next chapter.

Already the friction between the Philistines and the Israelites are starting to mount. These are the same people that David would carry his attacks against in Samuel, Kings and Chronicles.

Prayers for Irene and David who were struck down hard these past few days with stomach issues. I will see them later. Tomorrow is the appointment with the surgeon and so I will be interested as to what the future holds for me. Nevertheless, I am at peace.

Praise for today: Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Psalms 90: 14

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Judges 14:10-18

The story progresses as Samson's father went down to visit this girl and her family. Samson gave a great feast to honor the event. The Philistines also commemorated the event by assigning 30 men to Samson to act as his groomsmen. Samson's vanity and his pride made him "boast" to these men in the form of a riddle and a reward. These 30 men were not loyal to Samson and given the means by which they were included were more loyal to themselves and their people rather than this outsider who was brash and powerful. The 30 were posed a question that referred to the slaying of the lion and eating of the lion which would only be known to Samson alone. They weren't able to answer this due to the personal nature of the question so they asked his wife-to-be. It was implied, according to the commentary, that she and her family would be threaten if she couldn't provide the answer. She had no clue as well since he never shared this incident with her. This was not just a wager for them to win but they also stood to lose the same as well so it was incumbent for them to get their answer quickly. She in turn begged and nagged Samson until he gave in and told her. She, in turn, told the 30 who relayed the answer to Samson. When Samson heard the answer, he knew that his wife betrayed his confidence.

This is a classic story of pride goeth before the fall. Samson had everything going but one thing - trust and a deep relationship with the Lord. He violated almost every rule - except one (the hair, to this point) and as a result allows his perceived strength and leadership skills to dictate his behavior. But aren't we all like that in our own ways? We do what we like, when we like and whenever we like. I know for myself that I am guilty often of this - not a good trait....

Decent day at work. Glad GG made it back ok. Still at peace with Thursday.

Praise for today: The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Judges 14: 1-9

The story fast forwards to the age where Samson is now wanting to marry and decides on wanting to marry a Philistines rather than his own kind. Scripture points out in v 4 that this was the Lord's intent. Obviously, his parents reject the idea since the Philistines are "dirty" or uncircumsized. The other issue is that there is no mention that the woman has to be a virgin either. With the Philistines customs, the wife stays with her family and the husband is a gift-bearing visitor. The lion incident is also interesting since it was to show the Lord's power with him. He did observe the dietary laws of a Nazarite which was interesting but neglected the other parts which included not touching dead carcasses when he gathered the honey off the dead body to eat. He did however bring his parents to decided upon who he was going to marry.

Decent weekend since I was able to spend some quality time with GG and the rest of the family over the weekend. Saturday was costly but worth it with a dinner at the Palm before the show. Yesterday at church had some great preaching and SS lesson. Got home at a reasonable time as well as being down here. The Oscars were ok but the hosting and the other stuff was too edgy and not relevant to the events.

Praise for today: Help me, O Lord my God, save me in accordance with your love. Let them know it is your hand , that you, O Lord, have done it. Psalm 109: 26-27

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Judges 13: 15-25

Heavenly encounters are rare in the Bible and they usually are a foreshadow of something great. Samson's parents encountered an angel of the Lord who remained incognito for the most part until the very end. The angel, when offered a meal, deflected it to be a sacrifice to the Lord after his task was done. He had no interest of being of importance since he was the messenger. His name while not spoken meant "wonderful".  The sacrifice as well as the angel himself was consumed by the fire and that was a sign that they were met by God. Manoah felt that this was a bad omen and that they would die but his wife reassured him that if God intended them to die they would have but by grace, they were part of a greater plan. Samson did come from them and as v. 24 and 25 said, he grew in stature before the Lord. He was blessed and had the Lord's hand and Spirit upon him.

How we should be the angels of the Lord - delivering blessing and not veering from the end game of delivering God's message without fanfare and without giving any importance to ourselves. We often look for man's approval but in reality, it is God's favor that we should be seeking. One day when we shed our bodies and are in heaven, we will truly know what the angels do and why rather than seek our own ways.

Looking forward to going home and seeing the family. God is truly good no matter what happens to me. I am truly at peace and at rest. Yesterday while in the gym, I really appreciated listening to Sounds of Heaven CD by KT - extremely encouraging and uplifting.

Praise for today: I live you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18: 1-2

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Judges 13: 1-14

The political climate was such that the Israelites were totally entrenched with the Philistines so much so that they were the inferior race and the Philistines were ruling them. They totally forsook the Lord and His precepts and intermarried as well. They couldn't see the difference between a fallen world and the God that they used to follow and serve. A lot of similarities between the story of Samson and Samuel since they were both born to parents who couldn't have children and were set apart for God's service. In the case of Samson, his mother was visited by an angel who gave her instructions as to how the child was to be raised. He was to be raised as a Nazerite, according to Numbers 6:1-21. From birth, Samson was to enter the service of the Lord so that he could deliver his people from the Philistines. The woman went to her husband and told him what had transpired. Manoah, his father to be, then came across the same angel after asking the Lord to reveal the same to him and prayed for guidance and instruction. The angel (nameless) came again an authenticated what she heard.

Many Bible stories when one goes through SS include the stories that surround Samson, the last judge. What my commentary also makes a point is that the classic strongman also appears in other cultures - Hercules. Make no mistake about it, Samson was not a great leader who exhibited strong leadership traits but he was faithful at the end and that is what rewarded him into the Hebrews chapter of faith.

Not the news I wanted to hear about my results yesterday. Need to see a urologist next Thursday for further actions. I am still at peace with this and more upset with the possible interference with my vacation plans more than anything else. I truly trust in the Lord and His providence.

Praise for today: Help me, O Lord my God; save me in accordance with your love. Let them know it is your hand, that you, O Lord, have done it. Psalm 109: 26

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Judges 12: 8-15

It seems according to the rest of the chapter that the judges that were recorded were from Zebulun's tribe. Ibzan, who was the first one listed, had great wealth as measured by his sons and daughters (60 children) but his sons all intermarried either with other tribes or with other people. His rule was for 7 years. The next one was Elon who led for 10 years and after him was Abdon who led for 8 years. He too was measured by the extent of his maleness.

All in all there were 12 judges and with the close of c 12, I have gone through the first 11. The next one will be Samson and will have the longest stretch in this book.

It was a tiring weekend which started with a marriage conference after a long day at work. I left work around 4ish and got home to NJ and headed to Staten Island after scarfing down dinner. The conference started at 7:30 and ended around 10: 30 PM. Quick turnaround that evening to start the next day there from 8:30 AM to 1 PM. Came home to do dinner for CNY at my sister-in-law's place with Irene's side which was nice. Sunday was with my side and that had some hitches as well but all was good. Nice to come back and stay the night in NJ with the holiday. Yesterday was early doctor's appointment and then an MRI on my kidney before I headed down here. The drive down was ok and got down here at a pretty early time. It was nice to see some back to back TV movies on Lifetime network that had a Christian theme.

Looking forward to seeing GG this week and hopefully I will get home on Thursday to see him. Already looking forward to the weekend and seeing Mary Poppins again before it closes with the family. Prayers for HOD as she recovers from her surgery and for Renee as she recovers from her bout with gout. Also for GG as he seeks to relocate closer to home.

Praise for today: Surely my God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me. Psalm 54:4

Friday, February 15, 2013

Judges 12: 1-7

The men from Ephraim's tribe complained that they were not part of the mix and they wanted to take part in the fight but more importantly - the glory of the victory. They were the most important tribe in the area and felt slighted at this. Similar circumstances to what took place in Chapter 8 but Gideon was more diplomatic towards them. Unfortunately, Jephthah was not so... He stood by his ground that he felt it wasn't necessary to involve them and besides, it was the Lord who gave them the victory and it wasn't dependent upon which army it was. There was a conflict that arose between he and the belligerent tribe and as a result, 42,000 men were killed at the Jordan river and thus reducing the tribe and their prominence in the area. Jephthah reigned for a total of six years and was was buried near his town of Gilead.

All in all, a good judge who with all his faults depended upon the Lord for his strength and his victories.

Looking forward to going home and attending a marriage seminar later in SI and finishing it up early tomorrow. Hopefully, the weather won't be too funky. Actually glad for Monday's holiday so I can enjoy Sunday evening at home.

Praise for today: I rejoiced with those who said to me, "Let us go into the house of the Lord". Psalm 122:1

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Judges 11: 34-40

The events that follow are just heartbreaking. Jephthah and his wife only had a daughter and had no sons. We never learn of her name or her age but nevertheless the situation doesn't change. Coming home to Mizpah, her daughter comes out to meet her beloved father dancing to the sounds of the tambourine not realizing that he made a foolish and unnecessary vow to the Lord. The vow to sacrifice should have pertained just to animals rather than people which was against the Levitical law. The meeting between the two was poignant and resulted in a two month pause before the deed is done to allow her to weep with her friends before she would die - unmarried and a virgin. This also started an Israelite custom that each year the young women of Israel would go out for four days to commemorate the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite.  Per the commentary:
The story is about reactions to God’s message. Jephthah had failed to hear God’s message. God had said that people should not sacrifice other people. Jephthah’s promise did not mean that he should not obey that rule. ‘You may obey one law. But that does not give you an excuse not to obey another law.’ That is what Jesus was telling the Pharisees in Mark 7:9-13. One could not refuse to help one’s parents because one gave money to God. But Jephthah did hear God’s message about promises and he obeyed it. God had said that we must do what we have promised to do. And Jephthah did do what he had promised. But he did not know everything. From the Bible we learn this. What he did was a wrong thing. The reason why he did it was right.
All in all, another decent day at work. I started to do some minor straightening out in the apartment before my cousin spends a night next Sunday. Should be interesting...
Got a chance to catch up with GG and that was good. It will be good to see him next week.
Happy Valentine's day to all!
Praise for today: I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High. Psalm 7:17

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Judges 11:23-33

Jephthah then explained how religious beliefs were a huge part of the whole deal. His God, Yahweh, gave the Israelites the land way back then. Chemosh, the god of the Ammonites should direct the Ammonites to their land. However due the mixed cultures at the time, Chemosh was also the god of the Moabites as well. Per the commentary: Finally, as another reason, he explained a similar event that had happened earlier. Balak had made peace with Israel’s people and he had not demanded to have the country. Israelites had been there for 300 years. The people in Ammon had not decided to say anything during all that time. Then Jephthah said that the Lord was the real judge. He would settle this case. v. 28 said that the king of the Ammonites wouldn't listed which would then cause the ultimate conflict - war.

The Spirit of God came upon him as he got an army to fight. Jephthah also made a foolish vow that upon victory, he would sacrifice the whatever would meet him upon his return. He had a very distorted view of what God wanted and desired from his people. He displayed as a leader the traits what the people lack - an understanding of God and the Law. The Lord did give victory to him as he soundly defeated the  Ammonites and came home the victor.

Decent day yesterday... Got some stuff done in the apartment as well after the late night and heading up to Best Buy to return and get credit on my purchase. Really enjoying the additional monitor attached to the laptop and can't wait for the baseball season to start and get into full swing. Not looking forward to the wintry mix late tonight so I guess I'll skip the gym tomorrow.

Praise for today: I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121: 1-2

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Judges 11: 12-22

This was one of the rare times that someone actually posed a question to the leader of the attacking tribes, in this case the Ammonites, "why are you attacking us?" Wars and battles are fought for action and reactionary reasons but rarely if ever with any reason to dialogue and work it out verbally. The Ammonites felt it was their land to protect and that the Israelites were trespassers in their land. Jephthah, on the other hand, explained to him via a historical context that the land wasn't theirs from the outset but rather belonged originally to the Amorites during the days of the Exodus.He also said to the king, that the Lord, the God of Israel, gave Sihon and all of the people and the land to Israel. He explained that the Amorites actually took that land from the Moabites.

I think Jephthah was not afraid to fight but he wanted to do so under the right reasons and was seeking to find other ways to avoid unnecessary conflicts. I was impressed with his knowledge of the history and the landscape of the area which he lived and sought to defend.

All in all, a relatively decent day which culminated in my supermarket run last night. Still easing into the gym cycle and still have a little bit of a cough but I need to get back into the swing of things...

Praise for today: Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. Psalm 145: 3

Monday, February 11, 2013

Judges 11: 1-11

We are now introduced to Jephthah, Gilead's son. Gilead led a promiscuous life as did Jephthah's mother who probably wasn't even an Israelite. Nor, according to the commentary, was a marriage between his parents even mentioned. Nevertheless, he is the next judge that is mentioned in the book and what makes him even more interesting was the fact that he is in the Hebrews 11 passage of faith. He was cast off from his family since he was a bastard child with no chance of inheritance by his brothers. With the attack of the Ammonites upon them, the people reached out to Jephthah to lead them into battle. Apparently, they knew and trusted his skills as a warrior even though they had little uses for him elsewhere.  He was quick to point out that he was cast aside by them and there was no reason for him to return to defend "what wasn't his". Additionally, unlike Gideon, he was not visited from "on high" nor did he feel that he was given God's spirit at the time he was approached. He had no reason nor did he feel sorry for them and thus was under no obligation to help them out. Perhaps, at that time, he was  a local leader and that is why they sought him out. Still, he solicited from them the response that was necessary for him to act - to be their leader if he defeats the Ammonites. Jephthah, acknowledged in front of the people and the Lord that it would be the Lord that would give him victory and thus solidified his position with God and the people.

Decent weekend despite the snow. 8 inches was manageable both in NJ and in NYC for Sunday. The drive home on Friday from Princeton was decent albeit slow. Saturday was an eating fest which was culminated at a Korean BBque where my cousin and his girlfriend joined us. The drive to church was ok and Irene bumper carred us into a free spot. The drive home to NJ and to Delly was decent as well. Watched very little of the Grammys since I really don't follow a lot of the music today but enjoyed the tribute to Levon Helm.

This week should be pretty non-eventful (hopefully) which will be good. Gym time today!

Praise for today: Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is as great as our God? Psalms 77: 13

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Judges 10: 11- 18

Finally, the pressure and the pain got so severe that the people of Israel cried out in unison for the Lord to take away their oppressors and restore them. They knew that they have failed miserably as His people and were now looking for the Lord for relief.  God was quick to remind them of what they chose and told them to rely on their "gods" rather than Him. They knew that only He could save so they got rid of their idols and purge themselves of the evil that they had created. God was and always is a God that will forgive and doesn't want His people to suffer. However, they had to show true repentance. According to the commentary, even though they were willing to change a little - God was ready to forgive them.

Prayers continue for my mom also for GG who is in the process of returning to Denver after getting his stuff ready for his interview. Prayers for him as well that God will open the doors He wants open and will close the doors that will not be in His plan for him. Not looking forward to Friday's commute but ya gotta do what ya gotta do....

Praise for today: Because he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him; I will protect him because he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation. Psalm 91: 14-16

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Judges 10: 1-9

The chapter starts with two minor judges, Tola from Issachar's tribe and Jair's from Manasseh's tribe. Even though Tola was a judge for 23 years he was probably relegated to legal matters. Jair had more wealth and used his sons to exact his judgment. Still nothing of note from the Word regarding his rule. v. 6-9 tells the state of the how Israel was spiritually - which was no where. They had little conviction toward the Lord and were easily influenced by the surrounding nations who had stronger beliefs than they did. They were attracted to man-made gods of Baals (males) and Asherahs (females). Also the commentary stated their affinity to be attracted to anything that would get them good crops and wealth. Even the Canaanites whose religion was stronger than their armies were mentioned. What was important to note was that there were some whose faith in God was not waning and thus was a remnant throughout this leaderless times. Because of their lack of faith and disobedience, the Lord allowed the Philistines and the Ammonites to oppress the Israelites.

A decent day at work and all in all just an affirmation to me that I am still a relevant person at work and I guess it's mine to keep as long as I want and am willing to produce. Made some ginger soy chicken last night for the first time (thanks Irene for the marinade) and that came out really good. Also glad to see Bruno Sammartino inducted into the WWE HOF. He held out due to integrity reasons for many, many years.

Praise for today: If you make the Most High your dwelling - even the Lord, who is my refuge - then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent.  Psalm 91: 9-10

Monday, February 4, 2013

Judges 9: 50-57

Abimelech to his wrath to Thebez and chased the residents up a tower where they climbed a roof to escape death. Thebez was a city who fought against Abimlech and he was swift to exact his judgement. He tried to destroy the tower the same way he did at Shechem. However, God let a woman exact her form of judgement. She dropped a rock which struck the skull of Abimelech and hurt him badly. The rock according to the commentary was about 2 inches thick and 18 inches long. A young man carrying Abimelech's weapons were nearby and was instructed to finish him off so that the ignominy of a woman doing the deed would not finish the task. He would die in this manner but God would use his means to extract his judgment.

A decent but modestly productive weekend. Friday went to see the specialist and he was modestly pleased with the current bloodwork and doppler but still will be going for an MRI on 2/18 to see what the status is of the right kidney mass. Still recovering from this recent bout of congestion, coughing and also allowing my arm to heal. The missing glove came up and was actually at home the whole time. Had a great family worship despite some people missing it due to being under the weather. Also had a great meal on Saturday with my in-laws and had a Korean style bbque at home. Booked our 3rd annual trip to the Borgata in early April to celebrate the boys birthday and  hopefully GG can make it. Nice that the rooms are free so that will make the celebration go easier. Sunday was good since we had a good service and found out that my cousin's son is getting married in the fall. Huge luncheon as part of our CNY with my side of the family was so big that I skipped eating dinner last night despite it being SB Sunday. No biggie since I was down here last night. Saw the SB and it was entertaining and pretty exciting and the team I wanted won.

Will skip the gym for a few more days until my congestion gets better. Much prayers for my mom who is recovering from pneumonia and GG who will be looking to switch jobs.

Praise for today: I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on our lips. My soul will boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.  Psalm 34: 1-2

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Judges 9: 41-49

Abilemech continued his reign of terror when even after defeating the enemy he went after the survivors who were just milling around in the fields. He divided his army into three groups each designated to  kill a specific group of people. He and one of his groups went to attack the town of Shechem to destroy the people there while the other two groups went after the survivors in the fields.  After destroying the town, he threw salt all around as a symbol of destruction. The people in tower heard this and were afraid and hid in the place where they worshipped their god. He proceeded to torch their place of refuge and kill the 1000 men and women that were there.

If I ever wanted a period of time to have a "mulligan" - this would be it. Monday, I developed a case of food poisoning and that wasn't pleasant as well as sliding and falling down at my work place's parking lot. Hurt my left arm and it is slowly coming back. On top of that I lost a glove which is also a pain. I went home early that day and try to recoup and with my temperature like a sine curve I finally had a 101 fever after a bottom of 96. With some Tylenol I ended up dropping that but I had to purge myself and do the BRAT diet for my stomach. Got my results from the lab and they seem pretty decent and my doctor called me last night to confirm that as well but now it's up to the specialist to see what the next course of action is (i.e - surgery or simply monitoring it). Emotionally, I am ok but I do have my moments and am grateful for the family support.

Heading home tonight and will see the specialist tomorrow and work out of Princeton for the balance of the day.

Praise for today: Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name. Then the righteous will gather around me because of your goodness to me.  Psalm 142 : 7

Monday, January 28, 2013

Judges 9: 30 -40

Abimelech had made Zebul the leader of the Shechem so it stood to reason where his allegiance would lie. He baited Gaal into thinking that he was able to defeat them but in reality he was setting a trap for Gaal and his men. With Abimelech's army divided into 4 groups they basically were able to surround Gaal and defeat him via deception and then by appealing to Gaal's pride. He put Gaal's own words to his face which then caused him to fight and lose. Gaal's defeat at the hands of Abimelech and then being offered no refuge by Zebul made him a defeated man.

A long, long weekend. Good to see GG and have the whole family together to support the Quan family but the bitter cold days and some snow made it a rough go. Tough getting back into the grind today but still heading home on Thursday to see the specialist on Friday morning. The saving grace is not having to do that Friday commute from Delly on Friday.

Praise for today: Do good to your servant, according to your word, O Lord. Teach me knowledge and good judgement for I believe in your commands. Psalm 119: 65-66

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Judges 9: 22-29

When you build a platform based upon shaky ground, the structure will eventually fall. Thus was the case with Abimelech when his reign was founded upon death and deception. God caused an evil spirit to divide Abimelech and the people. It had started with people of Shechem who didn't honor their agreement with Abimelech and refuse to pay his fees. Because the people of Shechem were responsible for the death of the 70, they too were going to suffer the consequences. The people of Shechem were not God-fearing people since they had their own created gods that they had worshipped. They became robbers and killers to gain their wealth. Abimelech was made aware of their actions. Ebed's son Gaal grew as a man of prominence as he was the one the Shechemites look to with respect for leadership and he was quick to take the reins.

According to the commentary: Gaal said also that Abimelech was the son of Jerubbaal and this was the most important thing. Because Jerubbaal was not from Shechem, then Abimelech was not really from Shechem. So Abimelech was not a ‘man of Hamor’ in that meaning. Although his mother was from Shechem, that was not so important. So, in Gaal’s opinion, the people should not serve Abimelech. Gaal said that if he himself could be the leader, then he would remove Abimelech. 

With the plans set, I will now go to NJ later after work and take tomorrow off to complete my blood tests and attend the funeral of A. Bonnie. Glad to hear that the weather effect will be minimal to affect our travels. Hopefully they can restore heat to my apartment while I am gone.

Praise for today: Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Psalm 90: 1

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Judges 9: 7-21

Apparently not everyone was happy with the choice to make Abimelech the king. Jotham, one of Gideon's sons addressed the people of Shechem with a story of nature. He stood at the top of the hill so that all could see and hear him. It also provided him an escape route should things go south as well. The commentary put it this way: The story had a moral meaning. It was about trees that were choosing a king. The olive, fig and vine refused to be the king. The meaning of the story was this. Good men would not stop their work to become kings. The bush with sharp points accepted the invitation. The bush invited them to come into its shade (that is, its protection). But the bush was not able to protect anything. In the heat of summer, it could easily burn. It could destroy even the valuable tall trees that are always green. These trees were like the chief men of Shechem. Abimelech could not give the people any protection. Instead, he would cause their destruction.

Clearly his intent was to discredit his brother and his means to the ascension to power. He had to kill 70 family members to whack his way to the top. Jotham continued to tell the people how much they disrespected and under appreciated his father, Gideon and his line. Clearly, he felt that Abimelech had no value as a person not mention that of a king. He warned them that following Abimelech would lead to death and destruction.

Heard some disturbing news from my results and have to take more blood from my earlier tests on Saturday. Finally got some clarity as far as the arrangements for A. Bonnie and will take the appropriate actions to make myself available on Friday and Saturday. Still anxious but always trusting...  Glad Irene took the initiative and told the boys.

Praise for today: The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; he is their stronghold in times of trouble. Psalm 37: 39

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Judges 9: 1-6

Abimelech saw his opportunity to seize power albeit on a smaller stage. He appealed to the people of Shechem and gave them the"devil you know is better than the devil(s) you don't know speech to get the his point across. He first went to his brothers and the brothers brought this to the people. Because of family ties, they decided to go with him and even gave him some cash (70 pieces of silver) to hire some protection. The mercenaries and he then killed the competition and symbolically used their means to depict almost a animal-like sacrifice. The place they did it was considered near a "holy" oak tree and even erected a stone monument to remember the place. Abimelech's "kingdom" was very small and his reign only lasted about 3 years.

Very melancholy weekend... Had a funeral to attend on Friday after work in Queens (long ride) and then had a decent Saturday doing our hotpot dinner with the Ongs and Leon family. The kids were so cute! The day was extremely exhausting but worth it. Sunday was extremely long with me skipping prayer meeting to go and visit and pray with my b-i-l's mom whom I've known for over 35 years. She was old and frail and the recent illness and heart attack took its toll on her. She passed late Sunday night. Just waiting for the details for her funeral... Need to do some switching if it's this Friday at work.

Took my tests yesterday and now it goes to specialist see what's what. Out of my hands and in the Lord's .

Praise for today: I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; before the "gods" I will sing your praise. Psalm 138: 1

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Judges 8:22 - 33

With the victory behind them, the Israelites were hankering for Gideon and his family line to ultimately rule over them. He refused to take to total reins since he deferred them to the Lord. Maybe he did want or maybe he didn't but still he acknowledged that God is the ultimate ruler of the Israelites and not he or his family. Still he was smart enough to ask for one thing - an earring from each male which they gladly gave. The amount that was collected was the equivalent of 45 pounds which he converted into an ephod - a priest's coat. The ephod was on display in Ophrah, his hometown and soon became an idol to the people despite it's original intent. This was indicative of the mindset of the Israelite people. Despite this, the Lord granted them peace for 40 years. The balance of the chapter was to talk about Jerubbaal and his family and made special note of a son whose name was Abimelech, which means "my father is king", as well as Gideon. Gideon, who died at a ripe old age and was buried with his father. The people returned to their wicked ways after Gideon's death.

The man who would be king but chose not to and it ultimately was not God's plan until Saul. Still, he had issues since he wanted this ephod. It is still unclear what the ultimate purpose of the ephod was - to please himself or God but.. it became the sin object of the people. Ultimately, he was one of the good guys.

Praise for my comp results, slightly higher but will be eaten away by taxes so less on a net basis than last year. Still His Name is to be praised. Home today after a late night and Princeton tomorrow.

Praise for today: For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation. Psalm 149: 5

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Judges 8:13-21

Gideon captured the two kings and in turn he punished the people who refused to help him. He also captured a young man from Succoth who actually wrote down the names of the 77 leaders that ruled the city. This was important since this the first instance of a written media and the use of a common alphabet. The list was used to exact punishment on those who refused to help Gideon and his men. To the two kings, he asked them their rationale for their violence and they had no remorse to what they did. When Gideon told his son to execute them, he refused since he was young and fearful. The two kings goaded Gideon to do the deed himself to which he quickly obliged and they were dead.What was once a matter of national importance became personal and Gideon dealt with it.

Here was the fulfillment of the angel's charge to Gideon when he told him that he was a "brave warrior". The development of the person of Gideon as a leader and judge was evident as he carried forth the Lord's plan.

Finding out today what my comp will be so that is important. Still I have committed that and everything to the Lord in prayer. Prayers for the family and for the travels today. Tomorrow, I will be heading back to NJ and working out of Princeton on Friday. Have the funeral that evening so the three of us will be going.

Praise for today:With my mouth I will greatly extol the Lord; in the great throng I will praise him. For he stands at the right hand of the needy one, to save his life from those who condemn him. Psalm 109: 30-31.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Judges 8: 3-12

The two Midianite kings were on the run with their troops with Gideon and his men in pursuit of them. Needless to say, they grew tired of their chase and although grew in number from 300 to 1,500 they were still chasing the two kings. When they arrived at Succoth, they asked for help and provisions that were necessary for them to continue. They were denied and ridiculed since they were not able to complete their tasks even before they got there.The leaders of Succoth were then told by Gideon that they would be punished for their lack of ettiquette and attitude when Gideon returned after finishing off the two kings. The men of Peniel also refused to help and they along with their tower would be destroyed - which was their refuge in times of attack. The Midianites were now down to 15,000 after losing 120,000  and were ultimately defeated by Gideon and his men since they were going down a road that they were not expecting an attack from this way. The two kings were captured and their armies were defeated.

This was the first time we saw a mean streak in the life of Gideon but rightfully so. He made a promise that he would exact a measure of revenge against those two places and people that refused to help. God gave them the victory and would help the legacy of Gideon grow. I wonder how the people and the leaders of those cities were after they heard their fate with their refusal to help and assist. I'm sure that they must have heard of all that had transpired before and the divine intervention by God in all of this and yet they still turned a blind eye.

All in all a decent day at work but now my attention will turn to the funeral on Friday in Queens and the long weekend. It will be a long day at church if I attend the workshop but at least I am off of Monday.Glad to hear that all that were in FL arrived home safely and that they had a great time. Also appreciative of the lack of "winter" thus far...

Prayers for Mary Poon's family and also for those who are out of work and are diligently looking.

Praise for today: The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.  Psalm 51:17

Monday, January 14, 2013

Judges 7:23 to 8:2

Warriors from Naphtali, Asher and Manasseh's tribes came and answered the call and chased the Midianites as they answered the call of Gideon. They probably came from the original 32,000 that were initially slated for battle. After a few key Midianite leaders had bit the sword, he then called upon the Ephraimites for help who responded by asking why now and not at the outset. They actually felt slighted about this and thus Gideon had to rationalize it by telling them that they are the actual warriors while he was just herding them toward them. He soothed their egos by telling them about their accomplishments. After hearing this, they were not angry anymore.

It seems that Gideon was truly a leader that was anointed and blessed. He knew what and how to say things to get the most for God's purposes. He gave a gentle answer rather than one that would bring resentment - a lesson to be learned...

With Op DD almost over, my prayers are for those who were there and are heading home. Glad to see they all had a great time. Good day at church yesterday and the weekend was relaxing as well. Saw Jack Reacher, which was entertaining and also good lunch at RR and dinner at Mr. Pi's afterwards. Got my new glasses and they still take getting use to. Prayers for Judy Ong who lost her sister last week and is now under the weather now. Awaiting the arrangements for the funeral... which may change our schedule for Friday night.

Praise for today: Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised. Psalm 113: 2-3

Friday, January 11, 2013

Judges 7: 8-22

Gideon still needed a push from God since now his "army" was 300 versus the Midianites whose numbers were like locusts wiping out a field. God told him to go with his servant to get the "buzz" around the camp and to see what the sentiments were of the people that he and his 300 were to conquer. The Midianites were scared despite their numbers and were told so by God in a dream. This encouraged Gideon enormously. God's plan was unique. With three groups of 100 men each armed with a trumpet and an empty jar with a torch inside, Gideon had confidence and the Lord on his side. The clamor that the 100 made scared the Midianites so much so that they fought each other and ultimately they ran like scalded dogs. Here was an "army" with no military skills but rather the Chief Advocate that did the fighting for them.

Decent day again at work and happy that the BP is under control. I am looking forward to going home later and for a quiet weekend. Still some last minute preparations for teaching SS that has to be done as well as my usual laundry stuff... So sorry to hear of the passing of Mary Poon and prayers for her family as they make the arrangements....

Praise for today: From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people. Psalm 3: 8

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Judges 7:1-7

God saw that if the people and Gideon were to believe and trust in Him, there must be a "miracle" even in combat. Gideon had as many as 32,000 men ready for combat but that was deemed to many. As a result, he allowed 22,000 to go home and 10,000 remained. Still the Lord was not ready to perform His "miracle". He was told to go to water with his  men and saw how they were to drink. The ones who were on the hands and knees and lapped up the water were told to go home and they numbered 9,700  which left 300 men. These were the ones that took the water and stood while drinking it with cupped hands. Now God was ready and Gideon had his army.

All in all decent day. However, started to run out of steam around 4ish. Glad I do my workout in the AM rather than later in the day. Got my new modem hooked up but still for the life of me, can't see the difference. Now I have to send the old one back on Saturday. Spoke to GG last night while he was waiting for David to land and he sounded much better and hopefully he's able to enjoy his days with the group. Praiseful that the rest of the group got down ok as well. Hate to hear that the truck needs something else done but still cheaper than buying a new one.

Praise for today: Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them. Psalm 111: 2

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Judges 6:33-40

We often wonder if we are following God's will and is God really behind us and our plans. Here is an instance where God was challenged before Gideon would proceed. The Spirit of God came over Gideon earlier in this passage in such a way that he rallied the nation around him against the common enemy - the Midianites. He called upon 4 tribes but left out the strongest ( Ephraim’s) since he was afraid that he couldn't control them. This would come back again to haunt him but for now, he had his army.The test Gideon would use would be for wool, water and the dry earth (rock). The first test would be for the wool to have dew and the ground would not. The second test would be for the rock to have dew and the wool to be dry. The second test would be more difficult than the first.

Clearly God is God and He passed the test easily. Nothing is impossible with God and that was the signs that Gideon needed to proceed. God in the past was tested, particularly in the wilderness, and he always provided. According to the commentary: We follow God by trust. We do not follow him by what we can see. The important thing about God’s advice is not how God gives it to us. The important thing is the fact that he does give it. Gideon here was different. He was humble, unwilling and shy. He was slow to act. But this does not mean that he did not trust God. He had faith, but he was careful. He knew that the second sign was the greater miracle. In the first sign, the wool would easily hold water. But in the second sign, the floor was rock. This would not hold water easily.

Not a bad day at work. Had my review and was able to work out of Princeton on a more regular basis. This will help relieve some stress and also prolong my work life hopefully. The BP seems much better and that is a good thing. Prayers again for the Op DD group and also that they are good about the water situation in Celebration.

Praise for today: I will perpetuate your memory through all generations therefore the nations will praise you forever and ever. Psalms 45:17

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Judges 6: 25- 32

The time had come for Gideon to lead his people. This had to start at home in order to have credence and effectiveness. The Lord commanded him to destroy the local temples and cut down the Asherah poles that were erected to the idols and to use his father's male cow as a sacrifice. The male cow was special since it was a breeder and therefore would allow the herd to continue. There was a hesitancy on Gideon's part since he performed his actions at night and was brought to pass by others who gave him and his family up to an irate crowd. Joash, defended his son against the crowd and was also a God-fearing man. Not only did he defend his son's actions but showed amazing support for him and the Lord. Joash's contention was that if the false gods had any power, they would have defended themselves against the attack by Gideon. Joash was willing to use force to defend his son and his God.

Good day yesterday as far as Monday's go. Still on the road to bring my BP and weight under control - easier said than done. I so enjoy coming back and reading a chapter of Proverbs a day and praying to God for his strength and providence for my friends and family. Suprised to see a water alert in Celebration and during the timeframe that David and Daniel are heading down there with the group. Minor inconvenience but they will cope.

Praise for today: But I pray to you, O Lord, in the time of your favor; in your great love, O God, answer me with your sure salvation.  Psalm 69: 13

Monday, January 7, 2013

Judges 6: 11-24

Two new people are introduced to us and they are from the tribe of Manasseh. Joash and his son, Gideon (the focus of the passage). Gideon was separating the wheat from the stalks in a pit that was primarily used for turning grapes into wine so that the Midianites would not see him and thus plunder his work. The angel of the Lord was prophetic towards him with his address as "brave soldier". We don't know if he was or that God was pruning him towards that goal but still he didn't object to it either. He was a humble man who knew and followed the Lord. The area known as the winepress was relatively small and was indicative of the prosperity (or lack thereof) that Gideon and the nation were experiencing. Yet still, Gideon knew his limitations and yet he still wanted to give a gift to God and thus made the angel a goat, soup and bread without yeast as a form of worship. The angel in turn proved to Gideon that He was truly a messenger of God and thus touch the food with his staff and consumed it via fire. Gideon knew that he was truly visited by the Lord and was fearful but was assured by God that He was pleased with Gideon and would bless him. Gideon then built an altar to God to mark that spot and the day.

What was truly remarkable was how generous Gideon was with his limited resources and food. The meal was a fortune in today's terms and with his lack of wealth showed true love and reverence for the Lord. Clearly great things would go through Gideon and his life.

Great weekend as we "de-Christmastized" the house and I made a roast on Saturday. Never used this particular cut of meat before but since it was very expensive and sat in my freezer for a while, I decided to make it. Came out pretty well and was enjoyed by all. Church was decent as well and I got down here with no incidents. Only regret was forgetting my gym bag so I had to improvise with another and no tunes... :(.

Prayers this week for the folks heading down to condo for Operation Donald Duck as well as helping GG through his bout with a cold. Also prayers for the Moy family as they deal with a loss of income as well, these are tough times and they are tough people.

Praise for today: For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor, no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.  Psalm 84:11

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Judges 6: 1-10

Still after all that the Lord had done and was recorded for them through Deborah and Barak, the people were still back to their wicked ways. The new oppressors are the Midianites and the Amalekites. The rule went on for 7 years before the narrative picks up and they were basically being drained of their resources and identity as a nation. Through a prophet, God did tell them what they did wrong and that He saw their disobediance and allowed this to happen.

Back to the grind for a day down here. Heading home for a specialist appointment tomorrow and working out of P-ton on Friday. Glad that I will see Irene later when I get back and interested to hear what she had to say about the whole trip. Also happy to see GG even if it is for one night and briefly.

Praise for today: The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. Psalm 145:14

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Judges 5:12-31

The balance of the song that was written probably by Deborah and Barak was recounting the events that were told in 4. What was important to note was that the 12 tribes were not united against the common enemy and did not participate in the battle. It was nature's forces (God) and not the 10,000 people army that won the battle. It also emphasized Canaan's inability to score the victory and the spoils of the victory. Jael is the next person mentioned that deserves credit. While she did kill and violated God's commandment she was more commended for her courage in this instance. The spike she used was probably metal since the Kenanites were metal forgers. The last section deals with the imaginary thoughts of Sisera's mother and her thoughts as to why her son has not come home with the spoils from their "apparent" victory. The Lord ultimately is praised in v. 31.

Very quiet days after Christmas and leading up to NYE. With Irene gone, very little in the way of activity but still went to church to usher for David (who went to Gateway/NYG game) and then dinner with the Quans and m-i-l. Monday was quiet - brunch and light shopping with David, watching a DVD and then dinner and late night church service which was very, very appreciated and needed. Nothing like ushering in the new year with God and prayer.  Today will be equally quiet since the boys will be out and I will head down to Delly in the early afternoon.  Work tomorrow and then heading home to NJ for the balance of the week.

Praise for today: So may all of your enemies perish, O Lord! But may they who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength. Judges 5:31a